The County Council comprises of all 53 councillors and meets six times a year. Certain kinds of decisions, for example, changing the council’s constitution or setting the rate of council tax can only be taken at meetings of the full Council.
The full Council has such wide powers it would be impractical for it to make every decision itself. It therefore concerns itself with setting the broad policy and budgetary framework of the authority. More detailed decisions are made by what are known as “council bodies”, for example, the Planning Committee and by the Council’s Cabinet.
The Council’s Cabinet (which is sometimes known as the “executive”) is made up of the Leader of the Council and 9 other county councillors and has particularly wide-ranging responsibilities. Unlike other council bodies most of the Cabinet’s duties and powers are derived from Acts of Parliament and subordinate legislation (that is, orders and regulations laid before Parliament) rather than powers that have been delegated to it by full Council.
A Cabinet’s role is principally to formulate detailed policies and proposals for delivery of services within the policy and budgetary framework that is set by full Council.
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Scrutiny committees provide an opportunity for councillors to hold decision makers to account for their actions, review under-performance and help in developing policies. The committees do not just look at services provided by the council but also those provided by partner organisations such as the NHS. They are well placed to address issues of local concern and provide opportunities for public involvement.
Those members of the council who do not serve on the cabinet have the opportunity to sit on scrutiny committees.
A Scrutiny Annual Report is published each year:
Scrutiny Annual Report 2020-2022
Scrutiny Annual Report 2019/20
Scrutiny Annual Report 2017/18
Scrutiny Annual Report 2013/14
Scrutiny Annual Report 2011-12
Scrutiny Annual Report 2010-11
Scrutiny Annual Report 2009-10
Scrutiny Annual Report 2008-09
For further details see: The Centre for Public Scrutiny
The Audit and Governance Committee advises on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s corporate governance arrangements and internal control environment.
The Appeals Committee acts as an umbrella committee for Appeals Panels that hear and determine appeals in respect of refusal to supply home to school transport, together with other areas where the right to appeal exists.
The purpose of the Appointments Committee is to enable members to play a full role in deciding which persons should be employed as the Council’s most senior officers and to determine terms of employment.
To consider and decide on applications for the registration of land as a Town or Village Green, and applications made to amend the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way. To be responsible for the production and review of the Definitive Map and Statement.
The role of the Constitution Committee is primarily to keep the Constitution under review to ensure the structures and procedures that it contains continue to promote the effective and efficient administration of the authority and open, accountable decision-making,
The purpose of the Pension Committee is to give advice on the proper management of the Gloucestershire Pension Fund and carry out the function of the Council as the Administering Authority.
The Planning Committee is responsible for determining applications for permissions, approvals, licenses, consents and certificates under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other related statues.
Responsible for decisions made pursuant to a wide range of powers connected with the granting, revocation and variation of permissions, licenses, consents and certificates.
To respond to consultation upon executive proposals for traffic regulation orders to which valid objections have been received and not been resolved or withdrawn.