Pursuant to an Authorisation from: Cabinet
decision (Implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS)
for Professional Services in Children’s Social Care on 10th
November 2021).
Following the conclusion of a competitive procurement process for
the Access to Resources Framework, this paper sets out the 2024-25
Round 3 of applications. Having consulted with the Cabinet Member
Cllr Stephen Davies (Cabinet Member for Children’s
Safeguarding and Early Years) in accordance with the Cabinet
decision 10th November 2021:
To award a Framework Agreement to the following 2024-25 Round 3
preferred suppliers in the following lots:
Lot 1: Independent Specialist Assessments & Testing
Lot 2: Therapeutic Services
Lot 3: Support to Families
2. To procure and award Call-Off contracts to those successful
Round 3 Framework Suppliers who are selected to provide the
professional services under the framework during the mini
competitive processes.
(A total of 15 providers have been added to the framework, please
see appendix 3 for list of providers, services and lots. The total
number of providers now stands at 51).
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/09/2024
Decision due: 29 Aug 2024 by Executive Director of Children's Services
Lead director: Ann James