To seek Cabinet’s approval for the Executive Director of Economy, Environment and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning to procure the continuation of development work (Strategic Outline Business Case (SOC) and Outline Business Case (OBC)) on the M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme under our Professional Services contract, or other approved procurement route.
To seek approval to undertake a non-statutory public consultation, when appropriate, concerning options for transport scheme development, and to submit the SOC and OBC to the Department for Transport once complete.
To obtain approval for the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure to continue work towards delivering the Mass Rapid Transit SOC and OBC.
To obtain approval for the Executive Director for Economy,
Environment and Infrastructure to continue work towards delivering
the Mass Rapid Transit SOC and OBC.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000 and 2 Divisions affected;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/04/2024
Decision due: 15 May 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cllr David Gray, Cabinet Member for Environment, Economy and Planning
Contact: Colin Chick, Executive Director of Economy, Economy and Infrastructure Email: