Issue details

Concessionary bus passes and School bus passes; production, management and analytics, and Concessionary re-imbursement

To seek Cabinet approval to procure and award a contract for the supply of:


a)         bus pass production, management, and statistical analysis services;

b)         a back-office client management system for use by Council staff to manage card production, activity, and auditing;

c)         a customer portal for use by Gloucestershire residents to process orders for concessionary bus passes (applications and/or replacements); and

d)         concessionary fare reimbursement services.


Concessionary fare reimbursements are provided by the council to bus operators, as per the Council’s statutory requirement where government pay for concessionary travel. Such reimbursements are funded by central government, via local transport authorities (with/without external supplier assistance), where reimbursements are calculated via national transport regulations.


The proposed procurement would enable the Council to continue to fulfil its statutory obligations as a Local Transport Authority in respect of the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS)  ; free school transport ; and concessionary fare reimbursement .

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000 and 2 Divisions affected;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/02/2022

Decision due: 30 Mar 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr Philip Robinson, Cabinet Member for Education and Bus Transport


Agenda items

Background papers

  • Cabinet (28/09/2016): Tender and Award of Concessionary Travel and Smart Card Production and Management Contract  
  • Proposed Concessionary Travel Scheme Reimbursement Contract (14 December 2016)  
  • Department for Transport: Concessionary travel statistics: quality report 2021  
  • Department for Transport: Evaluation of Concessionary Bus Travel - The impacts of the free bus pass