In March 2023, in response to a question to County Council
submitted by Cllr Dr David Willingham (Liberal Democrat, St Mark's
and St Peter's), about resurfacing the B4633 Gloucester Road in
Cheltenham, the Cabinet Member stated: "The section of the B4633
highlighted does not currently feature in next financial years
programme. It currently has a score of 160 which means it’s
too low to have a current indicative delivery year. The typical
threshold for schemes in our programmes up to 2027 is around twice
that. We will of course carry out an additional assessment to
ensure this is the current position."
This section of a busy B-road is now in an awful state of
disrepair, and neither residents nor businesses can wait until the
2027 timescales set by the current administration. It is highly
unlikely the road can be included in the current 2024/2025
resurfacing programme, therefore this petition requests it be
included in the 2025/2026 programme.
This ePetition runs from 02/09/2024 to 31/12/2024.
11 people have signed this ePetition.