ePetition details

Paving, cycle lane and traffic calming measures urgently needed Toadsmoor Road, nr. Millbrook

We the undersigned petition the council to Install paving and a cycle lane between the Millbrook houses and the interiors shop. Create a single lane and use the rest of the road space for footpath and cycle lane. Introduce traffic calming measures, such as priority / right of way signage. Install speed awareness signage to discourage people from exceeding the 30mph speed limit.

In the past year there have been three accidents involving motorists immediately outside Millbrook. Traffic passes by at speeds that appear to be in excess of the 30mph speed limit *speed data collection is currently underway in conjunction with PCSO.

Myself and other residents often need to use the stretch of unpaved road between here and the interiors shop to walk dogs, take the children in pushchairs, slings or on bikes to access the canal and local community shops and cafes.

Residents also have young children and teenagers who use this road to access school bus stops.

Not only does the lack of safe paving discourage other methods of transport such as cycling and walking to access the local community it is also extremely dangerous and makes for a frightening and intimidating experience.

This ePetition runs from 20/08/2024 to 01/10/2024.

40 people have signed this ePetition.