Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 15/03/2023 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 15/03/2023
Effective from: 15/03/2023
Senior Officer Group members acknowledged the changing national policy and economic landscape that we are working in, and the uncertainties and potential implications this brings at a local level. greater understanding of their position and help with the justification of the additional funding request.
SOG are also acutely aware of the delays with central Government funding announcements such as the UKSPF and core funding for LEPs, and relieved that clarity has finally been given to the LEP on its core funding allocation for 23/24, which will now provide assurance for GFirst LEP with their future budget and operational planning.
SOG are fully supportive of this request to allocate a further £125,000 of SEDF funds to support the LEP with operational costs, to enable them to draw down the allocated Government funding of £250,000.
Agreement on the detailed delivery programme and finalisation of the MOU will be discussed at the next scheduled 6 month review meeting with the LEP.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 15/03/2023 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 15/03/2023
Effective from: 15/03/2023
4.1 Paul James explained that following a meeting of the Senior Officer Group, the Farming bid had been deferred to a future GEGJC meeting.
Request for match funding for National Government’s core funding April 2023 to March 2024 – second tranche
Recommendation –
Approve funding of £125,000
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 15/03/2023
Lead officer: Dev Chakraborty
Notice of decision: 14/02/2023
To consider funding the Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI), supported by the Gloucestershire Food and Farming Partnership, to research and map farming and food-related policies in the County, leading to an action plan to create a more coherent and systemic approach to increasing farming and food’s contributions to the local economy, environment, health and nutrition, food security, education etc.
Recommendation -
That funding of £20,000 from the Strategic Economic Development Fund (SEDF) is agreed.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 15/03/2023
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Paul James
Notice of decision: 14/02/2023
(request for match funding for National
Government’s core funding April 2023 to March 2024)
To approve SEDF core match funding for GFirst LEP
a) To approve SEDF core match funding request for Gfirst LEP, subject to confirmation on the National Government core funding for 2023/24.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 16/11/2022
Effective from: 16/11/2022
Approve the SEDF core match funding request for GFirst LEP of £125k for the first 6 months of the financial year 2023/24, subject to confirmation of the National Government core funding for 2023/24.
Lead officer: Dev Chakraborty
To note the request from the GEGJC Senior Officer Group (SOG) to allocate funds from the ringfenced SEDF to the City Region Board for preparation of a Gloucestershire Statement of Common Ground Action Plan
a) To approve the recommendation of the GEGJC Senior Officer Group to ear mark £50,000 funding from the ringfenced SEDF allocation (previously approved 3 June 2020) for the City Region Board.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 16/11/2022
Effective from: 16/11/2022
Allocate £50k from the ringfenced SEDF allocation for the City Region Board (previously approved 3 June 2020) for the preparation of a Gloucestershire Statement of Common Ground Action Plan.
Lead officer: Tracey Birkinshaw
To approve the request of £850,000 of
funding to support the development of an Options Appraisal Report
(OAR) and Appraisal Specification Report (2022-23) and a Strategic
Outline Case (SOC) (2023-5).
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 19/05/2022
Effective from: 19/05/2022
Approve the request for £850k of funding from the City Region Board to support the development of an Options Appraisal Report (OAR) and Appraisal Specification Report (2022-23) and a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) (2023-25); and for regular updates on progress to be provided to the GEGJC or its successor.
Lead officer: Simon Excell
To approve the allocation of £450k SEDF funding to the Low Carbon Skills and Training Centre Project, as outlined in the detailed bid to the Joint Committee.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 19/05/2022
Effective from: 19/05/2022
Approve the allocation of £450k SEDF funding to the Low Carbon and Skills Training Centre Project, as outlined in the detailed bid to the GEGJC, subject to confirmation of the 2021/22 SEDF allocation from the Gloucestershire Business Rates Pool.
Lead officer: Brendan Cleere
To approve a bid for £100,000 from the
Strategic Economic Development Fund for the current financial year
for project management support for the Royal Agricultural
University's 'Innovation Village' project.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 19/05/2022
Effective from: 19/05/2022
Approve the bid for £100k from the SEDF for the current financial year for project management support for the Royal Agricultural University’s ‘Innovation Village Project, subject to confirmation of the 2021/22 SEDF allocation from the Gloucestershire Business Rates Pool; and for regular progress updates, including how the project will benefit Gloucestershire as a whole, to be provided to the GEGJC or its successor.
Lead officer: Rob Weaver
To approve the request of £850,000 of
funding from the SEDF to support the development of an Options
Appraisal Report (OAR) and Appraisal Specification Report (2022-3)
and a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) (2023-5).
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 16/03/2022
Effective from: 16/03/2022
Lead officer: Simon Excell
GFirst LEP, working in partnership with
Gloucestershire County Council, plan to launch a ‘Made in
Gloucestershire’ initiative – flying the flag for the
county, the scheme would enable local businesses, initially in the
food and drink sector, to advertise to consumers that they supply
products that are made within the county.
GEGJC to approve funding of £150,000 to launch, promote and
project manage the initiative for 2 years.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 16/03/2022
Effective from: 16/03/2022
Approve funding of £150,000 to launch, promote and project manage the ‘Made in Gloucestershire’ Initiative for 2 years.
Lead officer: Dev Chakraborty
To consider Expression of Interest report and
its request for £65,000 to aid the delivery of a Feasibility
Study investigating options to link Cirencester to Kemble Station
by public transport.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 17/11/2021
Effective from: 17/11/2021
Approve a £65,000 one-off revenue investment to deliver a feasibility study of transport options between Cirencester and Kemble which will improve links between the main railway line and town and area of Cirencester.
Lead officer: James Brain
To seek SEDF funding to support transport modelling costs associated with local plan development and provide additional strategic planning resource at Gloucestershire County Council to support the development of all local plans and the delivery of major county growth projects.
The Committee is recommended to approve the proposals set out in the report in respect of funding to support transport modelling and strategic planning for growth and that the associated costs (£1.8million) are met from the Strategic Economic Development Fund.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 09/06/2021
Effective from: 09/06/2021
Approve the proposals as set out in section four of the report, and that the associated costs are met from the Strategic Economic Development Fund.
Lead officer: Mike Dawson
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 20/01/2021 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 03/02/2021
Effective from: 20/01/2021
Andrew Cummings, Strategic Director of Resources, Stroud District Council, provided the Committee with a verbal update on the Gloucestershire Business Rate Pool.
The Committee was informed that the forecasted position for the pool for this financial year was still broadly in line with the forecast provided at the last meeting of £3.8million. Additionally, there would be no business rates reset this year, and that £2.3million remained unallocated in the Strategic Economic Development Fund (SEDF).
One member queried the impact of the pandemic and business rates holiday on the Business Rate Pool. In response it was explained that the impact would start to become clear over the next few months and that this would be carefully monitored. There was also a comment regarding the unsustainability of business rates in the longer term.
Mike Dawson presented the request for SEDF funding from the City Region Board for £50k to produce a City Region Prospectus for Gloucestershire. It was understood that the funding request was to be drawn down from the City Region Board funding allocation within the SEDF. The prospectus would be developed to promote Gloucestershire, and to set out the offer Gloucestershire had.
Tim Atkins presented the request for £200k of funding from the SEDF to progress a range of work streams to drive forward cyber and digital growth in Gloucestershire.
There was a discussion as to how the funding for cyber and digital growth would be monitored, and on the development of a digital strategy for Gloucestershire.
Following the discussion, it was agreed that any approval of funding was subject to the development of governance arrangements and detailed scoping of the County digital strategy, which would be overseen by the SOG.
On being put to a vote, it was
1. Agree the funding request for £50k to be drawn from the City Region Board funding allocation within the Strategic Economic Development Fund; and
2. Agree an allocation of £200k of funding from the Strategic Economic Development Fund to progress a range of work streams to drive forward cyber and digital employment growth across the County and maximise the wider benefits of the Golden Valley Development.
This report will provide an update to the
GEGJC on the successful progress of the use of the funds allocated
in December 2019 to promote the growth of cyber in Gloucestershire
and help promote the delivery of the Golden Valley
Based on that success this report now seeks further funding to
progress that growth potential, and promote Gloucestershire as one
of the UK’s leading locations for cyber and digital
The report seeks £200K of funding from the Strategic Economic
Development Fund to progress a range of workstreams to drive
forward employment growth across the county and maximise the wider
benefits of the Golden Valley Development
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 20/01/2021
Effective from: 20/01/2021
Agree an allocation of £200k of funding from the Strategic Economic Development Fund to progress a range of work streams to drive forward employment growth across the County and maximise the wider benefits of the Golden Valley Development.
Lead officer: Tim Atkins
To secure £50k funding support to
produce a city region prospectus for Gloucestershire. The funding
request is for £50k to be drawn down from the City Region
Board funding allocation within the Strategic Economic Development
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 20/01/2021
Effective from: 20/01/2021
Resolved to
Agree the funding request for £50k to be drawn from the City Region Board funding allocation within the Strategic Economic Development Fund.
Lead officer: Mike Dawson
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 18/11/2020 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 03/12/2020
Effective from: 18/11/2020
Andrew Cummings, Strategic Director of Resources, Stroud District Council, provided the Committee with an update on the Gloucestershire Business Rates Pool.
It was noted that the forecasted position for the pool for this year was a gain of £3.8 million. Additionally, S151 Officers had been considering the pool options for next year to see whether it would be viable. The group would take another look at the options in mid December when the settlement for the County comes in to see if the pool was worth continuing.
The Committee was asked to agree an allocation of £500k from the Strategic Economic Development Fund for Core Match Funding for GFirst LEP.
On being put to a vote, it was
Agree an allocation of £500k from the SEDF for core funding for the LEP for the period April 2021 to March 2023.
This request from SEDF is for LEP core match
funding of £250,000 per year for 2 years –
Central Government provides core funding to all Local Enterprise
Partnerships to the value of £250,000, which requires matched
locality funding.
This £250,000 match funding has been provided since 2013/14
either via Gloucestershire County Council directly or more recently
through the GEGJC SEDF.
The GEGJC are being asked to approve this funding request, to
enable the LEP to draw down the core operational funding from the
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 18/11/2020
Effective from: 18/11/2020
Agree an allocation of £500k from the SEDF for core funding for the LEP for the period April 2021 to March 2023.
Lead officer: Dev Chakraborty
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Notice of decision: 21/08/2020
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 16/09/2020
Notice of decision: 21/08/2020
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 16/09/2020
Notice of decision: 21/08/2020
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Notice of decision: 21/08/2020
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Notice of decision: 21/08/2020
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 16/09/2020
Notice of decision: 21/08/2020
To consider the impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Gloucestershire Economy, including Business and Development Sector and proposals for recovery.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 28/07/2020
Lead officer: Steve Mawson
Notice of decision: 19/06/2020
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 03/06/2020 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 18/06/2020
Effective from: 12/06/2020
The committee considered proposals for the continuation of the Gloucestershire Strategic Planning Coordination Project and:
1) Note the current position of the strategic spatial planning coordination project;
2) Approve the proposals set out in section 3 of the decision report to:
a) Agree that the project lead provided by the Cheltenham BC Strategic Planning Manager continue until the end of the project. (Under this arrangement, from 1 June 2020 Cheltenham BC to be reimbursed with the salary costs for the officer time committed to the project in order that the Cheltenham Strategic Planning Manager post be backfilled as required).
b) Agree that the costs reimbursed to Cheltenham BC be shared using the same arrangements agreed by the committee on 29 November 2017 and as set out in the decision report for this item. The cost will be less than the arrangement with Point Consultancy Ltd and anticipated not to exceed £15,000.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 03/06/2020 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 18/06/2020
Effective from: 03/06/2020
The committee noted information on the proposed development of an Economic Recovery Strategy for Gloucestershire, including a verbal update from the GFirst LEP on current (and future) activities in response to the Covid-19 Emergency.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 03/06/2020 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 18/06/2020
Effective from: 12/06/2020
The committee received an update on the Committee’s governance a arrangements and proposals relating to the continuation of the Joint Committee from September 2020 and
1) Note the overall governance arrangements for the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee, as set out in the published decision report presented at the meeting;
2) Waive and remove the twelve month notice period set out in the Inter-Authority Agreement dated 4 September 2014, including removal of the need for future notice periods, and agree that the GEGJC continue to operate from September 2020 for a period of eighteen months.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 03/06/2020 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 18/06/2020
Effective from: 03/06/2020
The committee noted an update from the GFirst LEP on the status of Growth Deal Projects for Gloucestershire and the EU Inward Investment Programme.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 03/06/2020 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 18/06/2020
Effective from: 12/06/2020
The committee: -
1) Received an update on the forecast outturn of the 2019/20 Business Rates Pool and the estimated balance of the SEDF.
2) Considered funding proposals from the GEGJC Officer Group for the allocation of funding from the Strategic Economic Development Fund, (SEDF) and
a) SEDF Funding Proposal: Central Gloucestershire City Region Board
Allocated £2 million, (to be set aside within the SEDF), to support the work of the proposed Gloucestershire City Region Board, as requested by Leadership Gloucestershire.
b) SEDF Funding Proposal: Multi-Modal Transport Brief
Allocated £410,000, (from the approved SEDF ring-fenced allocation allocated to the Central Gloucestershire City Regional Board at 6 a above), to support the commissioning of a Multi-Modal Transport Brief.
a) To receive information on the proposed development and implementation of an Economic Recovery Strategy for Gloucestershire.
b) To receive a verbal update from GFirst LEP on current and future activities in response to the Covid-19 Emergency.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 03/06/2020
Notice of decision: 05/05/2020
To consider a recommendation to provide financial support to Cheltenham Borough Council for the continuation of strategic planning work.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 03/06/2020
Lead officer: Mike Dawson
Notice of decision: 05/05/2020
To consider a recommendation from the GEGJC Senior Officer Group for the allocation of £410,000 from the approved SEDF ring fenced funding allocated to the Central Gloucestershire City Regional Board to support the commissioning of a Multi-Modal Brief and Terms of Reference.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 03/06/2020
Lead officer: Colin Chick
Notice of decision: 05/05/2020
To consider a recommendation from the GEGJC Senior Officer Group for the allocation of £2 million, (to be set aside within the SEDF), to fund the work of the proposed Gloucestershire City Region Board, as requested by Leadership Gloucestershire.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 03/06/2020
Lead officer: Mike Dawson
Notice of decision: 05/05/2020
To receive an update on the Business Rates Pool, including Strategic Economic Development Fund funded projects for Gloucestershire.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 03/06/2020
Lead officer: Andrew Cummings
Notice of decision: 18/02/2020
To note items for consideration at future meetings and future funding proposals.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 03/06/2020
Lead officer: Steve Mawson
Notice of decision: 18/02/2020
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 03/06/2020
Lead officer: Dev Chakraborty
Notice of decision: 18/02/2020
The committee received an update on the Committee’s governance a arrangements and proposals relating to the continuation of the Joint Committee from September 2020 and
1) Note the overall governance arrangements for the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee, as set out in the published decision report presented at the meeting;
2) Waive and remove the twelve month notice period set out in the Inter-Authority Agreement dated 4 September 2014, including removal of the need for future notice periods, and agree that the GEGJC continue to operate from September 2020 for a period of eighteen months.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision due date: 03/06/2020
Lead officer: Gillian Parkinson
Notice of decision: 18/02/2020
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 20/11/2019 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 27/01/2020
Effective from: 20/11/2019
Andrew Cummings, Section 151 Officer at Stroud District Council, gave an update on the Gloucestershire Business Rate Pilot Pool and the Strategic Economic Development Fund.
The following requests for funding were made at the meeting: -
1) Rail Investment Strategy, (ratification of an in-principle decision made on 4 September 2019) (Appendix 1);
The committee considered the request for funding made at the Economic Growth Joint Committee meeting held on 4 September 2019 for the commissioning of a Rail Investment Strategy (RIS) for Gloucestershire. The study will underpin GCC’s priorities for rail investment in the County and inform the ongoing review of the Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan (LTP). It will also form a key part of the emerging Local Industrial Strategy (LIS).
Subject to agreement from a meeting of the Gloucestershire Chief Executives Group on 10 June 2019, and the in principle agreement of this committee on 4 September 2019, the committee: -
RESOLVED to provide the additional £70,000 required in order to complete the proposed two phased approach for the Rail Study Commission.
2) Request for funding from the Local Nature Partnership (LNP) in respect of Natural Recovery Mapping (Appendix 2);
Seeking clarification on the statutory obligations of government legislation, (25 Year Environment Plan, Industrial Strategy and National Planning Policy Framework), and the amount of government funding anticipated for the proposals, (including anticipated maintenance costs), the committee deferred this item for further consideration. The decision to be considered at a reconvened meeting to be arranged in February 2020.
3) Request for funding from the Central Gloucestershire City Region Board (Appendix 3)
The committee noted an expression of interest for funding from the Strategic Economic Development Fund (SEDF) to fund the commissioning of work proposed by the newly established Central Gloucestershire City Region Board.
If successful, the request for funding to be used to assist in providing additional capacity and resources from which to support the strategic aims of the Board and the ambitions of Vision 2050. A key function of the Board would be to develop a vision for the future of Gloucestershire to 2050 and beyond. The vision to be incorporated into a high level masterplan, (a key document setting out the growth aims and priorities of the county), and to provide guidance on the development of future spatial and strategic plans.
An expression of interest was made in respect of £500,000 funding. Governance arrangements from which to manage the funds would be developed, including the ability to recruit the necessary staff support that might be required. Administration costs, fund holding and staff provision to be allocated to one or more partner bodies and funded jointly.
The outcomes of the investment, including key milestones of delivery, to be reported to the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee and to Leadership Gloucestershire, (as the sponsoring and advisory body for the Programme Boards). To date, no new funding for this work had been received. Emphasis was placed on the understanding that the investment was not only to benefit the Cheltenham area, but the whole of Gloucestershire.
If the request for funding was unsuccessful, the newly established Board would not be in a position to commence work on the development of the annual work programme, nor focus resources on producing a masterplan for the setting out of ambitions for the future. Concerns were raised about not being able to realise the growth aims of the county, including making the necessary investment in the infrastructure and long term aspirations of Gloucestershire.
The request for funding was deferred pending further consideration and will be considered at a reconvened committee meeting to be arranged in February 2020.
4) Request for funding from Cheltenham Borough Council in respect of the Cyber Central Project (Appendix 4)
The request for funding to support the development and promotion of Gloucestershire as the UK home of cyber tech industry and delivery of significant numbers of high value jobs, increasing productivity and driving business rates growth was agreed.
Having considered the request at the meeting, the committee: -
RESOLVED (subject to agreement by the Senior Officer Group) to award £200k funding, based on the following allocations;
Cost of project: £280K
Secondment of Senior Cyber Innovation manager from GCHQ to CBC for 1 year £90K
Commercial advisor / Industry specialist (Bristol Engine Shed MD) £30K
Consultancy / Economic case / prospectus £100K
Project & on costs £20K
Promotion & marketing £30K
Contingency £10K
Direct admin / project & management support costs not included – provided in-kind by CBC
Other contributions £80K
CBC / TBC contribution for market / investment development for Cyber Central Garden Community £50K
GCHQ contribution of 1/3 of value of post £30K
In kind contributions (estimated value ) £95K
GCHQ in-kind contribution of specialist consultancy support around cyber innovation programme £50K
CBC in-kind contribution - Project support officer – (2 day per week estimated value week £15K)
CBC & LEP in-kind contribution - Management support – (2 days per week (mix of Cyber Central SRO, Programme Manager and other team members)) estimated value £30K
Overall bid: £200K
5) LEP Core Funding
The committee to note: Information relating to a decision made at the Joint Committee meeting on 27 November 2017 in relation to LEP Core Funding.
In November 2017, the Joint Committee resolved that: -
i. £250k of reserves held in the Strategic Economic Fund would be used for the purposes of match funding the Government’s core funding contribution to the GFirst LEP in 2018/19
ii. The first £250k of SEDF revenues arising during 2017/18 would be used to match fund the Government’s core funding in 2019/20;
iii. The 7 District Councils would enter into a simple ‘memorandum of understanding’ with GFirst LEP for the period 2018-2020;
iv. A review of the on-going need for Core Funding and the correct mechanism for achieving this would be completed by December 2019; and,
Historically, the Government has provided LEP’s with an element of core funding, match funded by the localities. The maximum amount of funding granted by the Government is £250k.
Over the 4 year period to 2017, the localities contributed the full £250k contribution match funding, allowing GFirst LEP to benefit from the full £500k allocation per annum. Funding is confirmed on an annual basis by the Government.
Discussions with the LEP at that time (2017) had resulted in a consensus by senior officers representing the 7 local authorities and GFirst LEP on how locality match funding would be processed in the future.
From these discussions, the following issues were raised:
i. There was a need for the locality to continue to match the Government core funding and for the funding partners to be diversified;
ii. The Strategic Economic Development Fund (SEDF) of the Business Rate Pool provided an effective route for achieving this;
iii. SEDF reserves to be released to the Accountable Body by GCC, subject to a positive resolution by the Joint Committee.
iv. The Accountable Body to enter into a contract with the LEP for the release of funds;
v. To mirror Government processes, locality funding to be agreed by the Joint Committee on annual basis;
vi. The exact business rate mechanism for match funding from April 2019 may change as work developed around the Business Rate retention pilot;
vii. It was suggested that there should be a review of the need for on-going Core Funding during 2019 to coincide with the end of the Growth Deal period in 2021 and to identify the best financial mechanism for enabling the Councils to provide a financial contribution;
viii.Should the Strategic Economic Fund not have sufficient reserves to fund the 2019/20 (Year 2) commitment, (unlikely based on the financial monitoring calculations at that time), the 7 Councils would need to underwrite any shortfall;
At the committee meeting on 20 November 2019, the committee acknowledged an omission to consider the award of reserves held in the Strategic Economic Development Fund (SEDF) for the purposes of match funding the Government’s core funding contribution to the GFirst LEP for 2021/22.
To avoid the detrimental financial impact of not making the decision, including the implications of not awarding match funding to the LEP, the Committee agreed an ‘in principle’ decision to award £250,000 core (match) funding to the LEP for the period 2020/21. The decision to be ratified at the reconvened meeting to be arranged in February 2020.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 20/11/2019 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 27/01/2020
Effective from: 20/11/2019
The committee received a presentation of a report, (Healthonomics - Tackling Health Inequalities through Inclusive Growth), from Sarah Scott, Director of Public Health at Gloucestershire County Council.
Key actions from the report included:
a) The Joint Committee were asked to endorse the recommendations included in the report to ‘address the challenges and opportunities of driving inclusive growth in order to tackle health inequalities and increase productivity’. Feedback was requested on the following ambitions, (made to partners across the system to deliver as a joint venture). Action by – Committee Members
1) The Health and Wellbeing Board to set out its position on inclusive economic growth and its benefits to health (and vice versa) and seek to influence and align its strategy and actions wherever possible with those of economic development partners, particularly GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
2) GFirst LEP, in the development of the Local Industrial Strategy and other key strategies and plans, consider the recommendations of this report and set out its plans to ensure that everyone in Gloucestershire can contribute to and benefit from local growth. Representation by GFirst LEP on the Health and Wellbeing Board would support this.
3) GFirst LEP and the Employment and Skills Board should consider their role in tackling social mobility and promoting inclusive growth. Key partner organisations should cooperate to undertake a ‘deep dive’ of Gloucestershire’s social mobility indicators, to better understand areas for focus and trends of concern and agree a joint approach to increasing social mobility. In the meantime, partners should continue to focus efforts around school readiness to maintain the early improvements being seen.
4) Public Health and Local Planning Authorities should continue to work together with other partners in housing, transport and other infrastructure specialists to maximise opportunities to build
healthy communities with a thriving and inclusive economy.
This should make sure that there is a strong understanding of inequalities amongst planners and other partners, and that actions taken to create healthy places benefit people from all socio-economic backgrounds.
5) Businesses and public sector partners should consider how ‘good work’ in Gloucestershire could be measured and encouraged amongst local employers. Plans to improve the flexibility of the workplace should seek to make sure that this is available to all, wherever possible.
6) Local anchor institutions should consider how they can lead by example in delivering inclusive growth through their employment and spending power. There may be an opportunity for the One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) to play a key role in this at a local level.
b) The Joint Committee noted the progress of the Cheltenham Borough Council’s ‘no child left behind’ piece of work and agreed to make reference to the work as a measurement of how the county, (as a joint exercise), ensured disadvantaged children were being cared for.
c) The Director for Public Health welcomed the suggestion that the Employment and Skills Board consider how to ensure a commitment from organisations involved in major developments to provide/invest in delivering a employment and skill plan for the development. Action by - Employment and Skills Board
d) Responding to concerns about the investment needed from local authorities to address social issues within their areas, the committee reflected on the work being undertaken by the Health and Wellbeing Board in dealing with this problem. To provide a link between the Joint Committee and the Health and Wellbeing Board, it was suggested the committee invite the Director of Public Health to join the Senior Officer Group. Action by – Mike Dawson (Chair of Senior Officer Group)
a) Activities undertaken by Stroud District Council, (reflecting high ranking status in social mobility performance), to be shared with the other Districts. Action by – Sarah Scott, Director of Public Health
e) The use of Health Impact Assessments to be encouraged. Action by – All
f) The committee requested that an agenda item be added to the committee work plan to consider information on the changing role of the work place and how to support local businesses in providing pastoral care. Action by – Mike Dawson (Chair of Senior Officer Group).
The committee thanked the Director of Public Health and her colleagues for her report. Particular thanks was made for the work involved in developing the Local Strategy.
Decision Maker: Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Made at meeting: 05/06/2019 - Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee
Decision published: 27/08/2019
Effective from: 05/06/2019
The committee received a report on proposed changes to the updated Local Developer Guide.
Members were advised that the adopted Local Developer Guide, (adopted in December 2016), had become increasingly outdated. The proposed review of the document to reflect local and national policies and guidance. The updated guide to enable Gloucestershire County Council to work with local planning authorities and to comment on emerging local plans and local authority Community Infrastructure Levies.
Details of the proposed changes were noted. The committee was advised that a period of consultation on the revised draft document was about to be undertaken, with changes reported to the Gloucestershire County Council Cabinet for adoption.
Each Local Planning Authority had been involved in the early re-drafting of the Guide, and would be consulted again as part of the formal consultation process. Each authority to be issued with a copy of the revised draft document.
The report was noted.