To seek approval to undertake a mini-competition process under Lot 3 of the Crown Commercial Services Technology Products and Associated Services 2 framework agreement (RM6098) in respect of a call-off contract for the supply of Veritas Netbackup SaaS Protection; Netbackup analytics tools; backup appliances; licenses and maintenance services.
Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member - Finance and Change
Decision published: 03/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
In coming to this decision I have given due and full regard to the requirements of the public sector equality duty contained in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (“the Act”) by reference to the law itself.
Having fully considered all the available information, I have decided to reject the alternative options and take the recommended decision to:
Delegate authority to the Director of Digital and People to:
2. Award such call-off contract to the preferred tenderer
For the reasons set out in the report.
Lead officer: Mandy Quayle