
Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Proposal for the implementation of the Market Sustainability Plan and use of the Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund (2022-23) and Market Sustainability and Improvement (2023-24) Funds. ref: 205426/04/202305/05/2023Call-in expired
Addressing Health Inequalities and widening participation across the ICS – Employment and Skills ref: 205526/04/202305/05/2023Call-in expired
Contract Extension for the Provision of Actuarial Services to the Gloucestershire Pension Fund ref: 204905/04/202313/04/2023Call-in expired
Extension of the Fastershire Partnership agreement with Herefordshire Council to 31 March 2024 ref: 204827/03/202304/04/2023Call-in expired
Insurance Contracts Procurement ref: 204723/03/202331/03/2023Call-in expired
Recommendations for contract and procurement arrangements for Electronic Call Monitoring (ECM) system for Adult Social Care from April 2023 ref: 204623/03/202331/03/2023Call-in expired
Continuation of the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee until 30 September 2023 ref: 202817/03/202325/03/2023Call-in expired
Approval to permanently expand Twyning Primary school from a Published Admission Number of 15 to 20 from September 2024. ref: 202615/03/202323/03/2023Call-in expired
Gloucestershire E-Scooter Trial ref: 202715/03/202323/03/2023Call-in expired