Issue - decisions

Local Welfare Support Scheme and Emergency Welfare Support Scheme re-tender

24/07/2024 - Local Welfare Support Scheme and Emergency Welfare Support Scheme re-tender

Cllr Stephen Davies sought Cabinet approval for delegated authority to procure Local Welfare Support Services and Emergency Welfare Support Services.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and





Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years to:

1. Conduct an appropriate form of competitive procurement process (to be determined by the said Executive Director) under which Gloucestershire County Council shall procure Local Welfare Support Services and Emergency Welfare Support Services that will provide support and/or assistance to vulnerable adults and families in Gloucestershire by means of predominantly non-cash awards such as household items, clothing, recycled goods, food vouchers and fuel vouchers; The proposed contracting arrangements shall continue for a period of up to 5 years.

2. To award, subject to the financial restrictions set out in the Resourcing Implications section of this report below, as many contracts as may be required by the Council for the provision of Local Welfare Support Services and Emergency Welfare Support Services.