Issue - decisions

School Admissions Arrangements for the 2025/26 Academic Year for Community (C) and Voluntary Controlled (VC) Schools

31/01/2024 - School Admission Arrangements for 2025/26 Academic Year

Cllr Philip Robinson sought Cabinet approval to determine the School Admissions Arrangements for 2025 - 26, including:


The Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes for all schools and



The Admission Arrangements for Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools


The Protocol for pupil admittance over Published Admission Number (PAN) for Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools and Service Personnel.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and





That Cabinet approves the School Co-ordination and Admission Arrangements as set out in the documents referred to below:


Appendix 1 - The Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for 2025 for all Primary/Infant/Junior/Secondary Schools and Academies


Appendix 2 - The Admissions Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary/Infant/Junior Schools and Secondary School for 2025


Appendix 3 - Protocol for pupil admittance over published admission number for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2025


Appendix 4 - School Admissions guidance for children of UK service personnel and crown servants for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools


Appendix 5 Results of the Consultation