Cllr Carole Allaway-Martin and Cllr Stephen Davies sought Cabinet approval to conduct a competitive procurement process for the delivery of a local Healthwatch Service in Gloucestershire from 1st April 2024.
In addition to delegate authority to award the contract to the preferred tenderer to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet portfolio holder for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years and the Cabinet portfolio holder for Adult Social Care Commissioning.
Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and
Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the above-mentioned Cabinet portfolio holders to:
1. Conduct a competitive procurement process in respect of a contract for the supply of a local Healthwatch service. The proposed contract shall continue for an initial period of five years and include an option to extend its term for two years.
2. Award such contract to the preferred tenderer.
3. Determine whether to exercise the option to extend the term of such contract for two years on its fifth anniversary.