Issue - decisions

Investing in Support for People in Vulnerable Circumstances - Interim Arrangements

27/09/2017 - Investing in Support for People in Vulnerable Circumstances - Interim Arrangements

Cllr Roger Wilson, Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, sought approval to extend the existing contract for the Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme.  


Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, to:


a.    Exercise the contractual option to extend the existing Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme contract with the service provider known as ‘Auriga Services’ for a further period of 1 year, to expire on 31st March 2019; and


b.      Direct award the seven (7) interim contracts listed in Section B of Appendix A to the report, for terms ranging between 4 months and 9 months, to the 6 incumbent service providers specified therein, (one of whom is the service provider under two contracts), with the effect that they will all expire on 30th September 2018.