Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
To answer any written members’ questions.
The closing date for the receipt of questions is 10am on Wednesday, 12 March 2014. Please send questions to the Chief Executive marked for the attention of Stephen Bace (email stephen.bace@gloucestershire.gov.uk).
Questions received and proposed responses do not accompany this agenda but will be circulated prior to the meeting.
Twenty eight member questions were received. A copy of the answers was circulated and is attached to the signed copy of these minutes.
The following supplementary questions were asked:
Question 1 – Cllr Paul Hodgkinson asked to be provided with information on all other income to the County Council relating to parking, including income from on-street parking permits.
Cllr Vernon Smith stated that he would provide the member with the information.
Question 7 – Cllr Colin Hay asked that he be provided with details of what KPI information was, as outlined in the answer. He also asked that information provided in response to supplementary questions be available to all members.
In response, Cllr Paul McLain explained that all the information had been made public to the Supporting People Partnership Board.
Question 8 – Cllr Colin Hay asked that acronyms be fully explained in the responses to questions.
Question 9 – Cllr Barry Kirby asked whether eligible Retained Fire Fighters, who could now retrospectively access pensions similar to full time colleagues, would be identified and made aware of how to apply for the scheme.
Cllr Will Windsor-Clive replied that they would.
Question 10 – Cllr Barry Kirby asked whether the Apprentice Travel Card would be implemented by September.
Cllr Mark Hawthorne replied that it would be.
Question 12 – Cllr Barry Kirby queried the difference in the figures he had obtained in relation to young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) and the figures provided in the answer to his initial question.
Cllr Paul McLain stated that he was happy to circulate the figures and that the overall trend was that the NEET figures were falling in Gloucestershire.
Question 13 – Cllr Steve Lydon asked for the administration’s view on the call for a new bridge across the Severn and enquired how this fitted with the Council’s priorities. He also noted that the National Assembly for Wales could have a view on this issue.
Cllr Vernon Smith explained that this was an aspiration and that MPs should be supported. He used the example of the A417 loop as an indication of what could be achieved if members worked together.
Question 16 – Cllr Lesley Williams asked that the County do as much work as possible with the neighbouring areas with regards to seeking a solution for flooding throughout the Frome catchment area.
Question 17 – Cllr Lesley Williams asked to be provided with a breakdown of any watercourses that Gloucestershire County Council had dredged in the last 12 months.
Cllr Vernon Smith stated that he would provide the member with a detailed response.
Question 20 – Cllr Brian Oosthuysen asked if the Cabinet Member could confirm that the voluntary Parent Champions would not be recruited in order to cover the 3% reduction in children centre budgets.
Cllr Paul McLain explained that Parent Champions could be put to good effect in encouraging young people to undertake activities, performing a role that some professionals were not equipped to do.
Question 23 – Cllr Joe Harris commented on the positive effects of holidays enriching a child’s experiences and asked whether the member thought it was wrong that discretion had been removed from head teachers by restricting children to term time holidays. He stated that many parents looked to take term time holidays for financial reasons.
Cllr Paul McLain advised the member to talk to the Schools Minister and outlined that holidays in term time could be taken in exceptional circumstances.
Question 24 – Cllr Joe Harris asked whether the member felt it was a good policy to give all Reception, Year 1 and 2 pupils free school meals.
Cllr Paul McLain stated that while he supported the policy in principle, the policy had not been fully thought-out and it was unclear whether this related to hot or cold meals.
Question 25 – Cllr Joe Harris gave examples of young people unable to attend local faith schools on grounds of their faith and queried this approach.
Cllr Paul McLain replied that if the member had specific concerns on individual cases then he should not delay in bringing it to his attention. He emphasised the good relationship and strong history of working with faith schools in Gloucestershire.
Question 26 – Cllr Joe Harris asked what effect the member believed parking changes in Cirencester were having on residents.
Cllr Vernon Smith replied that this was a question to put to the District Council and that it was important to get the facts correct.
Question 27 – Cllr Mike Sztymiak queried the lack of leadership being provided by the County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority.
Cllr Will Windsor-Clive stated that the Council provided an important role in relation to the strategy. With regards to the planning process, it was a legal requirement that the applications the member referred to in Twyning and Churchend were considered separately.
Question 28 – Cllr Colin Hay expressed concern regarding reductions in the budget for Children’s Centres with a 1% pay rise on top of this.
Cllr Ray Theodoulou explained that the 1% pay rise related to Council employees. It was for the contractor to determine their employees’ pay.
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