Agenda item

Gloucestershire County Council's (the County Council) Adult Social Care (ASC) Fairer Contributions Policy review


Cllr Stephan Fifield sought Cabinet approval to carry out a consultation process with residents which will inform Gloucestershire County Council’s (the County Council’s) plans to amend the Adult Social Care (ASC) Fairer Contributions Policy (attached as appendix 1), including charging illustrations for consultation.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and





Approve the plan for a 12-week consultation with residents which will inform the proposed options to amend the ASC Fairer Contributions Policy.


12.1   Cllr Stephan Fifield sought Cabinet approval to carry out a consultation process with residents which will inform Gloucestershire County Council’s (the County Council’s) plans to amend the Adult Social Care (ASC) Fairer Contributions Policy (attached as appendix 1), including charging illustrations for consultation.


12.2   The Council had agreed to review its ASC Fairer Contributions Policy (currently called the Fairer Contributions Policy non-residential care/personal budgets) in October 2022. The policy assisted people to know what they would be charged for adult social care non-residential services. It had not been fully reviewed and updated since 2016.


12.3   In order to inform the review, the cabinet report sought approval to carry out a 12 – week consultation process with residents, beginning February 12. The cabinet report appendices (6 and 7) included illustrations to support with the consultation process.


12.4   The potential financial impact had not been built into the 2024 – 2025 medium term financial strategy (MTFS), however this would need to be included in future years MTFS processes, in particular for 2025 - 2026.



12.5   Cllr Carole Allaway Martin explained that the Consultation Institute had been providing advice and that the planning of the consultation planning has incorporated the learnings from the initial 6-week pre - engagement which took place between 06 July – 15 September 2023 . Particularly in regard to bettering engagement with seldom heard groups, for example by increasing engagement channels, utilising existing relationships, and embedding coproduction methods into the design and delivery of the consultation.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and





Approve the plan for a 12-week consultation with residents which will inform the proposed options to amend the ASC Fairer Contributions Policy.


Supporting documents: