The Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel
protocol for complaints delegates the handling of non-criminal
complaints regarding both quality of service and conduct to the
monitoring officer of the Commissioner’s Office to broker
local resolutions, resolve the complaints and restore
If local resolutions can not be brokered and
the complainant wished to take the matter further then this could
be brought to the attention of the Panel. A sub-committee is then
set up to consider the complaint.
The Complaints Sub-Committee is made up of the
lead members of the Panel as well as one of the available
independent members.
An agenda will be published 5 clear working
days before the meeting and the items handling the complaint will
be in exempt session.
The Sub-Committee’s role is to
facilitate informal resolution; this is about solving, explaining
or clearing up, or settling a matter directly with the complainant
without an investigation or formal proceedings. It is not a
disciplinary process and does not involve any sanction.