1. Carry out the overview and
scrutiny functions of the County Council delivering the roles set
out in Article 8 of the Constitution focussing on health issues
from the public’s perspective including the use of task
groups to carry out its overview and scrutiny functions. To act as
a lever to improve the health and those services that impact on the
health of local people, working in partnership with other agencies.
To address issues of health inequalities between different groups
in the community. To determine those matters referred to in Article
11.02.2 of the Constitution (joint committees concerning health
service changes).
2. Under the Local Authority
(Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny)
Regulations 2013, to exercise the Council’s role:
in reviewing and scrutinising matters relating to the
planning, provision and
In commenting on or making a
recommendation in relation to proposals for a substantial
development or variation to services save that ‘referral
powers’ to the Secretary of State remain with full
3. Carry out the overview and
scrutiny functions of the County Council delivering the roles set
out in Article 8 of the Constitution in the context of all matters
relating to adult social care.
This committee has now expired. Health
Scrutiny is now carried out through the Health Overview and
Scrutiny Committee. Papers can be found at: