Venue: Committee Room - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions
Contact: Jo Moore (DSU)
No. | Item |
Apologies To note any apologies for absence. Minutes: Following his recent appointment as Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care – Delivery, Committee Chair, Cllr Stephan Fifield, had been advised he would not be able to participate at the meeting and had sent his apologies. Vice-Chair, Cllr Lisa Spivey, acted as Chair at the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllrs Terry Hale and Pam Tracey.
Cllr Suzanne Williams joined the meeting via remote access. |
Declarations of Interest To record any declarations of interest. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made at the meeting. |
To note and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2023 were confirmed as a correct record of that meeting.
The following update, regarding the progress of Motion 908, was noted at the meeting:
Motion 908: Violence Against Women and Girls
The outcomes of Council Motion 908, (Violence Against Women and Girls in Gloucestershire), were considered at the Adult Social Care and Communities Scrutiny Committee meeting on 7 March 2023.
Please see below a summary of the key actions taken since that meeting, (recorded in the sequence of the minutes), and the actions agreed at this meeting.
a. The membership of the White Ribbon Steering Group had been agreed and the first meeting of the group held. b. The accreditation process had commenced, with work progressing on producing a draft action plan. c. The draft action plan to be presented to the Steering Group at its meeting in June.
Discussions about the concerns had been held with the officers involved in the accreditation process. Whilst noting the concerns, it had been clarified that, as a National Programme, the terminology used had been inherited. The committee was advised that, if members wished to raise the concerns with the charity organisation direct, a letter could be drafted on behalf of those members raising the concerns, or on behalf of the committee as a whole, pending cross-party, cross-committee support. It was agreed Cllr Cate Cody and Vice Chair, Cllr Lisa Spivey, would produce a draft letter for submission to the White Ribbon organisation. The letter to be submitted on behalf of the committee. Prior to submission, the draft letter to be circulated to members for agreement.
Gloucestershire Community Drug and Alcohol Service PDF 197 KB An update on the Gloucestershire Community Drug and Alcohol Service. Minutes: Helen Flitton, (Head of Commissioning: Complex Needs), gave a detailed update on the Gloucestershire Community Drug and Alcohol Service.
In response to national guidance published in June 2022, Helen set out the actions being taken to reduce the harms caused by drugs and alcohol in Gloucestershire, including the setting up of a multi-agency partnership chaired by Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Nick Evans. Partners included Gloucestershire Police; Health Providers; Children and Young People Commissioners; Adult Services; Voluntary and Care Sector; People with lived experience and Probation Service.
Work with communities and partners to concentrate on the following key priority areas:
Breaking Drug Supply Chains
Deliver a World Class Treatment and Recovery System c) Achieve a Generational Shift in the Demand for Drugs and Alcohol
Actions on each of the three areas would be developed over the following weeks. The Treatment Sub Group was currently ahead of the other two groups, and had identified three main areas to focus on for the remainder of the year. It was explained that emphasis was being placed on working with other strategic areas, including serious organised crime; domestic abuse and work identified by the Integrated Care Strategy. This would strengthen the collective working together to target key areas and also avoid the potential for duplication.
A National Outcomes Framework Dashboard was anticipated at the end of June 2023, to include data on the following plus additional measures on issues such as housing and employment: -
a) Number in Treatment – Adults b) Number in Treatment – Young People c) New presentations d) Deaths in treatment e) Residential uptake f) Inpatient uptake g) Continuity of Care h) Treatment Progress
The next stages of progressing this work included: -
a) Action Plan and Performance Dashboard Completion – June 2023 b) Annual Statement of Progress publication – July 2023 c) Multi-agency/lived experience conference (to co-develop the next iteration of the action plan) - Autumn 2023 or Early Spring 2024. The conference to include all voluntary sector and community organisations d) Recommissioning of the Adult Community Drug and Alcohol Service (tender due for publication on 19 May 2023/award in September 2024)
Members expressed specific concerns about the rise in the number of young people taking drugs and enquired if there would be an under age 16 survey to consider numbers/identify any trends? It was confirmed that, whilst there had been a decline in the number of young people affected by alcohol, the numbers of young people taking drugs had increased. No national data was recorded to reflect this information.
The (GCC) Gloucestershire County Council Young Person Survey, (a confidential survey), would, however, continue to investigate this area of concern, locally. A report on the outcomes of the survey, including work in collaboration with Gloucestershire Police, to be shared with the committee. Action by – Public Health Team
It was later suggested that the Gloucestershire Drug and Alcohol Partnership be invited to make a presentation to the committee later in the year and this was agreed. Action ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Sexual and Reproductive Health PDF 190 KB An update on the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services in Gloucestershire. Minutes: Zoe Clifford and Kate Emsley from the Gloucestershire County Council Public Health Team gave a detailed presentation on the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services in Gloucestershire.
In noting the update, members acknowledged the advances that had been made in promoting sexual health education and awareness over the past 15 years. In contrast, members also noted that, in spite of the progress that had been made since first becoming publically known, there nevertheless remained significant obstacles in treating people with HIV, including the stigma attached to the illness.
The update was noted. |
Chief Fire Officer Update PDF 336 KB An update on matters relating to the portfolio of services delivered by the Chief Fire Officer of the Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service and within the remit of the Gloucestershire County Council’s Adult Social Care and Communities Scrutiny Committee, (Trading Standards, Civil Protection and Coroner Services). Minutes: The committee received a detailed overview of matters relating to the delivery of services within the portfolio of services covered by the Chief Fire Officer, (Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service), and within the remit of the Gloucestershire County Council Adult Social Care and Communities Scrutiny Committee, (Trading Standards, Civil Protection and Coroners Services).
Included in the report was an update on matters relating to the welfare and risks associated with free roaming sheep in the Forest of Dean District. The update was noted.
Members expressed concerns about the increased number of young people and children vaping. In response to the concerns, Director of Public Health, Siobhan Farmer, informed members of an anticipated announcement from the Government to address the issue. Full details of the announcement was made on 31 May 2023, and can be viewed at the link here.
Information on the impact of aviation vapour to be circulated to members after the meeting. Action by – Director of Public Health
Noting concerns about recruitment pressures impacting on the Coroner’s Service, the committee requested regular updates on the issue and a visit to the Coroner’s Court, Gloucester, later in the year. Action by – Democratic Services
The report was noted. |
Public Health Update PDF 123 KB An update from the Director of Public Health (Gloucestershire). The report to be noted and taken as read at the meeting. Minutes: The committee received an update from the Director of Public Health. The report was taken as read at the meeting.
Key information noted at the meeting included: -
a) On 14 March 2023, the government announced that Gloucestershire would receive £26,075.974 public health annual grant allocation for 2023/24.
b) Two decisions, (an officer decision in February 2023 and a cabinet decision in March 2023), had been taken to invest further grant funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to support victims of domestic abuse in Gloucestershire.
c) Following public consultation, the Government had introduced a new Serious Violence Duty. The Duty requires specified authorities in a local government area to work together to develop a joint strategy to prevent and reduce serious violence (including identifying the kinds of serious violence that occur in the area, and the causes of that violence). The County Council to develop a new local strategy in response to implementation of the Serious Violence Duty by the Government on 31 January 2023.
Locally, implementation of the duty to be co-ordinated by a new post based in the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner. The post-holder to work with specified authorities, including representatives from the County Council to carry out a Strategic Needs Assessment from which to better understand the local picture in relation to serious violence, agree the local definition of serious violence, and to put in place multi-agency partnership arrangements to enable joint working on a local violence prevention and reduction strategy. The local strategy to build on various aspects of the Council’s existing work, including safeguarding and youth support, and the Public Health team’s responsibilities for domestic abuse, and drug and alcohol harm reduction.
d) The findings of the Gloucestershire Pupil Wellbeing Survey undertaken in 2022, (previously known as the online pupil survey), will be published on the Inform Gloucestershire webpage and can be viewed here. The survey covered a number of key aspects relating to young people’s health and wellbeing. The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on health and wellbeing were also included in the survey. Preparations were underway to commence the Pupil Wellbeing Survey 2024, which will open to schools and FE (Further Education) Colleges from January 2024. During the discussion, a member enquired what actions could be taken to better align the allocation of government grant funding with locality and geographical needs. The comment was noted, with a suggestion that the views of the committee be fed to central government. Action by – Public Health Team Several members expressed concern about the mental health of young people, with a suggestion that ‘electronic device’ screen time be considered as a recognisable influence. It was also suggested vaping form part of the Pupil Wellbeing Survey.
The report was noted. |
Adult Social Care Update PDF 92 KB A report from the Executive Director for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Communities (Gloucestershire). The report to be noted and taken as read at the meeting.
Minutes: The Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Communities, gave a detailed update on the delivery of adult social care in Gloucestershire. The report was taken as read at the meeting.
Members noted information on the Gloucestershire Market Sustainability Plan published on 27th March 2023 and received a detailed update on the community meals service in Gloucestershire.
It was explained that, in September 2021, a report had been presented to Cabinet, requesting approval for the re-commissioning of the community meals service for the county. Although a non-statutory service, the community meals service provides invaluable support to older and vulnerable adults by allowing them to maintain or regain their independence by living in their own homes for as long as possible. The outcome of the cabinet decision was to re-procure the community meals service in Gloucestershire. Publication of the tender had been delayed, with a new proposed start date set as April 2023.
No bids to deliver the service were received, with the current provider declaring that the contract was no longer financially viable. The failed tender occurred in December 2022. Due to the short timescale and the large number of individuals requiring meals, a decision was made to seek a short-term replacement service.
Whilst the adult’s commissioning team sought alternative provision, the adult social care locality teams contacted the current users of the service to discuss their needs with regard to community meals. From the enquiries, it was established that a number of people receiving meals from the current provider had either sourced an alternative arrangement or no longer needed a community meal. The outcome of the exercise identified only 80 people requiring a community meal.
Actions taken pending the commissioning of a new provider included taking on six providers on short contracts of between six and 12 months. Three of the providers were local charities, two were local community interest companies and one a small local business.
It was confirmed that the move from a countywide delivery to a more localised approach had been taken in line with the aim of supporting people to stay to their own homes for as a long as possible and to better connect residents to local facilities and resources.
Five of the six providers delivered plated meals directly to those who used the service. However, in Gloucester, Cheltenham, Tewkesbury and North Cotswolds, it had not been possible to source a provider who could fulfil this function. As an alternative arrangement, a local business had been commissioned to deliver frozen meals to people’s homes. Based on a review of those in receipt of frozen meals, it had been established that those people who were unable to reheat a meal themselves had been allocated a visit from a domiciliary care provider to reheat and serve the meal. Initial feedback from the arrangement had suggested the approach was working well.
The move towards commissioning a new provider in such a short timescale had made it difficult to negotiate on price, resulting in increased costs. The ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Quarter 3 Performance Scorecard Report PDF 419 KB To note the Adult Social Care Quarter 3 (2022/23) Performance Scorecard Report Minutes: The committee noted a detailed analysis of performance relating to the delivery of services within the remit of the Adult Social Care and Communities Scrutiny Committee. The analysis was produced by the County Council’s Performance & Improvement Team, based on data to the end of December 2022.
Responding to questions, Amanda Jones, Director of Operations for Adult Social Care confirmed that the metric for Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC) was no longer collected and therefore publication of this data had ceased. Last publication of data for the metric had been in April 2020, (based on data from Feb 2020). This had been part of the national response to COVID-19 and the need to move to a different way of working in hospitals.
The Adult Social Care Quarter 3 (2022/23) Performance Scorecard Report was noted. |
Work Plan To note the dates of future meetings and suggest items to add to the committee work plan.
18 July 2023 12 September 2023 14 November 2023 Minutes: Areas of work noted for consideration at future meetings included: -
1) Presentation from Drug and Alcohol Partnership
2) Rough Sleeping
3) Council Motion 918 - Community Meals Service
4) Council Motion 908 Update – Violence Against Women and Young Girls
5) Visit to Coroners Court
Future meetings:
18 July 2023 12 September 2023 14 November 2023 |