Agenda and minutes

Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 7 March 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions

Contact: Laura Powick  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2024.

Additional documents:


2.1   The minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2024 were approved as a correct record.



Declarations of interest

Members of the Committee are invited to declare any pecuniary or personal interests relating to specific matters on the agenda.


Please see note (a) at the end of agenda.


3.1   Cllr Dr Andrew Miller declared an interest as a foster carer for Gloucestershire County Council (GCC).



Update on Inspection Recommendations pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To consider an update on recommendations from the following inspections:


·       The Inspecting Local Authority Children’s Services (ILACS) Full Inspection (February 2022).

·       The Joint Targeted Area Inspection of the Multi-Agency Response to Children and their Families (JTAI) Inspection (June 2023).

·       The Hartwood House Inspection.

·       The Local Area SEND Inspection.


(Report to Follow)

Additional documents:


4.1      Ann James, Executive Director of Children’s Services, introduced the report, which provided the Committee with updates on recommendations from the Inspecting Local Authority Children’s Services (ILACS) Full Inspection (February 2022); the Joint Targeted Inspection of the Multi-Agency Response to Children and their Families (JTAI) Inspection (June 2023); the Hartwood House Inspection (December 2023); and the Local Area SEND Inspection (December 2023).


4.2      Included in the report was the new Children’s Services Ambitions Plan. This was being overseen by a multiagency Ambitions Board which was established in September 2023, following the closure of the Continuous Improvement Board and plan in June 2023. The Ambitions Plan was focused on the continued improvement of Children’s Services to deliver improved outcomes for children, young people, and families.


4.3      It was noted that the recent Local Area SEND Inspection took place between 27 November and 15 December 2023. The inspection process had been rigorous, with inspectors looking over hundreds of documents, joining parctitioners and leadership meetings, and meeting with parents, carers, and providers. The inspection report was published on 1 March 2024.


4.4      Ann James expressed the view that the inspection report was fair, in that it had recognised the improvements that had been made so far, whilst also recognising that the Service was not delivering consistently for all children.


4.5      Cllr Philip Robinson, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills, and Bus Transport, thanked all those involved in the inspection for their commitment and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty. He praised the transparency and openness of the leadership team in its approach to the inspection process.


4.6      Cllr Robinson agreed with the view that it was a fair report, adding that it proved the local partnership was self-aware, with officers at every level clear about the challenges they faced, the distance they had come, and the distance that still needed to be travelled. He added that it was clear the improvement plans were focused on the right priorities, however time was needed to implement these.


4.7      Cllr Robinson explained that the four recommendations of the inspection report would be addressed with the same commitment that was seen leading up to and during the inspection. The four recommendations were as follows:


·         To strengthen multi-agency working across the partnership.

·         For leaders across the partnership to strengthen and embed the quality assurance framework around all existing and newly issued Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs).

·         To continue to review the breadth and offer of specialist places for children with SEND.

·         To further develop strategic plans to include families in partnership projects and to create a model of true coproduction.


4.8      The key message around improving consistency was highlighted to the Committee, along with the need for improving the quality assurance processes for EHCPs. It was understood that a dedicated SEND Quality Assurance Officer would be placed within the Social Worker Academy to address this issue.


4.9      Cllr Robinson was pleased the inspectors had recognised that leaders understood the need for improved joint commissioning  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Parenting Support and Programmes pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive an overview of the support and programmes provided for parents by the Council, including an update on Family Hubs.


5.1      Emma Trigwell, Head of Service Early Help and Targeted Support, introduced and summarised the report on parenting support and programmes, including an update on Family Hubs. The report was attached to the agenda for the meeting.


5.2      A member highlighted their interest in the impact of interventions, and asked how officers knew whether interventions had been successful. In response, attention was drawn to the demand and impact data contained within the report, which evidenced a significant increase in demand for early help, with family support seeing a 200 percent increase in demand over the past year. Members were advised of the use of the Supporting Families Outcome Framework. Out of 1548 families supported against the Outcome Framework this year, 685 families had achieved all outcomes, which was significant given how challenging they were.


5.3      The member asked a further question about how the outcomes of the parenting courses were measured and what was being achieved. In response it was explained that the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) was used to measure the outcomes of the Triple P Parenting Course. This data could be provided to members following the meeting. It was noted that the outcomes for parents who had referred themselves to the programmes tended to be better than for those who were court ordered to complete them. It was also noted that a programme for children with additional needs was being developed with partners for those waiting for further support, such as through CAMHS.


ACTION – Emma Trigwell


5.4      It was requested that outcome and impact data be included in the next update on parenting support and programmes, to enable the Committee to review their impacts and to draw insights to inform future decision making.


ACTION – Emma Trigwell


5.5      A member welcomed the reduction in the number of children in care and that more services were being put in place to support, but queried whether more could be done. In response, it was acknowledged that demand for early help was increasing and often outstretched capacity. The development of the Family Hubs would help to upskill communities and the recommendations from the Stable Homes, Built on Love strategy would lead to change, however resources would need to be implemented to ensure an effective response to these changes.


5.6      Clarification was sought on the timeline for the introduction of the Family Hubs. It was understood that the contracts for the Children’s Centres, which would provide the cornerstones for the Hubs, would commence on 1 April 2024. A two-year project to design and build the Hub offer would be undertaken. A number of World Café Events would take place in early summer within each of the localities to ensure communities were part of the conversation as to what the Family Hubs would look like. Members would also be invited to attend these events.


ACTION – Ann James


5.7      Following a further member comment on the outcomes of early help and interventions, it was explained that one of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


WORK PLAN pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To review the Committee work plan and suggest items for consideration at future meetings.


When making suggestions, members should consider the reasons for and expected benefit of, scrutiny’s involvement.


For reference, please find the link to the Cabinet forward plan below:


Forthcoming Decisions (



5.1      The Committee’s Work Plan would be updated as follows:

-       The Altus School Presentation originally scheduled for the July meeting to be pushed back to November 2024.

-       The update on the Ambitions Plan in July 2024 to be changed to an information item.

-       The update on the Edge Review to be pushed back from July to September 2024.

-       September’s update on local communication plans for school attendance to be moved to November 2024. This would include a response to the new DfE guidance and could also outline good practice within schools.

-       The annual adoption report to be added to the May 2024 agenda. Cllr Beki Hoyland to provide an update as the Council’s representative on Adoption West.


5.2      It was requested that the school admissions report for the September 2024 meeting include figures of grammar school children who are from outside of the county.


ACTION – Kirsten Harrison




To note the dates of future meetings (all meetings to start at 10am):


16th May 2024

18th July 2024

12th September 2024

7th November 2024.



7.1   The Committee noted the dates of future meetings.