Agenda and minutes

Gloucestershire Health & Wellbeing Board - Tuesday 17 January 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions

Contact: Jo Moore (DSU) 

No. Item



To appoint a Chairperson for the meeting


Cllr Carole Allaway-Martin was nominated to Chair the meeting.


Apologies for absence

To note any apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Keith Gerrard, Kathy O’Leary and Gail Pasquall.


Declarations of interest

Members to advise of any declarations of interest on matters for discussion at the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made at the meeting.


Public Questions

To consider any written questions from members of the public about matters within the powers and duties of the Board.


Written questions to be marked for the attention of the Chair of the Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Board and submitted by 10.00am four clear working days before the date of the meeting. The deadline for submitting questions for consideration at the meeting on 17 January 2023 is 10.00am on Tuesday 10 January 2023.


Please submit any written questions to:  


No public questions were submitted in advance of the meeting.


Member Questions

To consider any written questions from members about matters within the powers and duties of the Board.


Written questions to be marked for the attention of the Chair of the Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Board and submitted by 10.00am four clear working days before the date of the meeting. The deadline for submitting questions for consideration at the meeting on 17 January 2023 is 10.00am on Tuesday 10 January 2023.


Please submit any written questions to:  



No member questions were submitted in advance of the meeting.


One Gloucestershire Interim Integrated Care Strategy pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To note the One Gloucestershire Interim Integrated Care Strategy agreed by the Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Partnership on 22 December 2022.

Additional documents:


Siobhan Farmer, Director of Public Health, gave a detailed update on the One Gloucestershire Interim Integrated Care Strategy, (agreed by the Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Partnership at its meeting on 22 December 2022).


The document was described as a fundamental document, to be used to advise and inform the Health and Wellbeing Board on the work of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership. This co-produced piece of work would be introduced as a phased approach and link to the wider ‘planning’ work of the Integrated Care Strategy. The next 3 month period would be an important timeline for considering how the strategy would be delivered.


Chair, Cllr Carole Martin, welcomed the partnership working that had been involved in developing the strategy and the contribution it would make to ensuring a better quality of life for the people of Gloucestershire.


Members and officers were thanked for their hard work and valuable contributions in developing the strategy.


Draft Terms of Reference

The Board to consider revised terms of reference, drafted in response to the establishment of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership in 2022.


7.1 Siobhan Farmer, Director of Public Health, (Gloucestershire), outlined proposals for the alignment of the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership with the Health and Wellbeing Board. It was explained that to fulfil the proposals required a review of the terms of reference, (including membership), of both committees.


7.2 As noted at the earlier Health and Wellbeing Partnership meeting, the Health and Care Act 2022 introduced significant changes to the structures and governance of local NHS bodies, including changes to the way local Health bodies work with Local Government. As a consequence of the changes, the Gloucestershire NHS Integrated Care Board was formed on 1 July 2022, taking on the responsibilities and functions formerly held by the Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group.


7.3 It was explained that the Act did not impact on the statutory duties of Health and Wellbeing Boards, and that these must still be discharged. There remained, however, a potential overlap in the intended roles and responsibilities of Integrated Care Partnerships (ICP) and Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB), particularly for areas that are coterminous.


7.4 One of changes introduced by the Act was a requirement for each Integrated Care Board (ICB) and each upper tier or unitary Local Authority within its geographical area to establish a joint committee, (an Integrated Care Partnership). In Gloucestershire’s case, since the County Council and the ICB are coterminous, this resulted in the establishment of a single Integrated Care Partnership for the County. Each Integrated Care Partnership can determine its own procedures and methods of working.


7.5 Reflecting on the Council’s co-terminosity with the ICB and the anomalies brought about by the pre-existing Health and Wellbeing Board and the new Integrated Care Partnership covering the same geographical area, serious consideration had been given to how the two bodies might align/develop complementary roles in order to add value to their respective functions and facilitate the delivery and improvement of local outcomes and services.


7.6 Referencing Health and Wellbeing Boards Guidance published by the Department of Health in November 2022, including guidance for localities affected by the issue of coterminous areas, members were informed that: ‘in the few areas where the ICP and HWB are coterminous, (covering the same geographical boundaries), it may be appropriate for the HWB and the ICP to have the same members. This can be done, for example, by one part of the meeting formally being of the HWB, and the other part of the ICP. However, both have different statutory functions which each will be required to fulfil.”


7.7 Members were advised that, following publication of the new guidance, comparisons were made between the membership of the Gloucestershire HWB and HWP. From the comparisons, it had become apparent that the HWP had a significant number of core officer members in common with the HWB, plus additional representation from the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector and a wider representation from the health and care sectors. The HWB included several ‘in common’ appointed members, (including the Chair),  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Integrated Care Board (ICB) Joint Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 118 KB

A presentation on the proposed approach to publishing the NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) 5-year Joint Forward Plan (JFP)

Additional documents:


8.1 Dan Corfield, (Associate Programmes Director for the NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care System), gave a detailed presentation on behalf of the NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB), on the requirement by the ICB to produce a 5-year Joint Forward Plan (JFP). To view the presentation, please refer to the link here


8.2 Dan advised that, in accordance with the Health and Care Act 2022, the ICB, (along with partner NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts), must prepare a 5-year joint forward plan (JFP), prior to the start of each financial year. The plan to be refreshed each year.


8.3 The JFP includes 4 core elements:


a)    Improve the outcomes of the population’s health and healthcare

b)    Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access

c)    Enhance productivity and value for money, and

d)    Help the NHS support broader social and economic development requirements


8.4 The ICB must inform the Health and Wellbeing Board of the steps the ICB is proposing to implement the Joint Local HWB Strategy (JLHWS). The HWB must be provided with a draft version of the forward plan, for which the ICB must consult with the HWB on whether the plan takes proper account of each relevant JLHWS.


8.5 Following consultation, the HWB has the right to respond to the ICB and may give an opinion to NHS England. The forward plan must include a statement from the HWB on whether the JLHWS is taken proper account of within the joint forward plan


8.6 Following the establishment of the NHS Gloucestershire ICB on 1 July 2022, and subsequent abolishment of Clinical Commissioning Groups, (CCGs), the former requirement for CCGs to share commissioning plans with HWBs was removed.


8.7 Referring members to JFP guidance published on 23 December 2022, Dan advised the Board of the adjusted timescales for development and publication of the Gloucestershire JFP 2023. He confirmed that the proposed approach for producing the JFP was based on the 5-year aims and milestones taken from NHS transformation programmes, (to reflect the ‘pillars’ of the new ICP Strategy). Engagement and consultation had been conducted in line with the ICP Strategy process in order to avoid potential duplication and engagement fatigue. A draft version of the plan would be circulated at the end of March, with final publication, (to be shared with NHS England), published at the end of June 2023. Questioning the difference between transformation and improvement, Cllr Stephen Davies, Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years was informed that improvement was work already underway to make things better; transformation was seeking to better understand what work needed to be done to improve/make fit for purpose. Welcoming the question, it was explained that the basic difference was reflected in the services provided (improvement) and the services required (transformation) for the people of Gloucestershire.


8.8 The HWB was given an assurance that it would be involved as much as possible during the development process of the JFP, with draft versions shared at the earliest opportunity to ensure the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Future Meetings

To consider proposed changes to the dates and arrangements of future Health and Wellbeing Board meetings.


The dates of combined meetings were confirmed as:


28 March (1.30pm)

30 May (1.30pm)

25 July (1.30pm)

26 Sept (1.30pm)

28 Nov (1.30pm)