Venue: Committee Room - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions
Contact: Sophie Benfield Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To elect a Chair for the 2024/2025 Civic Year. Minutes: Cllr Steve Robinson was elected as Chair for the year 2024/2025.
Election of Vice-Chair To elect a Vice-Chair for the Civic Year 2024/2025. Minutes: Cllr Sajid Patel was elected as Vice-Chair for the 2024/2025 year.
Apologies for absence To note any apologies for absence. Minutes: 4.1 The Chair welcomed the new members of the Police and Crime Panel.
4.2 He also confirmed that Kingston Myles, an independent panel member, had stepped down from the Panel due to his work commitments. The Chair and Panel thanked Kingston Myles for his valuable and insightful contribution to the Panel.
Declarations of Interest Members of the Committee are invited to declare any pecuniary or personal interests relating to specific matters on the agenda.
Please see note (a) at the end of the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 147 KB To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd March 2024.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record.
POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER (PCC) - Introduction and Update PDF 128 KB To consider the attached report and receive a verbal update from the PCC.
This will include the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report and the draft Police and Crime Prevention Plan.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 7.1 The Chair introduced Chris Nelson, the Police and Crime Commissioner, to present his Commissioner’s update, Annual Report and draft Police and Crime Prevention Plan. He was supported by Nick Evans, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Ruth Greenwood, Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), Kirsten Fruin, OPCC Assistant Chief Executive – Victims and Commissioning, and Victoria Bishop, OPCC Performance and Accountability Manager.
7.2 The Commissioner reflected on his re-election in May 2024 and confirmed that his pre-election discussions with constituents had led him to changing one of his six priorities in the Commissioner’s Crime and Prevention Plan from ‘Empowering local communities’ to ‘Improving confidence in and within policing’.
7.3 The OPCC gave a presentation introducing the Commissioner’s draft Police and Crime Prevention Plan. The plan is a requirement of the 2011 Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act; the purpose is to set the tone for policing in the county. The Plan which will be effective from 2025-2029 was based on the Commissioner’s manifesto but also involved consultation with stakeholders. It was hoped that the plan would be ready by Autumn 2024.
7.4 The Plan outlined the Commissioner’s Six Priorities which were:
1. Creating Safer Communities 2. Tackling violence against women and girls 3. Strengthening your constabulary 4. Targeting the causes of crime 5. Supporting victims and reducing reoffending 6. Improving confidence in and within policing
7.5 When asked about whether the Police Race Action Plan would be included in the Police and Crime Prevention Plan, the Commissioner confirmed that the Race Action Plan and Better Together would be included in the Police and Crime Prevention Plan’s actions.
7.6 Responding to a Member’s question about petitioning the new government to bring in reforms to the police, prison and prosecution services, the Commissioner stated that he regularly petitioned the government both publicly and privately.
7.7 Responding to members’ questions about the shortage of prison spaces, it was explained that new command groups had been formed to deal with operational matters. The Commissioner reassured the Panel that those who had committed serious crimes would not be released early and that he would push back against any early releases that he did not agree with. An Officer clarified that every prisoner who was released underwent a risk assessment on release. She agreed to share this information with the Panel.
ACTION – Victoria Bishop
7.8 Following the Manchester airport police violence news headline, a Member asked for reassurance that this level of violence would not be used in Gloucestershire. The Commissioner expressed his belief in the use of minimal force in policing. In Gloucestershire, officers were taught in training that they would be held accountable for any force they used. It was emphasised that Gloucestershire Constabulary had a zero tolerance for any officers or staff members who failed to meet expectations in relation to the use of force.
7.9 The Chair questioned when average speed cameras would be installed in Gloucestershire. Nick Evans, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, stated ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
To consider the attached report. Minutes: 8.1 The Chair invited Sally-Anne Barnes, Chair of the Constabulary/OPCC Joint Independent Audit Committee (JIAC) to introduce the annual report. She explained that it was a legal requirement for the Constabulary and OPCC to have an audit committee to provide oversight and advise on government risk management. She explained that the committee was made up of four individuals who met four to five times a year.
8.2 Responding to a question about the auditors’ process, the officers confirmed that it was decided what areas should be audited, then the auditors used a risk dashboard to provide a summary report back to JIAC and then a more detailed report with key actions would be sent to the audit area’s department heads, the Commissioner and the Chief Constable.
8.3 Referring to the table on page 73 of the agenda, a Member asked for clarity about the audit area ‘Seized Cash Handling’, it was explained that this had been marked as ‘Low Limited’ as it had been raised as a cause for concern because whilst no fraud had been detected, there was not an adequate documented procedure.
8.4 A Member questioned why only ‘Risk management’ on page 73 was highlighted in green. The Officer stated that to have an item marked as green was very unusual because they would expect to have action points for most audited items.
8.5 Responding to a Member’s question, the Officer confirmed that the difference between the Constabulary’s High Risk Register and the South West Internal Audit Partnership (SWAP) internal audit report was that the risk register documented the risks involved in the daily work plan of the Constabulary whereas the SWAP report included audits that had been requested by either JIAC, the Commissioner, the Chief Constable, finance officers or external or internal auditors over a six month period.
8.6 A Member suggested that the next report should include a colour code and an explanation of the use of words on the table on page 73-74 to help members understand the full picture. He also asked for the risk register to be included on the Panel’s work plan including information about actions taken to mitigate risk. The Officer confirmed that some of this information was included in the full report which she would provide a link to.
ACTION – Sally-Anne Barnes/ Democratic Services
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Chief Executive Report PDF 2 MB To consider the attached report.
This will include the Independent Custody Visitors Annual Report (Annex A). Minutes: 9.1 The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The Chair asked that due to time constraints, the Independent Custody Visitors Annual Report be postponed until September’s meeting.
ACTION – Democratic Services
9.2 The Chief Executive invited the Panel to visit the OPCC Headquarters at Waterwells, Gloucester.
ACTION – OPCC/ Democratic Services
9.3 The Chair questioned whether instead of comparing to data from 2019, data from 2024 and 2025 could be used for comparison from next year. The Officer confirmed that they used data from 2019 because they were following government guidance (in line with the National Crime and Policing Measures). However, it was likely that, with the OPCC’s new framework and the expected new government guidelines, this could change.
To review the committee work plan and suggest items for consideration at future meetings. Minutes: 10.1 The Chair requested that the Audit Risk Register was added to the work plan
ACTION – Democratic Services
10.2 Members requested a visit to the OPCC.
ACTION – Democratic Services