Agenda and minutes

Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel - Tuesday 6 February 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions

Contact: Sophie Benfield  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 24th November 2023.

Additional documents:


2.1The minutes were approved as a correct record of the meeting held on the 24th November 2023.


2.2Following the example of other Police and Crime Panels around the country, the Chair asked the panel members if they could trial a fifteen-minute pre-meeting before the next meeting to review the agenda and to help members prepare and focus questioning. The Panel were reassured that this would only be a meeting between Members, supported Democratic Services, and not involve any officers from the Commissioner’s office or the Constabulary.



Declarations of Interest

Members of the Committee are invited to declare any pecuniary or personal interests relating to specific matters on the agenda.


Please see note (a) at the end of the agenda.


3.1 No declarations of interest were received.



Proposed Gloucestershire Police Precept 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 409 KB

Additional documents:


4.1         The Chair invited the Police and Crime Commissioner, Chris Nelson, to introduce this item. The detailed budget papers were taken as read. The Commissioner invited Chief Constable, Rod Hansen, to give an overview of policing in Gloucestershire to give further context to the budget. They were supported by Ruth Greenwood, Chief Executive of the OPCC and Peter Lewis, Chief Financial Officer, OPCC.


4.2         Sophie Benfield, Senior Democratic Services Officer, reminded the Panel of the Precept decision making process.



4.3         A Member raised concern that not all documents regarding the use of reserves had been ready for the panel to review. The officers confirmed that they had submitted all documents that they were legally required to for this review process but as well there would be a  separate more detailed ‘Reserves Strategy’ which would be shared with the Panel as soon as possible.


4.4         It was stated that the decision to use reserves for this budget had been taken due to funding pressures, that were being felt across the public sector, and with regard to public opinion expressed in the OPCC’s Perceptions of Crime survey in Autumn 2023 where 68% respondents felt that they did not believe the police force had sufficient funding. The reserves would be used to fund operational budgets, which would then allow the force to continue to invest in improvement.



4.5         The Commissioner highlighted a few projects that would be aided by the use of the reserves and the proposed precept increase, some of these included: maintaining the additional 400 police officers, police community support officers (PCSO) and police staff since May 2021, allowing the Enhanced Operating Model to improve, to improve the Force Control Room and to improve IT including the new records management system, NICHE.

ACTION – Reserves and Borrowing Update to be added to the workplan for the September meeting.


4.6         Regarding a Member’s question about the decreased number of officers listed in the report, the Chief Constable confirmed that on average, the Constabulary lost eighty officers per year and he confirmed that whilst they had a strong recruitment strategy, due to the nature of policing not all cohorts passed the twenty-five week training program.  However, the Chief reassured the Panel that whilst the figures might have temporarily reduced, the overall trend was still increasing.


4.7         When asked about new technology being used in the Constabulary, the Commissioner confirmed that £7 million was being invested into a new records management system, ‘Niche’. He also listed more technological improvements such as the use of Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras and drones.



4.8         Responding to a Member’s question about underutilised Constabulary buildings in the county, the officers confirmed that whilst there were no empty buildings, the estate’s building usage varied daily due to the changing nature of work patterns since the Covid-19 pandemic. The Commissioner confirmed that a complete condition review of the entire police estate was being undertaken to check the physical condition and utilisation. Changes would be made following the findings of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



To note the attached report and receive a verbal update from the PCC on

current activity.


5.1The PCC’s update was taken as read and there were no questions from the members.



Work Plan pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To review the committee work plan and suggest items for consideration at

future meetings.


When making suggestions, members should consider the reasons for and expected benefit of, scrutiny’s involvement. Members should also consider which area the item comes under:

·         Overview – an item which involves members learning about a subject, asking questions of clarifications but does not necessarily lead to any action/recommendations

·         Scrutiny – an item which requires members to examine the content and provide an outcome.

·         Information – reports that are for members information, these reports can be presented and/or questioned in the meeting, but this should be kept to a minimum.



6.1    It was confirmed that the dates for the visits to the Custody Suite and the Force Control Room would be confirmed by the Democratic Services Officer shortly. A Member did request that the invitation was widened to District and County Councillors, but it was confirmed by the OPCC that numbers needed to be limited due to the venue size. However, it was suggested that if panel members could not attend either of the visits, that they instead send a substitute.


ACTION – Democratic Services



6.2    It was decided that the Reserves and Borrowing Update would be added to September’s meeting.


ACTION – Democratic Services



6.3    The OPCC suggested an item on the Police Support Volunteers.


ACTION – Democratic Services



6.4    A Member suggested an item on the Savings and Efficiency Group including an update on the medium-term plan.


ACTION – Democratic Services