Agenda and minutes

Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel - Friday 3 February 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions

Contact: Sophie Benfield 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 106 KB


The minutes were approved as a correct record, subject to the following amendment:


Page 3, point 5.3:


100 additional voluntary PCSOs


Declarations of Interest

Please see note (a) at the end of the agenda.


No declarations of interest were received.



Additional documents:


4.1       The Chair invited PCC Chris Nelson to introduce this item. The detailed budget papers were taken as read and a short presentation of key highlights was given. This presentation is now published and available to view with the minutes.


4.2       A couple of members referred to the adjusted manifesto position within the papers, suggesting that this represented a breaking of promise to the electorate to change a commitment after being elected.


4.3       The PCC reiterated that this position had been explained at length many times. He was unaware of the looming inspectorate report at the time of making his manifesto pledges, which came days after his election and put Gloucestershire Constabulary into special measures. He stressed the sheer impact and size of a police force being put into special measures as being the scale of something similar to the Covid pandemic. It was a major criticism of the Constabulary, and its level of seriousness demanded a change in approach.


4.4       The PCC spoke with the Chief Constable at great length on how this would be addressed over the coming years, and at that point could have insisted that this manifesto pledge was stuck to, but this was not what was needed at that time. The Force needed a different approach which invested in people (police staff and officers), IT and a number of different areas. The PCC stressed that the Constabulary should be judged on its outputs such as crime reduction, and its improvement journey against engage.


4.5       A member questioned whether the PCC was committed to tackling persistent speeding and increasing the amount of ANPR equipment available to do so. It was advised that there were over 40 additional ANPR cameras in this budget, and there were plans to do more with police enforcement such as using speed guns and vans. He also referenced the recent Community Speedwatch Fund which was a joint venture with GCC to try and change the behaviour of persistent speeders.


4.6       It was noted that there was major investment ongoing for IT improvements. Gloucestershire were currently the only force in the whole of England operating on an old records management system, which had an impact on many different parts of operations. The business case to implement NICHE had been approved which would make a huge improvement. They were exploring opportunities to automate within the force control room and in vetting to help improve timings associated, but critically not lose the quality. It was stressed that the OPCC had a lot more grip and rigour within this capital programme to deliver, as opposed to a wish list of investments.


4.7       Noting the £3.8m budget gap identified at 3.4 of the report, a member asked for an expansion on the expected savings that would be required to fill part of this. It was stated that having a budget gap maintained a level of pressure on the Constabulary to continually innovate. The required savings were being drawn from efficiencies made within areas such as improved IT  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Update from the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)

To receive a verbal update from the PCC on current activity.


5.1       PCC Chris Nelson provided a verbal update on activities since the previous meeting but noting a lot had already been covered during the precept discussions. Members noted the following points:


·         The PCC reiterated how serious an issue being in special measures was for the Force. He, and the Chief, attended a masterclass for forces who were currently in, or who had just come out of special measures, to enable sharing best practise, and a forum to discuss issues problems. Among a plethora of advice shared, the PCC felt that around the importance of ensuring the force had a performance culture and the need to drive down demand (through prevention etc.) were most related to Gloucestershire’s position.

·         The Home Office continued to allow the non-degree route for another year whilst they reviewed the impact of the degree route. This had been a key focus for the PCC for some time to ensure the Force remained an attractive employment opportunity for groups such as ex-military or those for whom a degree was not an option or interest.

·         The PCC continued to ensure time was given to visit officers on the front line and visiting stations across the county. He found these discussions very helpful in terms of his role in governance and monitoring of the Force as a whole and felt in a time of huge change this was important for officers to be able to share though not necessarily via their management.

·         OPCC officers had been working on how to improve their dealings with the Local Criminal Justice Board, and the analysis/interpretation of data received from the Ministry of Justice. A complimentary letter had been received from the Permanent Secretary on this ground-breaking work.

·         Work continued on the Community Trigger scheme in addressing persistent Anti-Social Behaviour.

·         The PCC was hoping to recruit to a new position within the team which was a dedicated role for councillor contact. The office received a lot of requests from elected members and felt it wasimportant the team were able to provide a dedicated member of staff to ensure they had better route into the Constabulary for help and guidance

·         And finally, the Knife Angel was in place at Gloucester Cathedral, a thought-provoking sculpture built from confiscated knives which was aimed at acting as a catalyst to reflect on the dangers associated with knife crime and what explore what communities could do to help deal with this


ACTION:       Provide Community Trigger information and contact.


ACTION:       Provide a future update on Operation Snap


5.2       It was advised that the new Deputy Chief Constable had a background which related to the forthcoming protect duty known as Martin’s Law. They were also the Chair of the Local Resilience Forum which was likely to lead on a great deal of this work.




Work Plan pdf icon PDF 60 KB


A member asked if the Panel could go a visit the Sabrina Centre in Berkeley.