Agenda and minutes

County Council - Wednesday 19 March 2014 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2014.


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2014 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Please see note (b) at the end of the agenda.


A copy of the declarations of interest is attached to the signed copy of the minutes.



Please see the briefing note, which does not accompany this agenda, but will be circulated prior to the meeting.



a)       Local Government Chronicle 2014 Awards

The Chairman congratulated Cllr Paul McLain, the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People and Strategic Commissioning, and the officer team on winning the ‘public/private partnership’ award with Prospects.


b)       New highways contract

Officers would be present on the Council Chamber landing following the meeting to provide information on the new contract.


c)        Robert Nairac Awards for young people

Cllr Pam Tracey stated that the Robert Nairac Awards for young people were part of the St George’s Day celebrations in Gloucester Cathedral.  She asked members to put forward the names of young people who had made an outstanding achievement in their local communities.  Groups supporting young people could also be put forward for an award.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.


To answer any written public questions about matters which are within the powers and duties of the County Council.


The closing date for receipt of question is 10am on Wednesday, 12 March 2014.  Please send questions to the Chief Executive marked for the attention of Stephen Bace (email


To answer any oral questions put by members of the public with the consent of the Chairman.  Depending on the nature of the questions asked it may not be possible to provide a comprehensive answer at the meeting, in which case a written answer will be supplied as soon as reasonably possible after the meeting.


Questions received and proposed responses do not accompany this agenda but will be circulated prior to the meeting.



Members' Questions pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.


To answer any written members’ questions.


The closing date for the receipt of questions is 10am on Wednesday, 12 March 2014.  Please send questions to the Chief Executive marked for the attention of Stephen Bace (email


Questions received and proposed responses do not accompany this agenda but will be circulated prior to the meeting.


Twenty eight member questions were received.   A copy of the answers was circulated and is attached to the signed copy of these minutes.

The following supplementary questions were asked:


Question 1 – Cllr Paul Hodgkinson asked to be provided with information on all other income to the County Council relating to parking, including income from on-street parking permits.


Cllr Vernon Smith stated that he would provide the member with the information.


Question 7 – Cllr Colin Hay asked that he be provided with details of what KPI information was, as outlined in the answer. He also asked that information provided in response to supplementary questions be available to all members.


In response, Cllr Paul McLain explained that all the information had been made public to the Supporting People Partnership Board.


Question 8 – Cllr Colin Hay asked that acronyms be fully explained in the responses to questions.


Question 9 – Cllr Barry Kirby asked whether eligible Retained Fire Fighters, who could now retrospectively access pensions similar to full time colleagues, would be identified and made aware of how to apply for the scheme.


Cllr Will Windsor-Clive replied that they would.


Question 10 – Cllr Barry Kirby asked whether the Apprentice Travel Card would be implemented by September.


Cllr Mark Hawthorne replied that it would be.


Question 12 – Cllr Barry Kirby queried the difference in the figures he had obtained in relation to young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) and the figures provided in the answer to his initial question.


Cllr Paul McLain stated that he was happy to circulate the figures and that the overall trend was that the NEET figures were falling in Gloucestershire.


Question 13 – Cllr Steve Lydon asked for the administration’s view on the call for a new bridge across the Severn and enquired how this fitted with the Council’s priorities. He also noted that the National Assembly for Wales could have a view on this issue.


Cllr Vernon Smith explained that this was an aspiration and that MPs should be supported. He used the example of the A417 loop as an indication of what could be achieved if members worked together.


Question 16 – Cllr Lesley Williams asked that the County do as much work as possible with the neighbouring areas with regards to seeking a solution for flooding throughout the Frome catchment area.


Question 17 – Cllr Lesley Williams asked to be provided with a breakdown of any watercourses that Gloucestershire County Council had dredged in the last 12 months.


Cllr Vernon Smith stated that he would provide the member with a detailed response.


Question 20 – Cllr Brian Oosthuysen asked if the Cabinet Member could confirm that the voluntary Parent Champions would not be recruited in order to cover the 3% reduction in children centre budgets.


Cllr Paul McLain explained that Parent Champions could be put to good effect in encouraging young people to undertake activities, performing a role that some professionals were not equipped to do.


Question 23  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.



To receive petitions, if any, without discussion.


No petitions were presented at the meeting.



For debate and decision on the day, unless the Chairman decides otherwise.


The following motion was submitted to the last meeting on 26 February 2014 but was deferred to this meeting at the request of the proposer and seconder.


Motion 701 - Female Genital Mutilation

This Council notes that the number of women and girls living with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the UK is more likely to be around 170,000 -almost three times the existing official figures – and that 65,000 girls aged 13 and under are at risk of mutilation in this country.


This Council is aware that in spite of the UK law in 1985 banning what was then termed ‘female circumcision’ there has not been a single successful prosecution in the country.


This Council is concerned that this abusive practice is being carried out in areas within our own county and that more needs to be done to raise awareness, investigate concerns and secure prosecutions.


This Council recognises the importance of a multi-agency approach that primarily involves education, health and local authorities, the police and the CPS in appropriately coming together to share data and raise awareness.

This Council welcomes the decision that doctors and nurses in the UK are now to be told to log details of injuries suffered by victims of FGM. It has been reported that by September, all acute hospitals will have to reportthis data to the Department of Health, on a monthly basis.

This Council requests for these figures to be monitored and evaluated also by the Health and Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee in order to see how big a problem these crimes really are in Gloucestershire and for this particular committee to determine what steps are being taken to stop the practice from happening to children in Gloucestershire.  

Proposed by Cllr Colin Hay

Seconded by Cllr Sarah Lunnon


The following motions had been received by the deadline of 10am on Monday, 10 March 2014:


Motion 702 – Concessionary bus passes

The County Council has recently renegotiated a concessionary fares agreement with Stagecoach. However, it still remains the case that older people and people with disabilities will not be able to use their bus passes before 9.30 in the morning, causing considerable inconvenience to those who use their bus passes to attend medical appointments, work and training.


This Council recognises the significant inconvenience the 9.30 rule causes older people and people with disabilities living in Gloucestershire’s rural and suburban areas. This Council mandates the Cabinet Member responsible to review the 9.30 rule and to renegotiate with Gloucestershire’s bus service providers to allow older people and people with disabilities to use their bus passes from 8.30 onwards.


Proposed by Cllr Lesley Williams

Seconded by Cllr Tracy Millard


Motion 703 – Member questions

This Council notes the increasing number of questions submitted to Council and Cabinet meetings. There have been close to 100 questions submitted to the last two Council meetings alone.  

The impact on the work of Cabinet Members and  ...  view the full agenda text for item 29.


Motion 701 - Female Genital Mutilation

Cllr Colin Hay proposed and Cllr Sarah Lunnon seconded the following motion:


This Council notes that the number of women and girls living with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the UK is more likely to be around 170,000 -almost three times the existing official figures – and that 65,000 girls aged 13 and under are at risk of mutilation in this country.


This Council is aware that in spite of the UK law in 1985 banning what was then termed ‘female circumcision’ there has not been a single successful prosecution in the country.


This Council is concerned that this abusive practice is being carried out in areas within our own county and that more needs to be done to raise awareness, investigate concerns and secure prosecutions.


This Council recognises the importance of a multi-agency approach that primarily involves education, health and local authorities, the police and the CPS in appropriately coming together to share data and raise awareness.

This Council welcomes the decision that doctors and nurses in the UK are now to be told to log details of injuries suffered by victims of FGM. It has been reported that by September, all acute hospitals will have to report this data to the Department of Health, on a monthly basis.

This Council requests for these figures to be monitored and evaluated also by the Health and Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee in order to see how big a problem these crimes really are in Gloucestershire and for the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee to determine what steps are being taken to stop the practice from happening to children in Gloucestershire.  

Members paid tribute to the young woman in Bristol for her bravery in coming forward to highlight the practice of FGM and its devastating impact on those affected.  FGM was recognised as child abuse and it was important that awareness of the practice was raised in local communities and amongst education, health and social care professionals.  The education system provided a safe environment for young people to talk about their experiences and it was hoped that they could be encouraged to come forward.

It was noted that the Council was already working with the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children’s Board to raise awareness of the issue.  Frontline staff were receiving training on how to recognise potential cases of FGM and support was also available from the voluntary sector.  However, the opportunity to review the current arrangements and monitor progress was welcomed.

On being put to the vote, the motion received unanimous support.


This Council notes that the number of women and girls living with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the UK is more likely to be around 170,000 -almost three times the existing official figures – and that 65,000 girls aged 13 and under are at risk of mutilation in this country.


This Council is aware that in spite of the UK law in 1985 banning what was then termed ‘female circumcision’ there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Constitution Committee pdf icon PDF 326 KB

For debate and decision.



Cllr Mark Hawthorne, the Chairman of the Constitution Committee, presented the recommendations from the meeting held on 10 March 2014.


30.1    Independent Remuneration Panel


The Chairman thanked William Alexander, the Chairman of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP), and his colleagues for their work in assessing councillors’ allowances. 


Mr Alexander explained that the IRP was independent of the Council and made recommendations each year on the level of allowances.  He thanked members for taking the time to speak to the IRP during the interviews in the Autumn.  He said that IRP members had found the information provided most beneficial.  He noted that all the members had welcomed the member induction programme following the May 2013 election.


He paid tribute to the Council for the excellent peer review it had received towards the end of 2013.  He acknowledged that the Council was amongst the highest performing in the country but he was concerned that the allowances remained low and undervalued the role of members.  He recognised that now was not the right time to make significant changes but he hoped that in the longer term steps could be taken to remedy the position. 


Members thanked Mr Alexander and his colleagues on the IRP for all of the work they had undertaken since the election.  A member made special mention of the member induction process and thanked Democratic Services for their efforts in delivering a balanced programme. He believed that the chamber should reflect the population of the county.  He regretted that the Government did not provide guidance on the appropriate level of allowances. 


A member questioned the comparison of member roles at the Council with large businesses.  She also expressed concern at the failure of some members to attend meetings and believed that the allowances should reflect attendance.  She called for the minutes to record when members came in and went out of meetings.


Cllr Mark Hawthorne noted that attendance allowance had been removed by the Government some years ago as it encouraged a ‘meetings culture’.  He said that it was for group leaders to take action if members failed to attend meetings.


A member said that he would not be supporting the increase in allowances as the Council was facing severe financial pressure and was still having to make cuts to services.




a)        To increase the Basic Allowance (BA) from £8,800 to £9,000 from 1 April 2014 to reflect staff pay rises for 2013-14 and 2014-15.   


b)        To remove the rule of ‘only one Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA)’.  This change does not increase the budget for allowances as the budget assumes that all allowances are taken up.


c)         To adjust the BA multiple (0.66 to 0.6) for the SRAs for committee chairmen and members of the Adoption Panel and Fostering Panel.  This will reduce the value of the SRA from £5,808 to £5,400.


d)        To adjust the BA multiple (0.33 to 0.3) for the SRA for the Vice-chairman of the Council.  This will reduce the value of the SRA from  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Corporate Parenting

For information and members’ questions.


The Cabinet Member for Children & Young People and Strategic Commissioning to provide an update for members.


Cllr Paul McLain, the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People and Strategic Commissioning, provided an update on the latest position.  He was pleased to report that the Council was one of only 39 authorities meeting scorecard targets for adoption.  He said that Corporate Parenting services were performing well across the board and he paid tribute to the officers for their efforts.  He noted the increase in the number of ‘special guardianships’ and success of post-adoption help and support.  Ofsted had commended the Council on the good level of support provided.  The Multi-Agency Service Hub (MASH) would be fully live in April.


Cllr Lesley Williams and Cllr Chris Coleman, members of the Corporate Parenting Group, paid tribute to the personal commitment of the Cabinet Member and to officers for the quality of their work.  The multi-agency approach appeared to be working successfully and Gloucestershire was making every effort to address the needs of its looked after children.


Members called for the Corporate Parenting update to be considered ahead of motions at future meetings.


Appointments Committee pdf icon PDF 57 KB

For debate and decision.


Additional documents:


Cllr Mark Hawthorne, the Chairman of the Appointments Committee, presented the recommendation from the meeting held on 5 March 2014.  


RESOLVED that the 2014-15 Pay Policy Statement be adopted.


Individual Cabinet Member Decision Statement pdf icon PDF 63 KB

For information and members’ questions.



Cllr Paul McLain, the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People and Strategic Commissioning, stated that a briefing had been provided for members on the position regarding primary school places in Cheltenham.  He undertook to provide Cllr Klara Sudbury with a briefing note as she had been unable to attend.


Another member expressed concern regarding secondary school places on the south side of Cheltenham.


RESOLVED to note the Individual Cabinet Member Decision Statement for the period 1 January to 5 March 2014.