Venue: Oxstalls Indoor Tennis Centre - Oxstalls Indoor Tennis Centre. View directions
No. | Item |
To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2021 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
a) Forwards Employability Team The team is a finalist at this year’s Employment Related Service Association (ERSA) awards. The ERSA awards celebrate best practice in the employment support sector and recognise the hard work and dedication of those working to improve the lives of jobseekers, communities and the wider workforce.
b) Social Worker of the Year Awards Three county council social workers have been shortlisted in the annual Social Worker of the Year Awards for their extraordinary support for adults with care and support needs.
c) Fire evacuation procedure and meeting protocols To invite Simon Harper, Head of Democratic Services, to inform members of the arrangements for the meeting. Minutes: a) Forwards Employability Team
The Chair congratulated the Forwards Employability Team on becoming a finalist at this year’s Employment Related Service Association (ERSA) Awards. These awards celebrated best practice in the employment support sector and recognised the hard work and dedication of those working to improve the lives of job seekers, communities and the wider workforce.
b) Social Worker of the Year Awards
The Chair congratulated three County Council social workers who had been shortlisted in the annual Social Worker of the Year Awards for extraordinary support for adults with care and support needs.
c) Fire evacuation procedure and meeting protocols
Simon Harper, Head of Democratic Services, informed members of the arrangements for the meeting.
d) Arthur Labinjo-Hughes
Members observed a minute’s silence in memory of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes.
e) Steve Mawson
The Chair congratulated Steve Mawson on his appointment as Deputy Chief Executive at the Appointments Committee meeting on 6 December 2021.
f) Bren McInerney
The Chair congratulated Bren McInerney on the award of an NHS England/NHS Improvement Safeguarding Star Award in recognition of his kindness, thoughtfulness and ability to connect in the communities to keep people cared for and safe.
g) Health Service Journal (HSJ) 2021 Awards
The Chair recognised that the One Gloucestershire ICS had been shortlisted in the ‘Integrated Care System of the Year’ category at the HSJ awards. The Gloucestershire entry ‘Integrated Working During COVID-19’ set out the contribution and joint working over this period from health and care professionals on the frontline and in support services. It recognised the strength of the One Gloucestershire partnership including the role and work of Public Health, Social Care, local councils and those in the voluntary and community sector.
h) Personal safety for councillors
Members were reminded that an online session on personal safety for members would be taking place on Friday 10 December from 10am to 12pm.
i) Kickstart Programme
Max Young and Troy Irwin were thanked for the support they had provided to members during their six months with the Council. Troy would be joining Aston Martin to work at their new factory in St Athan, South Wales, and Max was looking for an opportunity to continue working for the Council.
Declarations of Interest Please declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests that you may have relating to any specific matters which may be discussed at the meeting. Minutes: Cllr Emma Nelson declared an interest in Motion 893. |
Public questions Minutes: Twenty-six public questions had been received. The following supplementary questions were asked:
Question 15 – Pippa Schwartz noted that the Local Transport Plan aimed to address and minimise environmental impact and Cllr Gray had promised to work with key stakeholders. She stated that all those stakeholders in Minchinhampton and Rodborough had agreed to pursue road narrowing. This could be legally done without a TRO and street lighting. She asked Cllr Gray to help progress this and to meet stakeholders on site in January 2022.
Cllr David Gray replied that he would ask the officers to arrange a meeting with Minchinhampton and Rodborough Commons Advisory Committee where possible for January 2022.
Question 20 – Lorna Parker provided examples of Stagecoach buses that had neem taken out of service. Stagecoach had informed her that Cirencester College buses had departed and picked up around Gloucestershire, dropping off students to the college. They would then show as ‘not in service’ as they had finished for the day and were unable to pick up. She asked if there were any plans to change the system and urged the council to improve the bus service in Gloucestershire.
Cllr Philip Robinson replied that Stagecoach shortcomings were a matter for them to resolve. The County Council could not control Stagecoach’s routes and timetables. He would raise her queries with the relevant officers.
Question 26– Adrian Oldman commended the Council on its Bus Improvement Plan but asked, given importance the council placed on buses, would it commit on above inflation investment in the bus network for the next four years?
Cllr Philip Robinson replied that funding relied on the Bus Back Better project which included the improvement plan and a detailed document would be issued by 31 March 2022. Any future funding for public transport was dependent on that process. If funding was forthcoming, the Council would be keen to invest. In response to an additional question on real time notification, he could not give the number of real time displays but this was a major part of the improvement plan targets.
Mr Oldman also asked if the Cabinet Member would commit to a Local Passenger Transport Group. In response it was explained that this would be a matter for the enhanced partnership and could be a consequence of that agreement.
In response to Mr Oldman’s question on councillors’ own use of public transport, Cllr Robinson outlined that he loved using public transport and that demand responsive transport was coming to the Forest of Dean.
Petitions Cllr Chloe Turner to present a petition for the Council to implement road safety measures and reduce the speed limit on a section of the A419 in Thrupp.
Cllr Roger Whyborn to present a petition calling on the Council to install an electronic pedestrian crossing on Warden Hill Road to help pupils attending Bournside, Belmont and Bettridge Schools to cross safely.
Cllr Alex Hegenbarth to present a petition calling on the Council to fully fund the Bishops Cleeve to Cheltenham cycleway and to publish a timeline for its completion as soon as possible.
To receive any other petitions from members without discussion. Minutes: Cllr Chloe Turner presented Cllr Vernon Smith, Cabinet Member for Highways and Flood, with a petition for the Council to implement road safety measures and reduce the speed limit on a section of the A419 in Thrupp.
Cllr Roger Whyborn presented Cllr Vernon Smith, Cabinet Member for Highways and Flood, with a petition calling on the Council to install an electronic pedestrian crossing on Warden Hill Road to help pupils attending Bournside, Belmont and Bettridge Schools to cross safely.
A petition calling on the Council to fully fund the Bishops Cleeve to Cheltenham cycleway and to publish a timeline for its completion as soon as possible, would be passed on to Cllr David Gray, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, on behalf of Cllr Alex Hegenbarth who was not in attendance at this meeting.
Corporate Parenting PDF 223 KB Cllr Stephen Davies, Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years, to present the corporate parenting report. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Stephen Davies, Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years, presented the Corporate Parenting report.
Members were advised that there was a concern that a date for the Ofsted inspection date had not yet been set. This was a concern as it was believed that, as a result of the improvements made, Children’s Services in Gloucestershire were no longer inadequate. It was important to get this confirmed by Ofsted, as the current status was affecting recruitment. This concern had been raised with Ofsted in writing.
Additionally, in the face of a record number of children in care and high staff turnover amongst children’s social workers, an additional payment was being made to front line workers for their loyalty.
Members were invited to submit their One Page Profiles if they had not already done so. However enough profiles had been completed already to be able to launch the programme.
Cllr Davies also commented on the tragic case of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and reflected on the importance of the work carried out by Children’s Services and the daily decisions that they made.
One member requested a breakdown of the costs totalling £5 million involved in supporting two children. Cllr Davies responded that he would look at what information could be provided to the member.
Another member asked whether the Cabinet Member would look into introducing preventative measures, given that there were increasing numbers of children in care. In response, Cllr Davies explained that this increase in the number of children in care was a national trend, and in Gloucestershire, a request to increase spending on youth services and family hubs had recently been considered by Cabinet. Further announcements on this would be made in the new year.
There was a further query from a member as to how children requiring support from Children’s Services were supported with the transition to Adults Services.
The Council’s Constitution provides for a maximum of two hours for debate on motions. The time limit for member speeches is three minutes and the time limit for proposing a motion is five minutes.
In accordance with Procedural Rule 10.2 in Part 4 of the Council Constitution, the Chief Executive has prepared a short accompanying note for each motion in respect of any implications for climate change, resources, human rights and any other pertinent factors they may wish to include in accordance with the Council’s Policy Framework.
Motion 888 - Armed Forces Community Covenant Proposed by Cllr Andrew Gravells Seconded by Cllr Dom Morris
Nearly a decade ago, in February 2012, Gloucestershire County Council along with its partners including the six district councils, local NHS representatives, and the Police and Crime Commissioner, signed the Armed Forces Community Covenant
The Covenant is a statement of mutual support between the civilian community and its local Armed Forces Community. It encourages support for the Armed Forces Community residing in Gloucestershire and recognises and remembers their sacrifices. This includes in-service and ex-service personnel, their families and widow(er)s, reservists, and partners in Gloucestershire. It’s important that we continue to work with veterans in the county too, and we place on record our appreciation and gratitude to those organisations which work tirelessly with our local veterans and their families.
For the County Council and its partner organisations, the Armed Forces Community Covenant presents an opportunity for us all to continue sharing our knowledge and experience of how Local Government is structured and how it works, with the local bases in order to assist and advise our military neighbours and their families in practical ways when they might need our help or advice.
The County Council continues to keep in touch with the Military bases in the county, doing its best to ensure that all Military personnel are aware of how to access the Local Government services which are available , and also how we can learn from them on how we can address any issues which they encounter .
In the last few weeks, we have planned, and now begun, an e-learning course for all Elected Members, and county council staff, in an effort to make our Council even more effective in our work with our military residents.
Now, we believe that the time is right to update and reinforce the Covenant.
Therefore, this Council proposes that on the 10-year anniversary of the original signing, the county council invites all original signatories (or their replacement bodies) to re-sign, highlighting their continued commitment to honouring the Armed Forces Community, and to contact all of the Gloucestershire Town and Parish Councils, inviting them to sign the updated Covenant too.
Motion 889 - Severn Edge STEP Fusion Reactor Proposed by Cllr David Gray Seconded Cllr Philip Robinson
This Council welcomes and celebrates the announcement that the Severn Edge bid for the Berkeley and Oldbury sites has been shortlisted down to one of five as this reactor offers ... view the full agenda text for item 45. Minutes: Motion 888 - Armed Forces Community Covenant
Cllr Andrew Gravells proposed and Cllr Dom Morris seconded the motion, (as published with the agenda for the meeting). Cllr Gravells, as Armed Forces Covenant Champion for the County Council, encouraged members, regardless of political affiliation, to support the motion.
Outlining personal reflections of his associations with the armed forces, including family associations and working alongside British and American Forces personnel at Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Cllr Gravels spoke with pride about his work as Local Government Association (LGA) representative on the Central Government Cabinet Office Committee and in the development of the Armed Forces Community Covenant.
Cllr Gravells informed members that the Covenant represented a commitment from Government (and all those who sign up to it) to ensure all those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces and their families were treated with fairness and respect in the communities they serve or have served in. Representing a statement of mutual support between the civilian community and the local armed forces community of Gloucestershire, the Gloucestershire County Council Armed Forces Covenant was signed in 2012.
It was explained that the principal aims of the Covenant included:
1) To recognise the unique obligations of, and sacrifices made by the armed forces.
2) To remove disadvantages arising for service people from membership, or former membership, of the armed forces.
3) To consider that special provision for service people may be justified by the effects on such people of membership, or former membership, of the armed forces.
Cllr Gravells sought agreement to update the Gloucestershire County Council Covenant to include new organisations and to reaffirm the Council’s commitment to the Gloucestershire Armed Forces community. This currently stood at around 2,400 serving personnel, increasing to a much larger number if immediate families, veterans and reservists were included.
Since taking over the role of Armed Forces Covenant Champion, Cllr Gravells, working alongside the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire, had been involved in a number of issues aimed at promoting the Gloucestershire County Council Covenant. Cllr Gravells stated that it was the support of the Honourable Company and the small covenant team based at Shire Hall that had encouraged him to continue in promoting the Covenant to every city, town, village and parish in Gloucestershire. It was for this reason that the updating and re-signing of the covenant was so important.
Commending the work of reservists who worked for the Council, the Covenant team at Shire Hall and the universal recognition attributed to the Glosters Regiment, Cllr Gravells reflected on his appreciation of the democratic freedom assigned to the council meeting, a freedom denied to so many around the world. He encouraged everyone to support the motion by placing on record their appreciation and gratitude to the Armed Forces Community of Gloucestershire.
Seconding the motion, Cllr Dom Morris, reflected on some of his own personal experiences whilst deployed with the armed forces. Speaking with visible emotion of the losses and sacrifices endured by so many during the deployment ... view the full minutes text for item 45. |
Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
To answer any written member questions about matters which are within the powers and duties of the County Council.
The closing date for receipt of questions is 10am on Wednesday, 1 December 2021. Please send questions to the Chief Executive marked for the attention of Sophie Benfield (email
Questions received and proposed responses do not accompany this agenda but will be circulated prior to the meeting.
As background information, the Cabinet Decision Statements for the meetings held on 22 September and 10 November 2021 and the Cabinet Member Decision Statements from 1 September to 22 November 2021 are attached.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Sixty-six member questions had been received. The following supplementary questions were asked:
Question 1 – Cllr Paul Baker stated that in the Conservative 2017 manifesto it stated that there would be superfast broadband across Gloucestershire by 2021. He asked how many homes were still unconnected and when would they be connected?
Cllr Mark Hawthorne replied that he did not have a list of individual homes that would be shortly connected. He reflected on the success of the programme and stated that there was still a lot to be delivered in technically hard to reach areas. He felt that the scheme should be congratulated for the huge amount of broadband available.
Question 2 – Cllr Colin Hay asked what the public interest was in a winding up order?
Cllr Mark Hawthorne replied that any organisation going in to a legal process needed to be aware of the ramifications if unsuccessful. CR4C were aware that if they were unsuccessful this could happen and there was a moral duty to pursue that.
Question 3 – Cllr Colin Hay asked what the value for money was of over £6,000 spent on the winding up order.
Cllr Mark Hawthorne replied that for any legal process if a party failed they could be liable for any costs. No tax payer in Gloucestershire would be accepting of a situation where they were ‘let off’.
Question 6 – Cllr David Willingham asked how many times the Cabinet Member had written to National Highways regarding this and would he now write to make the passing under Elmbridge Court roundabout safe for young and vulnerable cyclists.
Cllr Vernon Smith replied he would be making further requests for a response on these points.
Question 7 – Cllr David Willingham asked could the Cabinet Member explain how any recommendations following a conference on deprivation could be funded from the 2022/23 budget if the budget setting period had passed?
Cllr Tim Harman replied that the levelling up fund opportunities would open in the Spring.
Question 8 – Cllr David Willingham suggested that 7 hours of officer time out of 740 hours to plan the conference showed a lack of urgency and he looked for assurance that this would be taken forward.
Cllr Tim Harman stated that this did not take into account councillor time.
Question 11 – Cllr Paul Hodgkinson asked whether the installation of charging points would all be urban focused and how would rural residents not be left behind. He detailed correspondence with officers that suggested chargers would be based in urban areas.
Cllr David Gray replied that the intention was to approach installation of chargers across the whole County and look for best value for money as well as the availability of the network and to fill in gaps. He asked the member to share any correspondence.
Question 12 – Cllr Paul Hodgkinson asked how had the email address been publicised and how would the sites be promoted.
Cllr David Gray detailed the importance of practicality, he explained promoting through ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |
Cllr Phil Awford, Chair of Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, will present the report which provides a summary of recent scrutiny committee activities. Scrutiny Committee Chairs to answer questions:
Cllr Philip Awford, Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Cllr Andrew Gravells, Health Cllr Stephen Hirst, Adult Social Care and Communities Cllr Andrew Miller, Children and Families Cllr Dom Morris, Environment Cllr Matt Babbage, Economic Growth Cllr Jeremy Hilton, Fire and Rescue Cllr Steve Robinson (Vice-chair), Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel
Minutes: Cllr Phil Awford, Chair of Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, presented the report which provided a summary of recent scrutiny activities.
The report highlighted the breadth of scrutiny activity being undertaken by non-executive members. It was noted that Gloucestershire County Council had more scrutiny committees than most local authorities, however this demonstrated how engaged and enthusiastic members were about the activities of the Council and wider community issues including health.
Cllr Awford also thanked Cabinet members for attending scrutiny committee meetings and commented that strong Cabinet governance was only as good as the scrutiny process that runs alongside it.
Members were reminded of and encouraged to attend the Budget Scrutiny session taking place on 6 January 2022.
One member commented on his disappointment at the negative approach to the recent call-in process and expressed the view that scrutiny was valuable and should be embraced more than it was. |
Constitution Committee |
Meeting held on 11 October 2021 PDF 119 KB Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Chair of the Constitution Committee, to present the attached report setting out proposed changes to the Council Constitution relating to the Appeals Committee, Audit and Governance Committee, time limit for member questions at full Council meetings and officer scheme of delegation. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Chair of the Constitution Committee, presented the report setting out proposed changes to the Council Constitution.
It was understood that the recommendation relating to the time limit for questions by members at full Council meetings had been pulled following a meeting of Group Leaders.
RESOLVED that the recommendations in the report, excluding the recommendation relating to the time limit for member questions at full Council meetings, be approved.
Contract Procedure Rules PDF 489 KB Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Chair of the Constitution Committee, to present the attached report setting out the recommendation from the informal meeting of the Constitution Committee held on 18 November 2021. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Contract Procedure Rules attached to the report be incorporated into the Council’s Constitution. |
Finance Procedure Rules PDF 118 KB Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Chair of the Constitution Committee, to present the attached report setting out the recommendation from the informal meeting of the Constitution Committee held on 18 November 2021. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Finance Procedure Rules attached to the report be incorporated into the Council’s Constitution. |