Venue: Committee Room - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions
Contact: Jo Moore
No. | Item |
Apologies To note any apologies for absence. Minutes: None. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2020 (minutes attached). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 14 October 2020 were agreed as a correct record at the meeting.
Declarations of Interest To declare any pecuniary or personal interests relating to specific matters on the agenda.
Please see information note (1) at the end of the agenda
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made at the meeting.
Questions at Cabinet Meetings PDF 85 KB Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Written questions
To answer any written questions from a County Councillor, (or any person living or working in the county, or is affected by the work of the County Council), about any matter which relates to any item on the agenda for this meeting.
The closing date for the receipt of written questions is 4.00 pm on Thursday 5 November 2020.
Please submit any questions to stephen,
A written answer will be provided for each written question received (to be presented to the questioner and to Cabinet (in advance of the meeting). The questions and answers will be taken as read and will not be read out at the meeting. At the discretion of the Leader of Council, each questioner ( in attendance at the meeting) will be allowed to ask one supplementary question (in response to the answer given to the original question).
A copy of all written questions and written answers circulated at the meeting will be attached to the signed copy of the minutes of the meeting.
Urgent questions
An urgent written question may be asked by a member of the public about any item on the Cabinet agenda for that meeting which the Chairperson considers could not have been reasonably submitted by the deadline for the receipt of written questions, provided he or she gives notice of the question to the Chief Executive by 12 noon the day before the meeting. Minutes: A total of 17 member questions were submitted for consideration in advance of the meeting.
No public questions were submitted.
The following supplementary questions were asked at the meeting.
Question 1: Cllr Iain Dobie
Agenda Item 6: Children and Families Capital Programme Update
Cllr Dobie outlined his support for the new school at Warden Hill but expressed concern with the apparent lack of communication with councillors, residents and parents. He asked if the Cabinet Member regretted withholding information until now?
Cllr Patrick Molyneux replied that he didn’t feel information had been withheld and he emphasised the hard work carried out in this area.
Question 2: Cllr Iain Dobie
Agenda Item 6: Children and Families Capital Programme Update
Cllr Dobie asked whether the target was for the new primary school in Warden Hill to open in September 2022.
Cllr Patrick Molyneux stated that a school took approximately 2 to 2.5 years to build but it would be delivered as fast as possible. He noted the impact of Covid-19 and potential disruption caused by the pandemic.
Question 3: Cllr Iain Dobie
Agenda Item 6: Children and Families Capital Programme Update
Cllr Dobie asked whether local representatives would involved in a public view of the school.
Cllr Patrick Molyneux replied that the Council would work with the school to see what was the best approach in how to engage with the local area.
Question 4: Cllr Iain Dobie
Agenda Item 6: Children and Families Capital Programme Update
Cllr Dobie asked whether there was a clear commitment to offset all CO2 emissions from construction of the new school and for it to be zero carbon once built.
Cllr Patrick Molyneux stated that the Council was committed to trying to achieve that.
Question 5: Cllr Iain Dobie
Agenda Item 6: Children and Families Capital Programme Update
Cllr Dobie asked whether the Cabinet Member would commit to funding living green walls for the new school as proposed in the School Street motion to full Council in June.
Cllr Patrick Molyneux replied that the Council would try and do everything it could to be zero carbon and that would include green walls if appropriate.
Question 6: Cllr Colin Hay
Agenda Item 6: Children and Families Capital Programme Update
Cllr Hay referred to school capacity pressures in Bishops Cleeve and asked whether existing school sites would be taken into account when choosing a new site for a school. He emphasised the importance of not being in a situation where parents felt the need to drive their children to school.
Cllr Patrick Molyneux explained that pupil numbers coming through the system were taken into account. Work was underway to ensure the best provision in place and to resolve any issues around the site. He was hopeful something would be announced shortly.
Question 7: Cllr Colin Hay
Agenda Item 6: Children and Families Capital Programme Update
Cllr Hay asked the Cabinet Member to be clear around commitments for the school to be zero carbon, in relation not just to its ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Gloucestershire Youth Offending Service:: Response to Covid 19 - Recovery Plan 2020/21 PDF 102 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Cllr Richard Boyles, Deputy Leader/ Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years, sought Cabinet’s approval to recommend that the County Council approve Gloucestershire’s Youth Offending Service Recovery Plan detailed within the report and appendix.
Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and,
RESOLVED to: - Recommend that County Council approve Gloucestershire’s Youth Offending Service Recovery Plan attached at Appendix 1 of the report.
Minutes: Cllr Richard Boyles, Deputy Leader/ Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years, sought Cabinet’s approval to recommend that the County Council approve Gloucestershire’s Youth Offending Service Recovery Plan detailed within the report and appendix.
It was explained that there was a statutory requirement for localities to bring forward an annual Youth Justice Plan for their area. As part of the national response to Covid, the Youth Justice Board (YJB) had relaxed this requirement for 2020/21. In its place the YJB had required each Youth Offending Service to complete a Recovery Plan, setting out how localities will transition from a response to recovery at the point health risks are declared negligible. The Gloucestershire Youth Justice Service Recovery Plan provided an overview of how the service had responded to Covid, including any lessons learned and how those may be incorporated within future provision. He outlined that there had been extensive collaborative working with all the statutory agencies as well as non-statutory bodies. As the Youth Justice Plan formed part of the Council’s policy framework, it was required to be approved by Council, following its consideration by Cabinet. Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and,
RESOLVED to: - Recommend that County Council approve Gloucestershire’s Youth Offending Service Recovery Plan attached at Appendix 1 of the report.
Children and Families Capital Programme Update PDF 157 KB Decision: Cllr Patrick Molyneux, Cabinet Member for Economy, Education and Skills, sought Cabinet’s approval for the changes to the previously approved Children and Families Capital Programme 2020/21.
Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and,
RESOLVED to: - Approve the changes to the Children & Families Capital Programme as set
out in the report: 1. An addition of £2.250 million to the approved scheme for the new SEMH School, funded from the approved Basic Need
Provision. 2. An addition of £1.000 million to the approved scheme for Warden Hill Primary School, funded from the approved School’s Condition Allocation. 3. An addition of £0.146 million developer S106 contribution for The John Moore Primary to replace allocated basic need funding. 4. An addition of £0.107 million developer S106 contribution for Winchcombe Secondary School to replace allocated basic need funding. 5. An addition of £0.147 million developer S106 contribution for Severn Vale School to replace allocated basic need funding. 6. An addition of £0.024 million developer S106 contribution for Rednock School. 7. An addition of £0.152 million developer S106 contribution for Christ Church C of E Primary School, Cheltenham. 8. An addition of £0.152 million developer S106 contribution for Gloucester Road Primary School. 9. An addition of £0.100 million developer S106 contribution for Farmors School. 10. An addition of £0.022 million developer S106 contribution for Cirencester Kingshill
School. 11. An addition of £2.139 million School Condition Grant Allocation for 2020/21 to the Children and Families Capital Programme.
Minutes: Cllr Patrick Molyneux, Cabinet Member for Economy, Education and Skills, sought Cabinet’s approval for the changes to the previously approved Children and Families Capital Programme 2020/21.
It was explained that full Council had approved the Children and Families Capital Programme for 2020/21 on 12 February 2020. The schemes represented part of the ongoing commitment to investing £100 million into new schools, improving buildings and expanding facilities at schools across Gloucestershire to ensure all children and young people benefitted from high quality and appropriate education.
The Council was committed to ensuring the right provision and facilities were available for all children and young people including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. He referenced the £2.25m in the report to approve the scheme for a new SEMH school. The additional condition capital funding for the scheme for Warden Hill Primary School would enable the Council to replace the tired, poor quality provision with up to date, sustainable and efficient accommodation and provide fit for purpose high quality facilities for years to come. There had been some Section 106 Developer Contributions received from housing developments, which would be used towards specific expansion schemes. The application seeking a Judicial Review of the planning application for the new High School in Leckhampton had been considered by the courts and been rejected. The Council had received confirmation that the claimant had made an application to challenge the refusal. A date for the oral hearing had been confirmed by the court for 15 December 2020. The Council’s position would be robustly defended and it was hoped that the matter would be successfully concluded at the hearing. He explained that there had been some Covid-19 impact on some of the programmes but the teams were working hard to mitigate the long-term impact. Members discussed the importance of quality, fit for purpose facilities for education and emphasised how the report emphasised that commitment with the investment being put in place. Of the £100m investment into the programme around £40m was earmarked for Cheltenham development. The Cabinet Member thanked the officers for helping to bring this work together. Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and,
RESOLVED to: - Approve the changes to the Children & Families Capital Programme as set
out in the report: 1. An addition of £2.250 million to the approved scheme for the new SEMH School, funded from the approved Basic Need
Provision. 2. An addition of £1.000 million to the approved scheme for Warden Hill Primary School, funded from the approved School’s Condition Allocation. 3. An addition of £0.146 million developer S106 contribution for The John Moore Primary to replace allocated basic need funding. 4. An addition of £0.107 million developer S106 contribution for Winchcombe Secondary School to replace allocated basic need funding. 5. An addition of £0.147 million developer S106 contribution for Severn Vale School to replace allocated basic need funding. 6. An addition of £0.024 million developer S106 contribution for Rednock School. 7. An addition of £0.152 million developer S106 ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Financial Monitoring Report (Nov 2020) PDF 149 KB Decision: Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, Cllr Lynden Stowe, gave an update on the year-end forecasts for the County Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets 2020/21.
Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and,
1. Note the forecast revenue year end position based on actual expenditure as at the end of August 2020 and September 2020 (Period 6) forecasts for the 2020/21 financial year including Covid-19 forecast is an overspend of £7.649 million. The forecast excluding Covid-19 is an overspend £4.115 million.
2. Note the forecast capital year end position as at the end of August 2020 of £126.838 million against the current budget of £129.874 million.
3. Approve the £249.193 million increase to the capital programme as outlined in Section B of the report and approves the re-profiling of current year budgets to reflect the current forecast.
4. Approve the transfer of £700k from Corporate Insurance Reserves to a new Ash Die Back Reserve.
Minutes: Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, Cllr Lynden Stowe, gave an update on the year-end forecasts for the County Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets 2020/21.
The forecast excluding Covid-19 expenditure was a £4.115 million overspend – this was largely due to a £7.422 million overspend in Children and Families which was partially offset by £3.056 million underspend in Technical & Countywide budgets. The overspend in Children and Families reflected the continuing pressure on external placements and home to school transport.
The forecast cost of responding to the Covid-19 pandemic was £34.959 million, which exceeded the emergency grant allocation received of £31.425 million. A claim for lost income in the first 4 months of the financial year had now been submitted under the income reimbursement scheme for income lost as a direct result of COVID restrictions.
For Capital, the forecast year end position is £126.838 million – this was giving in year forecast slippage of £3.036 million. In total an additional £249.193 million increase in the capital programme and associated funding was recommended for approval in the report.
Cabinet members thanked the Finance Team for their hard work in maintaining the financial position during a difficult year.
Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and,
1. Note the forecast revenue year end position based on actual expenditure as at the end of August 2020 and September 2020 (Period 6) forecasts for the 2020/21 financial year including Covid-19 forecast is an overspend of £7.649 million. The forecast excluding Covid-19 is an overspend £4.115 million.
2. Note the forecast capital year end position as at the end of August 2020 of £126.838 million against the current budget of £129.874 million.
3. Approve the £249.193 million increase to the capital programme as outlined in Section B of the report and approves the re-profiling of current year budgets to reflect the current forecast.
4. Approve the transfer of £700k from Corporate Insurance Reserves to a new Ash Die Back Reserve.