Venue: Committee Room - Shire Hall, Gloucester. View directions
Contact: Joanne Moore 01452 324196
No. | Item |
Apologies To note any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care. |
Minutes of the Meeting PDF 146 KB To confirm the minutes of the cabinet meeting on 18 September 2017. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2017 were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Cabinet members are invited to declare any pecuniary or personal interests relating to specific matters on the agenda.
Please see note (a) at the end of the agenda
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made at the meeting. |
Questions at Cabinet Meetings PDF 77 KB Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Written questions
To answer any written questions from a County Councillor, (or any person living or working in the county, or is affected by the work of the County Council), about any matter which relates to any item on the agenda for this meeting.
The closing date for the receipt of written questions is 4.00 pm on Thursday 21 September 2017.
Oral questions
To answer any oral questions from members of the public. An oral question may be asked by a member of the public about any item on the agenda for this meeting, provided notice of the question is given by the questioner to the Chief Executive’s representative, at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
Depending on the nature of the questions, it may not be possible to provide a comprehensive answer at the meeting, in which case a written answer will be provided as soon as reasonably possible after the meeting. Questions received and proposed responses do not accompany this agenda but will be circulated prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Public Questions
No public questions were submitted for consideration at this meeting.
Member Questions
A total of 12 member questions were submitted in advance of the meeting.
Please refer to the following link to view the responses to the questions: -
If you are unable to access the document at the above link, please go to the link below and select the ‘Cabinet Questions and Answers’ PDF document at the top of the web page: -
The following supplementary questions were asked at the meeting.
Question 1: Cllr Iain Dobie
Agenda Item 5: Financial Monitoring Report 2017/18 (Pages 1 to 14 of the agenda pack)
Cllr Dobie enquired, in cash terms, how much the council’s mental health budget had reduced by, and why there had been no re-investment in improvements to mental health services.
Response by: Cllr Roger Wilson: Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning
Cllr Wilson clarified that the Medium Term Financial Strategy was agreed by the Council in February 2017, setting out proposed savings for 2017/18. Cllr Wilson suggested Cllr Dobie meet with officers to gain a better understanding of how the budget was being managed.
Question 2: Cllr Iain Dobie
Agenda Item 5: Financial Monitoring Report 2017/18 (Pages 1 to 14 of the agenda pack)
Cllr Dobie said he was pleased with the response to the question, and the decision to transfer part of the underspend in the public mental health budget to the public health reserve. Cllr Dobie asked if other underspends would be ring-fenced for mental health?
Response by: Cllr Tim Harman: Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities
Cllr Harman outlined details of how the underspend was being reinvested, including providing a mentoring programme, dedicated support for suicide prevention training and bereavement support. Cllr Harman agreed to provide more details after the meeting, and said, “it was not the council’s intention to make savings, but rather, to spend the council’s money more effectively”.
Question 3: Cllr Iain Dobie
Agenda Item 10: Direct Award Contract for Electronic Call Monitoring to Disability Community Care and Support Providers (Pages 103 to 110 of the agenda pack)
Cllr Dobie enquired how checks on providers would be reported back to members and at which scrutiny committee? He asked what performance indicators would be in the public domain and in published contract reports to ensure carers allowed appropriate time between visits?
Response by: Cllr Roger Wilson: Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning
Cllr Wilson endorsed the importance of allowing adequate time between visits. He confirmed this would be monitored by checking rosters set by individual providers. In addition, Electronic Call Monitoring System contracts included clauses to ensure providers charged appropriately. Cllr Wilson advised members he would be checking on how the information was disseminated.
Question 4: Cllr Jeremy Hilton
Agenda Item 12: Property Acquisition Policy (Pages 131 to 152 of the agenda pack)
Cllr Hilton asked what land purchases the council might be considering to support business need?
Response by: ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Financial Monitoring Report 2017/18 PDF 174 KB To provide an update on the year-end forecast for the 2017/18 County Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets. Decision: Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, gave an update on the year-end forecast for the 2017/18 County Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
1. Note the forecast revenue year end position as at the end of July 2017 for the 2017/18 financial year of a net £1.873 million overspend.
2. Agree the following revenue contributions to capital of:
2.1 £0.066 million under spend in Property revenue budgets towards the Fire capital programme
2.2 £0.053 million from the Highways Commissioning revenue towards the Minor Works and Highways Locals capital budgets
3. Approve £0.300 million transfer from the Services to Families with Young Children reserve to the Children’s Centre revenue budget to fund revenue start up costs.
4. Note the forecast capital year end position for 2017/18 of £0.420 million slippage.
5. Approve the following changes to the Capital Programme totalling £1.519 million.
5.1The deletion of the £0.300 million capital project for Children’s Centres improvements from the Children & Families Capital Programme, no longer required (see recommendation 3 above).
5.2 A new £0.250 million scheme for an additional classroom at Rissington Primary School, funded by a budget virement from unallocated schools capital basic need grant.
5.3 The allocation of £0.964 million developer s106 contribution to the Shurdington Primary scheme and a budget virement of £0.764 million grant to the unallocated basic need grant budget, increasing the Shurdington budget by £0.200 million.
5.4 An increase of £0.301 million to the Mickleton Primary scheme, funded by developer s106 contributions.
5.5 An increase of £0.057 million to the Cotswold Academy scheme, funded by developer s106 contribution.
5.6 An increase of £0.035 million to the Woodmancote Primary School scheme, funded by developer s106 contributions.
5.7 An increase of £0.161 million to the Gloucester Road Primary scheme, funded by developer s106 contributions.
5.8 An increase of £0.117 million to the Bishops Cleeve Primary scheme, funded by developer s106 contributions.
5.9 An increase of £0.118 million in the Highways Capital budget, funded £0.053 million of revenue contributions from the Minor Works and Highways Locals budgets and £0.071 million from the C&I revenue reserve. The overall increase figure off sets a reduction of £0.006 million in contributions from other agencies.
5.10 An increase of £0.066 million in the Fire Safety capital programme, funded by a £0.066 million of revenue contributions from Property towards funding of the new training towers.
Minutes: Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, gave an update on the year-end forecast for the 2017/18 County Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets. He also proposed a number of changes to the Capital Programme.
Reporting the forecast revenue year end position as showing an overspend of £1.873 million, Cllr Theodoulou confirmed there were significant pressures on the Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and Communities and Infrastructure Budgets. It was hoped some of the overspends would reduce over time.
Cllr Theodoulou invited Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure, to comment on the current overspend of the Regulatory Services Budget, (accrued from a lower than forecast income from Registrar’s and Trading Standards). Cllr Moor reassured members that officers continued to explore opportunities on this position, and that he was confident of a significant improvement in reducing the overspend
Referring to the financial challenges impacting on Adult and Children’s Services, Cllr Theodoulou advised members of the potential additional costs arising from the recent Ofsted Inspection of Children’s Services. It was noted that some of the financial pressures had been offset by the positive variances in corporate budgets.
In terms of Capital Expenditure, Cllr Theodoulou confirmed a revised capital budget for 2017/18 at £119.844 million, an increase of £8.288 million generated from the additional grant funding and contributions agreed at the cabinet meeting in July.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
1. Note the forecast revenue year end position as at the end of July 2017 for the 2017/18 financial year of a net £1.873 million overspend.
2. Agree the following revenue contributions to capital of:
2.1 £0.066 million under spend in Property revenue budgets towards the Fire capital programme
2.2 £0.053 million from the Highways Commissioning revenue towards the Minor Works and Highways Locals capital budgets
3. Approve £0.300 million transfer from the Services to Families with Young Children reserve to the Children’s Centre revenue budget to fund revenue start up costs.
4. Note the forecast capital year end position for 2017/18 of £0.420 million slippage.
5. Approve the following changes to the Capital Programme totalling £1.519 million.
5.1The deletion of the £0.300 million capital project for Children’s Centres improvements from the Children & Families Capital Programme, no longer required (see recommendation 3 above).
5.2 A new £0.250 million scheme for an additional classroom at Rissington Primary School, funded by a budget virement from unallocated schools capital basic need grant.
5.3 The allocation of £0.964 million developer s106 contribution to the Shurdington Primary scheme and a budget virement of £0.764 million grant to the unallocated basic need grant budget, increasing the Shurdington budget by £0.200 million.
5.4 An increase of £0.301 million to the Mickleton Primary scheme, funded by developer s106 contributions.
5.5 An increase of £0.057 million to the Cotswold Academy scheme, funded by developer s106 contribution.
5.6 An increase of £0.035 million to the Woodmancote Primary School scheme, funded ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service: Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan 2018-21 PDF 127 KB To seek approval for the objectives of and consultation proposals for the Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2018 – 21. Additional documents: Decision: Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure, sought approval of the objectives and consultation proposals for the Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service: Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2018-2021.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
1) Approve the content of the Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2018, prepared on the basis of the 3 objectives set out in Paragraph 1.1 of the report; and
2) Authorise the Chief Fire Officer to undertake a public consultation on the Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2018, in accordance with principles set out in Paragraph 1.2 of the report. Minutes: Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure, commended the hard work invested in the Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service: Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2018-2021.
Outlining the 3 core objectives on which the Fire and Rescue Services aimed to fulfil its statutory duties, Cllr Moor sought approval of the plan, including authorisation for the Chief Fire Officer to undertake consultation with members of the public, relevant stakeholders and partners. He confirmed the consultation would commence in October 2017, ending in January 2018. Acknowledging a question from Cllr Jeremy Hilton asked earlier in the meeting, Cllr Moor emphasised the value of using social media as part of the consultation.
Cllr Moor informed members that the Fire and Rescue Service intended to focus on protecting the most vulnerable people in the county, including those groups identified as being high risk and most likely to be involved in a fire.
Leader of the Council, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, reinforced the importance of this intention and commended the work being undertaken to ensure all parties were committed to working together for the benefit of the community.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
1) Approve the content of the Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2018, prepared on the basis of the 3 objectives set out in Paragraph 1.1 of the report; and
2) Authorise the Chief Fire Officer to undertake a public consultation on the Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2018, in accordance with principles set out in Paragraph 1.2 of the report. |
Investing in Support for People in Vulnerable Circumstances - Interim Arrangements PDF 113 KB To seek Cabinet approval to:
· Exercise contractual options to extend the existing contract for the Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme and;
· Make direct contract awards for interim services to the current providers of accommodation and community based support services for terms due to expire on 30th September 2018. Additional documents: Decision: Cllr Roger Wilson, Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, sought approval to extend the existing contract for the Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and
Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, to:
a. Exercise the contractual option to extend the existing Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme contract with the service provider known as ‘Auriga Services’ for a further period of 1 year, to expire on 31st March 2019; and
b. Direct award the seven (7) interim contracts listed in Section B of Appendix A to the report, for terms ranging between 4 months and 9 months, to the 6 incumbent service providers specified therein, (one of whom is the service provider under two contracts), with the effect that they will all expire on 30th September 2018. Minutes: Cllr Roger Wilson, Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, sought approval to extend the Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme Contract for a further year, extending the expiry date of the contract to 31 March 2019. The Cabinet Member also sought to bring together a number of interim public health contracts, (agreed by Cabinet in November 2016 and February 2017), under the one contractual timeline.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and
Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, to:
a. Exercise the contractual option to extend the existing Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme contract with the service provider known as ‘Auriga Services’ for a further period of 1 year, to expire on 31st March 2019; and
b. Direct award the seven (7) interim contracts listed in Section B of Appendix A to the report, for terms ranging between 4 months and 9 months, to the 6 incumbent service providers specified therein, (one of whom is the service provider under two contracts), with the effect that they will all expire on 30th September 2018. |
Tendering Specialist Domestic Abuse Services PDF 110 KB To seek approval for the Council to act as lead authority on behalf of Gloucestershire’s Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Commissioning Group (DASV CG), for the creation of a multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of specialist domestic abuse services and for the benefit of participating local partners.
Additional documents: Decision: Cllr Roger Wilson, Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, sought approval for the Council to act as lead authority on behalf of Gloucestershire’s Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Commissioning Group for the creation of a multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of specialist domestic abuse services and for the benefit of participating local partners.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
Authorise the Director of Public Health to:
1. Develop and conduct an EU compliant competitive tender process with the Council acting as lead authority for the creation of a 5 year multi- supplier Framework Agreement for the delivery of specialist domestic abuse services. The Framework will be divided into specialist Lots and have a total estimated value of £14m over its term which comprises both the council spend (estimated at £9m) and that of the participating local partners.
2. Upon conclusion of the competitive tender process, to appoint the preferred provider(s) to each Lot under the Framework Agreement that have been evaluated as meeting the standards set out in the evaluation criteria subject to any limitation on numbers that may have been provided for in the tender process.
3. Upon the conclusion of the award of the Framework Agreement, to use it to award a single supplier call off contract for the provision of Specialist Services to Victims of Domestic Abuse for a term of 7 years comprising an initial term of 5 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years with an estimated total value of £7m.
4. Use the Framework Agreement to enter into such call off contracts during the term of the Framework Agreement as are required to meet the council’s assessed needs for the Framework services to achieve the objectives of the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy and Outcomes Framework. Minutes: Presenting the report on behalf of Cllr Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Cllr Roger Wilson, Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, sought approval for Gloucestershire County Council to act as lead authority on behalf of Gloucestershire’s Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Commissioning Group to create a multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of specialist domestic abuse services.
Cllr Wilson outlined the benefits of bringing together the different providers and agencies for domestic abuse services under the one framework. The proposed contract to be divided into specialist lots covering an initial term of 5 years, with the option to extend for a further 2 years. It was noted that the total value of the contract, (estimated at £14m), was included in the council budget.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
Authorise the Director of Public Health to:
1. Develop and conduct an EU compliant competitive tender process with the Council acting as lead authority for the creation of a 5 year multi- supplier Framework Agreement for the delivery of specialist domestic abuse services. The Framework will be divided into specialist Lots and have a total estimated value of £14m over its term which comprises both the council spend (estimated at £9m) and that of the participating local partners.
2. Upon conclusion of the competitive tender process, to appoint the preferred provider(s) to each Lot under the Framework Agreement that have been evaluated as meeting the standards set out in the evaluation criteria subject to any limitation on numbers that may have been provided for in the tender process.
3. Upon the conclusion of the award of the Framework Agreement, to use it to award a single supplier call off contract for the provision of Specialist Services to Victims of Domestic Abuse for a term of 7 years comprising an initial term of 5 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years with an estimated total value of £7m.
4. Use the Framework Agreement to enter into such call off contracts during the term of the Framework Agreement as are required to meet the council’s assessed needs for the Framework services to achieve the objectives of the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy and Outcomes Framework. |
Libraries - Self Service Radio Frequency Identification Solution Tender PDF 94 KB To seek Cabinet approval for the:
(a) Procurement of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) self service kiosks and associated software for libraries, and the
(b) Conduct of a further (mini) competition under a framework tender process (Eastern Shire Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) Framework 350), and the award of a contract for the delivery of the RFID self service solution.
Additional documents: Decision: Cllr Tim Harman, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities, sought approval to provide customer self-service kiosks for libraries.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
(a) Approve the procurement of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) self service kiosks and associated software for libraries.
(b) Conduct of a further (mini) competition under a framework tender process (Eastern Shire Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) Framework 350), and the award of a contract for the delivery of the RFID self service solution.
Minutes: Cllr Tim Harman, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities, sought approval to procure ‘radio frequency identification’ kiosks to enable the public to carry out self-service transactions in local libraries. Cllr Harman explained that the decision would allow the council to replace some of the 54 kiosks in existence across the county, at an estimated capital cost of £350,000.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
(a) Approve the procurement of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) self service kiosks and associated software for libraries.
(b) Conduct of a further (mini) competition under a framework tender process (Eastern Shire Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) Framework 350), and the award of a contract for the delivery of the RFID self service solution.
To seek approval to undertake a direct award process under an Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (“ESPO”) framework agreement (using the council’s own Service Specification requirements), for the continued delivery of an Electronic Call Monitoring (ECM) system and agree Delegated Officer authority to the Commissioning Director (Adults) to award the contract.
Additional documents: Decision: Cllr Roger Wilson, Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, sought approval to undertake a direct award process for the continued delivery of an Electronic Call Monitoring (ECM) system.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
Authorise the Commissioning Director, (Adults), to: -
Conduct a legally compliant direct award process under the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation,(“ESPO”), framework agreement, (in accordance with the rules of the Framework and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015), for the award of a 5 year, 3 month Electronic Call Monitoring contract with an estimated maximum spend of £480k, resulting in an expected 5 year net saving of between £2 and £3 million across the community based care and support sector.
Minutes: Cllr Roger Wilson, Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Adults and Commissioning, sought approval to undertake a direct contract award process for delivery of the council’s Electronic Call Monitoring (ECM) communication system.
Cllr Wilson informed members that the contract for the current system had been in place for a number of years. Outlining the benefits of continuing with the contract, Cllr Wilson explained that that the call monitoring system was designed to monitor carer and service user rosters and ensure more effective invoicing.
Referring to the contract as ‘vitally important’, Cllr Wilson explained how the system would allow the council to hold service users and providers to account and ensure adequate time was allowed between appointments.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
Authorise the Commissioning Director, (Adults), to: -
Conduct a legally compliant direct award process under the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation,(“ESPO”), framework agreement, (in accordance with the rules of the Framework and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015), for the award of a 5 year, 3 month Electronic Call Monitoring contract with an estimated maximum spend of £480k, resulting in an expected 5 year net saving of between £2 and £3 million across the community based care and support sector.
Highways Procurement Strategy PDF 274 KB To inform Cabinet of the proposed Highways Services Procurement Strategy and to seek approval to procure and award the required contracts. Additional documents:
Decision: Cllr Vernon Smith, Cabinet Member for Highways and Flood gave a detailed update on the Council’s proposed Highways Services Procurement Strategy before seeking approval to procure and award the required contracts.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
Authorise the Commissioning Director, Communities and Infrastructure, to:
(1) Carry out three legally compliant competitive tender processes for the delivery of highway services under three separate contracts, comprising; -
a. a seven year highway services term maintenance contract with options for two two-year extensions;
b. a two year single provider contract for the delivery of structural maintenance works; and
c. a six year contract for the delivery of professional services support with options for two two-year extensions.
(2) Upon conclusion of the said competitive tender processes, and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Flood, to enter into a contract with each of the preferred provider(s) evaluated as offering the Council best value for money for delivery of the three required services.
In the event that the preferred provider for any of the three proposed contracts is either, unable, or unwilling to enter into that contract with the Council then the Commissioning Director, Communities and Infrastructure to be authorised to award such contracts to the next willing highest placed suitably qualified provider. Minutes: Cllr Vernon Smith, Cabinet Member for Highways and Flood, gave a detailed update on the Council’s proposed Highways Services Procurement Strategy before seeking cabinet approval to carry out three legally compliant tender processes for the procurement and delivery of highway services. On conclusion of the tender processes, (and in consultation with the Cabinet Member), the Council to enter into a contract with the three preferred providers, evaluated as offering ‘best value for money’ for delivery of the required services.
Cllr Smith informed the meeting that, in consultation with cabinet members and following discussions with a cross-party Cabinet Panel, he and officers had developed a robust procurement strategy for delivery of the council’s highway services, post April 2019, (following expiry of the current Amey contract).
Cllr Smith informed members that the proposal was to move away from a single provider model to a multiple provider model, with some day to day operating decision-making and design of works being delivered by an-house team, resulting in approximately 45 staff transferring into the Council. The aim of the proposed model would allow the authority more control over the delivery of works, without significantly increasing its exposure to risk.
The proposed model to be broken down into three contracts; i) a smaller Term Maintenance Contract for delivery of day to day maintenance works; ii) a Structural Maintenance Contract, to deliver more cost effective resurfacing works, and iii) a Professional Services Support Contract, to provide specialist design, project management and transport planning services. Financial modelling suggested the three procurements were anticipated to result in a ‘cost neutral’ outcome.
Outlining some of the principles on which the strategy would attempt to ensure the contract was the ‘right contract’, Cllr Smith confirmed that the intention was to carefully evaluate the quality of bidders, (soft market testing has already indicated a number of bidders have demonstrated an interest in bidding for the contract); continue to engage with the cross party Cabinet Panel; develop a long term, positive relationship with the Term Maintenance Contractor, and develop a reliable performance management system to ensure the successful delivery of the contract. Cllr Smith said that the approach to be taken would be one of ‘evolution’ and not ‘revolution’.
Cllr Smith referred to the positive comments that had been received from the cross-party Cabinet Panel, (reported at Appendix B of the report). He reported that the panel met regularly and that he had been pleased with how the work of the group had progressed.
Outlining the proposed governance structure for delivering the new contracts, Cllr Smith explained how the council intended to manage performance, including the potential for poor performance. He informed members that use of the Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme ‘standard’ contract documents, including new engineering contract, would ensure robust mechanisms were included in the contract, and enable any contractual and commercial issues to be resolved.
The contracts to include a special mechanism for resolving any poor performance issues, (lack of service delivery), by allowing any element of a failing service ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Property Acquisition Policy PDF 81 KB To seek approval of the Council’s Property Acquisition Policy. Additional documents: Decision: Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, sought approval of the Council’s Property Acquisition Policy.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, the report was noted.
Subject to a minor change to the governance section of the report, (point 2.3.3), amended to state, ‘in those instances where the Property Board approve the business case, a decision report would be produced following the council’s governance process, including consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change’, Cabinet
1) Approve the Policy, which sets out a governance framework to acquire property and request that Officers implement with immediate effect, and
2) Request that Officers provide to Cabinet the Schedule of Acquisitions, as referred to in the Policy, in February 2018. Minutes: Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, sought approval of the Council’s Property Acquisition Policy.
Chief Executive, Pete Bungard, reported a slight amendment to Paragraph 2.3.3 of the draft document, inserting a directive to ‘consult with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change in instances where the Property Board approved a business case’.
Cllr Theodoulou outlined the requirement for the new policy, and explained that, until recently, the council had operated in a ‘property disposal’ mode, with very little property acquisition. The council was currently in a different position, with some service areas, (notably children’s services), needing to provide accommodation for clients and service users.
Until this time, the council had not held a formal policy for property acquisition. Referring to the legal issues outlined by the policy, Cllr Theodoulou stated that the format of the proposed document would enable both operational and investment property to be acquired.
The cabinet member confirmed that, in the event of the council having to purchase property under a partner agreement, members would be notified of the circumstances to warrant this arrangement.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, the report was noted.
Subject to a minor amendment to the governance section of the report, (paragraph 2.3.3), amended to state, ‘in those instances where the Property Board approve the business case, a decision report would be produced following the council’s governance process, including consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change’, Cabinet
1) Approve the Policy, which sets out a governance framework to acquire property and request that Officers implement with immediate effect, and
2) Request that Officers provide to Cabinet the Schedule of Acquisitions, as referred to in the Policy, in February 2018. |
Interim Residual Waste Disposal Arrangements PDF 151 KB To seek approval of a short term interim arrangement for residual waste disposal, covering the period between expiry of the said contract on 6 August 2018 and the date on which the provision of services under the Gloucestershire Residual Waste Project at the Javelin Park Energy from Waste facility shall commence. Decision: Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure, sought approval of a short term interim arrangement for residual waste disposal in Gloucestershire, covering the period between expiry of the said contract on 6 August 2018, and the date on which the provision of services under the Gloucestershire Residual Waste Project at the Javelin Park Energy from Waste facility commence.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
1) Extend the term of its current Waste Management Services Contract with Cory by 1 year and 6 months, (with the effect that it will expire on 10th January 2020), by entering into a variation agreement with Cory for this purpose; and
2) Delegate the completion and execution of the proposed variation agreement to the Commissioning Director, Communities and Infrastructure. Minutes: Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure, sought approval of a short-term, interim arrangement for the disposal of residual waste in Gloucestershire, (covering the period between the date of expiry of the said contract on 6 August 2018, and the date on which the provision of services under the Gloucestershire Residual Waste Project at the Javelin Park ‘Energy from Waste Facility’ were due to commence).
Outlining the background to the decision, Cllr Moor informed members that the contract for residual waste disposal had been awarded to Cory Environmental (Gloucestershire) Ltd in 2006. Extended in 2012, the contract was due to expire in August 2018, at which time it had been expected that the new energy from waste facility at Javelin Park would be fully operational, with no further landfill disposal required.
Due to unforeseen delays in the delivery programme of the Energy from Waste Facility, a gap had emerged in the contracted provision of residual waste disposal between expiry of the Cory landfill contract in August 2018, and the ‘go live’ date of the waste facility in July 2019.
With waste disposal a vital core statutory requirement, the council have since reviewed the options to bridge this gap. The options include: - : a) To go to market to procure a new, short term waste disposal contract to start in August 2018;
b) To negotiate with Cory to vary the expiry date of the current contract;
c) To disaggregate the elements of the current contract; seek to extend just the landfill element, and procure new contracts for the other elements (garden waste, composting, mixed waste, landfill monitoring).
Cllr Moor referred to the outcomes of a recent options appraisal, setting out the financial implications and associated risks of each course of action and available options.
Proposing option b) as the preferred option; ‘to vary the current contract, and remove the significant risks around service provision and cost increases’, Cllr Moor clarified that, to approve this proposal would extend the contract for up to 18 months, extending to when Javelin Park was expected to be fully operational, (July 2019), and allowing for a reasonable contingency period of up to six months, extending into 2020.
The anticipated value of the proposed contract extension, (included in the existing waste disposal budget), were reported at a value of between £16 million, (if the contract expired in July 2019), up to a maximum of £24 million, (should the contract run until January 2020). Members noted that a large proportion of the value of the contract related to landfill tax, the sum of which would be passed to the Department of Revenue and Customs by the contractor.
Responding to questions about the future of the landfill site at Hempsted, (raised earlier in the meeting), Cllr Moor confirmed that Cory was currently working to extend the life of the landfill site to accommodate the proposed extension of the residual waste contract. The site will remain open during this period. On closure of the landfill ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) – 2018/19 to 2020/21 PDF 92 KB To set out the overall context and outline the process and timetable for producing the Council Strategy and Medium Term Financial Strategy for the period 2018/19 to 2020/21. Decision: Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, set out the context and process for producing the Council Strategy and Medium Term Financial Strategy for the period 2018/19 to 2020/21.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
Agree the proposed process for reviewing and developing the Council Strategy and the three-year Medium Term Financial Strategy, covering the period 2018/19 to 2020/21.
Minutes: Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, set out the process and context, (including timescales), for producing the Council Strategy and Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2018/19 to 2020/21.
Cllr Theodoulou explained that the strategy would be developed alongside development of the council budget and MTFS, to ensure the Council was able to deliver the level of transformation necessary to meet the requirements of managing an affordable budget. Initial work on developing the new strategy had commenced at officer level, the details of which would be updated to reflect the council’s priorities and commitments.
Members were advised that the financial settlement accepted in February 2016 included an offer of financial security offered to all local authorities, covering the period up to 2019/20. The Council had accepted the offer as a minimum funding deal, to be supplemented with additional financial security in October 2016.
Outlining current cost pressures on the council, the Cabinet Member reported a savings target of £18.5m would be required to overcome unavoidable spending costs during 2017/18. The proposals for achieving the savings would be reviewed and refined over time. Cllr Theodoulou advised members that the objective was to propose a ‘draft balanced budget’ for consideration at the December cabinet meeting.
Members noted the proposed timescale and several other issues to be considered when formulating the new strategy and MTFS. These included; 100% business rate retention; the requirements of the recent Ofsted Inspection into Children’s Services; the funding required to meet the demands on Adult Social Care and the changes to the dedicated school’s grant and national funding formula for schools.
Work on the budget needed to commence immediately in order to prepare for a final proposal in February 2018. Cllr Theodoulou emphasised the need to respond to ‘all eventualities’ and to be prudent in the council’s spending.
Leader of the Council, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, endorsed this statement and acknowledged that a huge amount of work would be required. He noted that the Government’s Autumn Statement would undoubtedly have an impact on budget process.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
Agree the proposed process for reviewing and developing the Council Strategy and three-year Medium Term Financial Strategy, covering the period 2018/19 to 2020/21. |
Schedule of Disposals proposed to deliver Meeting the Challenge Targets PDF 72 KB To approve the Schedule of Disposals proposed to meet the three year Meeting the Challenge 2 capital receipt target of £60 million covering the period 2015/16 to 2017/18.
Please note: this report contains both exempt and non-exempt information.
If Cabinet Members wish to discuss the exempt information contained in the appendices to the published report, consideration must first be given to whether the public should be excluded from the meeting by passing the following resolution: -
In accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public to be excluded from the meeting for this item of business because it is likely that, if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 A to the Act, and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public. Decision: Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member: Finance and Change, sought approval of the Schedule of Disposals proposed to meet the three year ‘Meeting The Challenge 2’ capital receipt target of £60 million covering the period 2015/16 to 2017/18.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and, in line with the Policy for the Disposal of Property:
1) Confirm that those sites described at Appendix A (Exempt) which have previously been declared surplus by Cabinet in February 2017 and not yet disposed of, continue to be declared surplus to requirements, and
2) Declare the sites listed on the proposed Schedule of Disposals Appendix B (Exempt) surplus to the Council’s land and property requirements, and,
In relation to both of these schedules, delegate authority to the Head of Property Services to dispose of the sites in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change.
Prior to the discussion, members were advised that, should Cabinet wish to discuss the contents of the exempt information reported at Appendix A and Appendix B to the report, consideration would need to be given as to whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
Cabinet agreed to consider the report without reference to the exempt information. Minutes: Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member: Finance and Change, sought approval of the Schedule of Disposals proposed to meet the council’s three year ‘Meeting the Challenge’ capital receipt target of £60m during the period 2015/16 to 2017/18.
Cllr Theodoulou and the Leader of the Council, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, confirmed the council was on target to achieve the £60m target, a position they described as ‘very encouraging’, particularly during the current period of financial pressure.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and, in line with the Policy for the Disposal of Property:
1) Confirm that those sites described at Appendix A (Exempt) which have previously been declared surplus by Cabinet in February 2017 and not yet disposed of, continue to be declared surplus to requirements, and
2) Declare the sites listed on the proposed Schedule of Disposals Appendix B (Exempt) surplus to the Council’s land and property requirements, and,
In relation to both of these schedules, to delegate authority to the Head of Property Services to dispose of the sites in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change.
Prior to the discussion, members were advised that, should cabinet wish to discuss the contents of the exempt information reported at Appendices A and B to the report, consideration would need to be given as to whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
Cabinet agreed to consider the report without making reference to the exempt information. |