Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 29 March 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Cabinet Suite - Shire Hall, Gloucester

Contact: Stephen Bace 

No. Item



To note any apologies for absence.


No apologies



Minutes pdf icon PDF 207 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2023 (minutes attached).


2.1       The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 25 January 2023 were agreed as a correct record of that meeting.


2.2       The Leader explained that this would be Cllr Kathy Williams’ last Cabinet meeting and he thanked her for her work as a Cabinet Member.


2.3       The Leader thanked Chris Spencer, Director of Children’s Services for his work leading the service out of a difficult period, This would be Chris’ last Cabinet Meeting and the Leader wished him well in his retirement. Cllr Stephen Davies spoke about the changed culture in Children’s Services and noted Chris’ legacy, echoing his thanks.



Declarations of Interest

To  declare any pecuniary or personal interests relating to specific matters on the agenda.


Please see information note (1) at the end of the agenda



3.1       Cllr Stephen Davies declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to Item 10 having been involved in Homes For Ukraine Scheme.



Questions at Cabinet Meetings pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.


Written questions


To answer any written questions from a County Councillor, (or any person living or working in the county, or is affected by the work of the County Council), about any matter which relates to any item on the agenda for this meeting.


The closing date for the receipt of written questions is 4.00 pm on Thursday 23 March 2023.


Please submit any questions to


A written answer will be provided for each written question received (to be presented to the questioner and to Cabinet (in advance of the meeting). The questions and answers will be taken as read and will not be read out at the meeting. At the discretion of the Leader of Council, each questioner ( in attendance at the meeting) will be allowed to ask one supplementary question (in response to the answer given to the original question).


A copy of all written questions and written answers circulated at the meeting will be attached to the signed copy of the minutes of the meeting.


Urgent questions


An urgent written question may be asked by a member of the public about any item on the Cabinet agenda for that meeting which the Chairperson considers could not have been reasonably submitted by the deadline for the receipt of written questions, provided he or she gives notice of the question to the Chief Executive by 12 noon the day before the meeting.

Additional documents:


4.1       Three public questions were received. No supplementary questions were asked at the meeting.


4.2       Twenty-one Member questions were received. No supplementary questions were asked at the meeting.



Finance, Performance and Risk Monitoring Report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 656 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Lynden Stowe, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, provided an update on the year-end forecast for the 2022/23 County

Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets and reported on the Council’s performance and risk during Quarter 3 of 2022/23


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Consider this report of the Council’s performance and risks and identifies any areas of concern requiring further analysis, assurance or action.


2. Note the forecast revenue year end position based on February 2023 (Period 11) forecasts for the 2022/23 financial year, which is an overspend of £3.835 million all of which relates to non-Covid-19 expenditure. The Covid-19 related expenditure and income outturn is forecast to be a balanced position.


3. Note delivery of the £7.388 million of savings against a target of £10.987 million in 2022/23 or 67.24% of target as detailed in Section B.


4. Note the forecast capital year end position as at the end of January 2023, forecast made in February 2023 (P11) of £128.571 million against the current budget of £147.758 million.


5. Approve the £1.939 million increase to the capital programme as detailed in Section C.


5.1       Cllr Lynden Stowe, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, provided an update on the year-end forecast for the 2022/23 County Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets and reported on the Council’s performance and risk during Quarter 3 of 2022/23


5.2       The current forecast of the year end revenue position was an overspend of £3.835 million against the revenue budget of £521.330 million, based on forecasts in February 2023 (Period 11) after utilising grants for Covid-19 expenditure. The largest variances were the £10.948 million forecast overspend in Children and Families, and £523k forecast overspend in Community Safety – partially offset by the £7.427 million underspend in Technical & Countywide. Recommendation 5 of the report included an additional £1.9m for the capital programme.


5.3       This was the first formal performance report to Cabinet in the new format, which would now be seen quarterly and wasbased around the Council Strategy. This included the strategic risk monitoring report showing the high level risks.

5.4       Overall, there was an improving picture, with 50 out of 77 Corporate Performance measures with a target on track. This was the third quarter showing improvement - up from 58.3% in Quarter 4 2021/22.

5.5       Some particular successes were highlighted:

  • in Children’s social care, despite increasing numbers of children and young people needing support, the Council was continuing to improve the quality of support it was providing
  • HMICFRS had confirmed their support for the improvements made by Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, following their recent re-inspection.
  • In Adult Social Care, despite a very challenging winter, 94% of contacts to the helpdesk were dealt with within 1 day and waiting times for a care package to be put in place reduced from 4.8 weeks to 3 weeks.
  • On climate change, the Council was showing leadership by continuing to exceed its targets for reducing the Council’s own carbon emissions.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Consider this report of the Council’s performance and risks and identifies any areas of concern requiring further analysis, assurance or action.


2. Note the forecast revenue year end position based on February 2023 (Period 11) forecasts for the 2022/23 financial year, which is an overspend of £3.835 million all of which relates to non-Covid-19 expenditure. The Covid-19 related expenditure and income outturn is forecast to be a balanced position.


3. Note delivery of the £7.388 million of savings against a target of £10.987 million in 2022/23 or 67.24% of target as detailed in Section B.


4. Note the forecast capital year end position as at the end of January 2023, forecast made in February 2023 (P11) of £128.571 million against the current budget of £147.758 million.


5. Approve the £1.939 million increase to the capital programme as detailed in Section C.




Gloucestershire School Places Strategy (SPS) 2023 - 2028 and its Implementation Plan pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Phil Robinson, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Bus Transport, sought Cabinet approval for the updated Gloucestershire School Places

Strategy (SPS) 2023 - 2028 and its Implementation Plan.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and



Approve the Gloucestershire School Places Strategy (SPS) 2023 - 2028 and its Implementation Plan



6.1       Cllr Phil Robinson, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Bus Transport, sought Cabinet approval for the updated Gloucestershire School Places

Strategy (SPS) 2023 - 2028 and its Implementation Plan.


6.2       The County Council had a statutory duty to ensure sufficient local school places were provided for all children and young people of statutory school age in its area. A key objective of the Council Strategy for 2022 – 2026 was to support local schools to develop a high performing education system that met the needs and aspirations of all pupils, particularly the most vulnerable; all of which would be supported by developing and delivering a School Places Strategy (SPS).


6.3       The SPS with its Implementation Plan was a key framework document for the Council in considering any statutory proposals for changes to school organisation, including the commissioning of new schools, and would inform future capital investment priorities for the commissioning of additional places and new school provision.


6.4       The SPS was a five-year strategy, reviewed annually and updated every two years. It set out the latest context including democratic trends and new housing and analysis of latest pupil projects and background for the Council’s strategic planning of school places and the issues that impacted on places and demand across the Local Authority area.


6.5       There was a robust process in place to ensure the right number of school places in the right locations


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and



Approve the Gloucestershire School Places Strategy (SPS) 2023 - 2028 and its Implementation Plan




Sufficiency Strategy Home@theHeart: Transforming 48 London Road into a Children’s Home and Staying Close flats pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Stephen Davies, Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early

Years sought Cabinet approval for (a) the re-purposing of a Council owned property at 48 London Road (currently used to provide Youth Support services under the council’s Youth Support Services contract) by converting it into a 5 bedroomed Children’s Residential Home and 3 staying close flats as part of the delivery of the Council’s Sufficiency Strategy Home@theHeart 2022-2026; and (b) to seek delegated authority to procure building works for the purpose carrying out such conversion works and (c) to procure day-today delivery of accommodation and support services, with 24/7 staffing, to support the young people who will be living in this property.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1) Approve the repurposing of the Council owned property at 48 London Road (currently used to provide Youth Support services under the council’s Youth Support contract) by converting it into a 5 bedroomed Regulated children and young people’s home and 3 staying close flats for children in care and care experienced young people;


2) Approve the allocation of £182k from GCC capital funding to meet a proportion of the £1.073m refurbishment cost of the proposed remodelling works at the 48 London Road property;


3) Approve the spending of £891k of DfE capital funding to meet the remaining proportion of the £1.073m refurbishment cost of the proposed remodelling works at 48 London Road property;


4) Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Asset Management and Property Services in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Change to:


a) Conduct a competitive procurement process under the council’s Major Project Framework Agreement (or its successor) in respect of a call-off contract for the supply of such remodelling works.


b) Award such contract to the preferred tenderer.


5) Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years to:


a) Conduct an engagement exercise with providers in the Children’s Accommodation and Support Services market with a view to identifying the most appropriate procurement strategy to deliver the day-to-day delivery of accommodation and support services, with 24/7 staffing, to support the young people who will be living at the 48 London Road property.


b) Conduct a competitive procurement process, informed by the findings from such market engagement exercise, in respect of a contract for the day-to-day supply of accommodation and support services, with 24/7 staffing, to support the young people who will be living at the 48 London Road property; which will be leased to the supplier. Such contract shall continue for an initial period of 5 years and include options to extend its term for a further period of 2 years.


c) Award such contract to the preferred tenderer.


d) Determine whether to exercise the option to extend the term of such contract(s) for a further period of 2 years on the expiry of the initial 5 year term


7.1       Cllr Stephen Davies, Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early

Years sought Cabinet approval for (a) the re-purposing of a Council owned property at 48 London Road (currently used to provide Youth Support services under the council’s Youth Support Services contract) by converting it into a 5 bedroomed Children’s Residential Home and 3 staying close flats as part of the delivery of the Council’s Sufficiency Strategy Home@theHeart 2022-2026; and (b) to seek delegated authority to procure building works for the purpose carrying out such conversion works and (c) to procure day-today delivery of accommodation and support services, with 24/7 staffing, to support the young people who will be living in this property.


7.2       The Gloucestershire Sufficiency Strategy Home@theHeart had been approved by Cabinet in January 2023. To support the delivery of the Sufficiency Strategy Home@theHeart, it was proposed to re-purpose a Council owned property at 48 London Road to provide a 5 bedroomed Residential Home and 3 staying close flats.


7.3       It was noted that £891,000 of DfE funds had been secured for transforming 48 London Road. (The total refurbishment cost was £1.073m)



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1) Approve the repurposing of the Council owned property at 48 London Road (currently used to provide Youth Support services under the council’s Youth Support contract) by converting it into a 5 bedroomed Regulated children and young people’s home and 3 staying close flats for children in care and care experienced young people;


2) Approve the allocation of £182k from GCC capital funding to meet a proportion of the £1.073m refurbishment cost of the proposed remodelling works at the 48 London Road property;


3) Approve the spending of £891k of DfE capital funding to meet the remaining proportion of the £1.073m refurbishment cost of the proposed remodelling works at 48 London Road property;


4) Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Asset Management and Property Services in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Change to:


a) Conduct a competitive procurement process under the council’s Major Project Framework Agreement (or its successor) in respect of a call-off contract for the supply of such remodelling works.


b) Award such contract to the preferred tenderer.


5) Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years to:


a) Conduct an engagement exercise with providers in the Children’s Accommodation and Support Services market with a view to identifying the most appropriate procurement strategy to deliver the day-to-day delivery of accommodation and support services, with 24/7 staffing, to support the young people who will be living at the 48 London Road property.


b) Conduct a competitive procurement process, informed by the findings from such market engagement exercise, in respect of a contract for the day-to-day supply of accommodation and support services, with 24/7 staffing, to support the young people who will be living at the 48 London Road property; which will  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


To award a contract for the supply of an improvement partner to support the transformation programme of urgent and emergency care pdf icon PDF 479 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Carole Allaway-Martin, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Commissioning sought authority to procure the appointment of a neutral vendor managed service supplier and an urgent and emergency care improvement partner to assist in implementing the findings from the Gloucestershire Urgent and Emergency Care diagnostic.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Approve, without further competition, the award of a call-off contract under the Association of North East Councils Limited’s NEPRO³ Framework Agreement, to the sole neutral vendor managed service supplier, namely Bloom Procurement Services Limited (Bloom). The terms of such call off shall include the power for Bloom to appoint, as its subcontractor, an urgent and emergency care improvement partner to assist the council and Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (the ICB) in implementing the findings identified in the Gloucestershire Urgent and Emergency Care Diagnostic described in paragraph 8 of this report.


Such call-off contract shall continue for an initial period of 15 months and include an option to extend its term for a further period of not more than 6 months.


2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Memberfor Adult Social Care Commissioning, to:


(a) engage in a selection process with Bloom to identify and then appoint an urgent and emergency care improvement partner to act as Bloom’s subcontractor under the call-off contract described in Recommendation 1 above.


(b) determine whether to exercise the option to extend the term of the call-off contract described in Recommendation 1 above for a further period of 6 months on the expiry of the initial 15-monthperiod.


3. Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Change to enter into a Section 256 agreement with the Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board to cover the transfer of funding to support said contract.


8.1       Cllr Carole Allaway-Martin, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Commissioning sought authority to procure the appointment of a neutral vendor managed service supplier and an urgent and emergency care improvement partner to assist in implementing the findings from the Gloucestershire Urgent and Emergency Care diagnostic.


8.2       Leaders across health and social care had previously agreed to commission the Local Government Association and a company called Newton Europe to work to understand how we could improve UEC in our county.  Their diagnostic had given clear areas of focus that span local NHS organisations and GCC. Like many areas of the country the UEC system had been under pressure, and this had resulted in queuing ambulances outside our hospitals, waits for therapy and packages of care and, at times, substandard care. 


8.3       It was proposed that Cabinet take this decision and therefore commission the improvement partner on behalf of the ICB for reasons of expediency.  The ICB and GCC were keen to start to implement the transformation programme and therefore deliver improvements before winter 2023.


8.4       The contract value was £8.25m and would run for 15 months but could be extended for a further 6 months.  This funding had been drawn from NHS national funding that had been allocated to Gloucestershire to improve capacity and flow in urgent and emergency care.  Therefore, there would be no deduction from existing resources dedicated to delivering direct patient care, adult social services or funding for recurrent staff or services.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Approve, without further competition, the award of a call-off contract under the Association of North East Councils Limited’s NEPRO³ Framework Agreement, to the sole neutral vendor managed service supplier, namely Bloom Procurement Services Limited (Bloom). The terms of such call off shall include the power for Bloom to appoint, as its subcontractor, an urgent and emergency care improvement partner to assist the council and Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (the ICB) in implementing the findings identified in the Gloucestershire Urgent and Emergency Care Diagnostic described in paragraph 8 of this report.


Such call-off contract shall continue for an initial period of 15 months and include an option to extend its term for a further period of not more than 6 months.


2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Commissioning, to:


(a) engage in a selection process with Bloom to identify and then appoint an urgent and emergency care improvement partner to act as Bloom’s subcontractor under the call-off contract described in Recommendation 1 above.


(b) determine whether to exercise the option to extend the term of the call-off contract described in Recommendation 1 above for a further period of 6 months on the expiry of the initial 15-monthperiod.


3. Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Household Support Fund (HSF) Grant Extension (HSF4) – 1st April 2023 – 30th September 2023 pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Stephen Davies - Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early

Years sought Cabinet approval for the recommendations in relation to the distribution of the Extended 2023/24 HSF Funding (amounting to £7,384,966 that is being provided by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) for allocation in the period 1st April 2023 to31st March 2024.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Approve the recommendations in relation to the distribution of the Extended 2023/24 HSF Funding.


1. approve the allocation of the Extended 2023/24 HSF Funding (amounting to £7,384,966) as follows:


(a) £0.738m to the recruitment and remuneration of additional council staff in order to provide administration support in relation to the distribution of such funding.


(b) £1.600m to the six District Councils in Gloucestershire to be apportioned between them in accordance with the delegated authority sought under Recommendation 3 below, for the purpose of them each providing their own localised schemes to target the needs of the most vulnerable during the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 (whilst complying with the grant conditions set by the DWP for delivery of the grant to provide support with food, energy and water bills, household items & other essential items).


(c) £0.250m to be allocated to the Holiday, Activities and Food Programme for the purpose of extending the scope of the HAF Programme to provide support to vulnerable children and young people who would not otherwise be eligible under the criteria set by the national programme during the period 1st April 2023 to 30th September 2023.


(d) £0.300m to be allocated to the charity known as Severn Wye Energy Agency for the provision of energy related support to Gloucestershire residents and those in need following a referral by Gloucestershire County Council’s (GCC’s) HSF team and/or any of the District Councils during the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.


(e) £0.165m to be held by GCC in reserve, to allow GCC to assess progress with the above schemes and make further allocations in response to need in accordance with the terms and conditions imposed on GCC by the DWP in relation to GCC’s use of the Extended 2023/24 HSF Funding.


(f) £4.330m to fund the supply and/or distribution of food vouchers, fuel vouchers, white goods and household emergency support during the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 under the call-off contract(s) for which delegated authority is sought under Recommendation 2 below.


2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years to award a call-off contract(s), under the council’s Welfare Support Services Framework Agreement, to the sole appointed provider thereunder, namely Auriga Services Limited, for the supply and/or distribution of the following food vouchers, fuel vouchers, white goods and household emergency support during the period 1st April

2023 to 31st March 2024:


(a) £2.040m in fuel vouchers, food vouchers, white goods, and household emergency support in response  ...  view the full decision text for item 9.


9.1       Cllr Stephen Davies - Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early

Years sought Cabinet approval for the recommendations in relation to the distribution of the Extended 2023/24 HSF Funding (amounting to £7,384,966 that is being provided by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) for allocation in the period 1st April 2023 to31st March 2024.


9.2       On the 17th November 2022, central government announced an extension to the existing Household Support Fund by extending support through 2023/2024 (April 2023 – March 2024) to ensure vulnerable households were supported with the rising cost of essentials and so people who needed it most, would continue to receive vital support to meet essential household costs.


9.3       Members noted the breakdown of the recommendations and how the funding would be apportioned out.


9.4       The Cabinet Member thanked the team for their hard work in allocating out the funding previously.





Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Approve the recommendations in relation to the distribution of the Extended 2023/24 HSF Funding.


1. approve the allocation of the Extended 2023/24 HSF Funding (amounting to £7,384,966) as follows:


(a) £0.738m to the recruitment and remuneration of additional council staff in order to provide administration support in relation to the distribution of such funding.


(b) £1.600m to the six District Councils in Gloucestershire to be apportioned between them in accordance with the delegated authority sought under Recommendation 3 below, for the purpose of them each providing their own localised schemes to target the needs of the most vulnerable during the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 (whilst complying with the grant conditions set by the DWP for delivery of the grant to provide support with food, energy and water bills, household items & other essential items).


(c) £0.250m to be allocated to the Holiday, Activities and Food Programme for the purpose of extending the scope of the HAF Programme to provide support to vulnerable children and young people who would not otherwise be eligible under the criteria set by the national programme during the period 1st April 2023 to 30th September 2023.


(d) £0.300m to be allocated to the charity known as Severn Wye Energy Agency for the provision of energy related support to Gloucestershire residents and those in need following a referral by Gloucestershire County Council’s (GCC’s) HSF team and/or any of the District Councils during the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.


(e) £0.165m to be held by GCC in reserve, to allow GCC to assess progress with the above schemes and make further allocations in response to need in accordance with the terms and conditions imposed on GCC by the DWP in relation to GCC’s use of the Extended 2023/24 HSF Funding.


(f) £4.330m to fund the supply and/or distribution of food vouchers, fuel vouchers, white goods and household emergency support during the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 under the call-off contract(s) for which delegated authority is sought  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Support to Refugees on Homes for Ukraine (HFU) Scheme pdf icon PDF 272 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery, sought Cabinet approval to utilise Homes for Ukraine (HFU) Scheme grant funding received by the council from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to increase host payments from April 2023 to encourage the continuation of sponsorship arrangements, and to provide housing incentives to help Ukrainian guests transition to the next phase of the HFU scheme.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Approve the following allocations of the £10,500 per guest tariff funding (£5,900 for each guest arrival from 1st January 2023) from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in the form of the HFU Scheme Section 31 Grant, in addition to the allocations previously agreed by Cabinet/Cabinet Members and detailed in the Background Documents:


1. Up to £972,600 to all existing and new hosts participating in the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, under which each such host shall receive a host payment of £600 per month from 1st April 2023 until 31st March 2024, as outlined in Appendix 1 of this report. Such funding will be authorised by the County Council for each host and administered retrospectively by the relevant District Council.


2. Up to £991,620 to Ukrainian guests pursuant to a new ‘deposit and rent in advance’ scheme, under which each guest group shall, from 1st April 2023 for a maximum of two years, be eligible to receive a standard 5-week deposit and month’s rent in advance, to assist them in moving to the Private Rental Sector (PRS) as outlined in Appendix 2 of this report. Such funding shall be allocated by the County Council following completion of satisfactory checks by the relevant District Council, as detailed in this report.


3. Up to £710,395 to hosts participating in the Homes for Ukraine Scheme in order to promote the government’s “Rent a Room” scheme by incentivising hosts and guests to end their Homes for Ukraine arrangement and transition into a private arrangement after at least twelve months have elapsed by providing:


(a) hosts with a month’s rent in advance on behalf of guests; and


(b) a £500 gift payment per household to hosts, from 1st April 2023 for a maximum of two years as outlined in Appendix 3 of this report. Such funding shall be allocated by the County Council following completion of satisfactory checks by the relevant District Council, as detailed in this report.


10.1      Cllr Stephen Davies left the meeting for the duration of the item having declared an interest.


10.2      Cllr Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery, sought Cabinet approval to utilise Homes for Ukraine (HFU) Scheme grant funding received by the council from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to increase host payments from April 2023 to encourage the continuation of sponsorship arrangements, and to provide housing incentives to help Ukrainian guests transition to the next phase of the HFU scheme.


10.3    The Homes for Ukraine (HFU) Scheme allowed Ukrainian nationals and their immediate family to be sponsored by individuals who could offer them a home in the UK. Hosts provided rent-free accommodation for between 6 and 24 months, receiving a tax-free monthly ‘thank you’ payment of £350 per household for the first year, increasing to £500 after 12 months. This was paid from a ring-fenced grant.


10.4    In addition, upper tier local authorities received funding of £10,500 per Ukrainian guest who arrived in the UK during 2022 and £5,900 for those arriving after 1 January 2023. Gloucestershire welcomed 1,340 guests in 2022 and anticipated a further 200 arrivals during 2023, so the expected budget envelope was £15.25 million.


10.5    It was recommended that Cabinet approve the allocation of funding:

·         To increase the host ‘thank you’ payments to £600 per month from 1st April 2023 until 31st March 2024. This would cost up to £972,600, as outlined in Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report.

·         To establish a ‘deposit and rent in advance’ scheme to assist Ukrainian guests moving to the Private Rental Sector (PRS).

·         To incentivise hosts and guests to join the government’s ‘Rent a Room’ scheme and end their sponsorship arrangement.


10.6    If the proposed allocation of funding was not approved, the Council risked failing to meet its obligations under the HFU scheme and the conditions of the grant funding.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Approve the following allocations of the £10,500 per guest tariff funding (£5,900 for each guest arrival from 1st January 2023) from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in the form of the HFU Scheme Section 31 Grant, in addition to the allocations previously agreed by Cabinet/Cabinet Members and detailed in the Background Documents:


1. Up to £972,600 to all existing and new hosts participating in the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, under which each such host shall receive a host payment of £600 per month from 1st April 2023 until 31st March 2024, as outlined in Appendix 1 of this report. Such funding will be authorised by the County Council for each host and administered retrospectively by the relevant District Council.


2. Up to £991,620 to Ukrainian guests pursuant to a new ‘deposit and rent in advance’ scheme, under which each guest group shall, from 1st April 2023 for a maximum of two years, be eligible to receive a standard 5-week deposit and month’s rent in advance,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


The Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant 2022 - 2025 pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Leader of the Council, sought ratification by Cabinet for decisions made by the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Public Health and Communities in relation to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant (“SSMTRG”) described in the ‘Extra funding for drug and alcohol treatment 2022 to 2023’ guidance contained in the Background Documents below during financial year 2022/23; and to approve further recommendations in relation to the distribution of the SSMTRG during financial years 2023/24 and, 2024/25 which will be the first year of the new adult treatment contract described in paragraph 15 below.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Ratify a decision taken by the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities, to:


a. vary the council’s contract with Change, Grow, Live (CGL) relating to the provision of adult community drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services on the following basis:


i) by adding additional posts to those currently provided by CGL across a range of evidence-based interventions during financial year 2022/23;


ii) by requiring CGL to provide a Buvidal Pilot for 30 service users during financial year 2022/23; and


iii) by adding a requirement for CGL to carry out staff training in relation to service users’ co-existing mental health and substance misuse conditions during the financial year 2022/23


b. allocate £2,064 in funding from the SSMTRG funding made available by OHID for use in financial year 2022/23 (the 2022/23 SSMTRG) to the part payment of GCC staff costs arising from a qualitative research exercise to be carried out by the council in relation to engagement with Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) stakeholders (including service users and carers) during the period December 2022 – June 2023.


c. vary the council’s contract with Prospects for the supply of Youth Support Services by increasing the charges payable thereunder during the financial year 2022/23 for the purposes of funding the cost of Prospects employing additional staff during such period in order to expand access to young people’s substance misuse services.


d. allocate £30,000 by means of a one-off grant from the 2022/23 SSMTRG to a charity offering specialist therapeutic services for families in crisis, namely ‘InfoBuzz’, for the purposes of funding the cost of them employing additional staff during financial year 2022/23 in order to expand access to their services to meet demand.

e. allocate £12,000 by means of a one-off grant from the 2022/23 SSMTRG to a Stroud based charity offering services to young people and their families, namely The Door, in order to expand access to their services.


2. Approve a further variation of the council’s contract with CGL described in Recommendation 1(a) above by increasing the charges payable thereunder in order to continue to fund the initiatives described in Recommendation 1(a) during financial year 2023/24.


3. Approve a further variation of the council’s contract  ...  view the full decision text for item 11.


11.1    Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Leader of the Council, sought ratification by Cabinet for decisions made by the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Public Health and Communities in relation to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant (“SSMTRG”) described in the ‘Extra funding for drug and alcohol treatment 2022 to 2023’ guidance contained in the Background Documents below during financial year 2022/23; and to approve further recommendations in relation to the distribution of the SSMTRG during financial years 2023/24 and, 2024/25 which will be the first year of the new adult treatment contract described in paragraph 15 below.


11.2    The SSMTRG was a Section 31 grant distributed by the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) to improve drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services in line with the ambitions of the 2021 national drug strategy, and the recommendations from Dame Carol Black’s independent review

11.3    The grant was a three-year settlement confirmed annually between April 2022 and March 2025 and Gloucestershire would receive approximately £2.3M over the period. There were strict conditions for how a local authority could spend the grant and each area could only allocate funding from a list of evidence-based interventions.

11.4    Due to the restricted time between confirmation of the first year of funding and the deadline for submitting plans to spend the money (five weeks), Gloucestershire did not have time to seek sign-off for the plan in advance of the allocation of the money and were therefore seeking ratification of the decisions made at that time. Total funding in Year 1 of the SSMTRG was £619,405.

11.5    Permission was also sought to allocate the second year of the grant, 2023/24, primarily in continuation of the same interventions agreed in 2022/23, and delegated authority for the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member to approve the allocation of the final year of the grant in 2024/25 (£1,130,000). 

11.6    The new Gloucestershire Combating Drugs Partnership, was a multi-agency partnership focused on achieving the aims of the National Drugs Strategy 2021 would maintain an overview of performance.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Ratify a decision taken by the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities, to:


a. vary the council’s contract with Change, Grow, Live (CGL) relating to the provision of adult community drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services on the following basis:


i) by adding additional posts to those currently provided by CGL across a range of evidence-based interventions during financial year 2022/23;


ii) by requiring CGL to provide a Buvidal Pilot for 30 service users during financial year 2022/23; and


iii) by adding a requirement for CGL to carry out staff training in relation to service users’ co-existing mental health and substance misuse conditions during the financial year 2022/23


b. allocate £2,064 in funding from the SSMTRG funding made available  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Investment of the unallocated Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) Domestic Abuse section 31 grant funding. pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery, sought Cabinet approval for investment of the unallocated Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) Domestic Abuse section 31 grant funding for the Financial Years 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 to enable the council to meet its statutory duties under part 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Approve the following variations to the council’s call-off contract with Stroud Beresford Limited for the Provision of Support in Refuge Accommodation under Lot 2 of the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Framework Agreement (entered into on 9th August 2022):


a. A variation under which the provider shall provide, with effect from 1st April 2023 until the expiry of such contract on 31st March 2025, a Flexible Funding Pot from which refuge support workers will be able to make payments or issue vouchers towards housing related costs for goods and services in order to support women to move on from refuge by removing funding barriers to them accessing accommodation (see paragraph 7 in the background for further details)


b. A variation under which the charges payable thereunder shall be increased in accordance with the mechanism set out in the call-off contract in order to meet inflationary increases to staffing and other costs directly associated with the delivery of support.


2. Approve the following variations to the council’s call-off contract with GreenSquareAccord Limited for the provision of Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) under Lot 1 of the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Framework Agreement (entered into on 1st August 2018):


a. A variation under which the provider shall provide, with effect from 1st July 2023 until 30th June 2025, the services of additional specialist domestic abuse workers who shall work closely with victims of domestic abuse and professionals within the Registered Housing Provider sector; and


b. A variation under which the provider shall provide, with effect from 1st July 2023 until 30th June 2025, additional management and administration support services in relation to all DLUHC funded activity.


3. Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery to:


a. Conduct a competitive procurement process in respect of a new trauma recovery/counselling support services contract for adult victims of domestic abuse who access domestic abuse safe accommodation. The proposed contract shall continue for an initial period of two years and include an option to extend its term for a further period of up to one year;


b. Award such contract to the preferred tenderer; and


c. Determine whether to exercise the option to extend the term of such contract for a further period of up to one year on the expiry of the initial two year term.


4. Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health to allocate 10% of the DLUHC section 31 grant funding (described in the Resource Implications section below) to pay for the  ...  view the full decision text for item 12.


12.1    Cllr Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery, sought Cabinet approval for investment of the unallocated Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) Domestic Abuse section 31 grant funding for the Financial Years 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 to enable the council to meet its statutory duties under part 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.


12.2    The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 placed a statutory duty on Tier 1 local authorities to provide support to victims of domestic abuse (DA) and their children in DA safe accommodation. The statutory duties also required the Council to convene a local partnership board (LPB); undertake a needs assessment and produce a DA Strategy every three years.


12.3    Gloucestershire County Council received DLUHC section 31 grant funding annually to enable it to fulfil its statutory duties. The Council received £1,108,722 in 2022/23 and would receive £1,130,901 in 2023/24 and £1,152,238 in 2024/25.  A proportion of those funds were already committed from previous Cabinet and Officer decisions.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Approve the following variations to the council’s call-off contract with Stroud Beresford Limited for the Provision of Support in Refuge Accommodation under Lot 2 of the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Framework Agreement (entered into on 9th August 2022):


a. A variation under which the provider shall provide, with effect from 1st April 2023 until the expiry of such contract on 31st March 2025, a Flexible Funding Pot from which refuge support workers will be able to make payments or issue vouchers towards housing related costs for goods and services in order to support women to move on from refuge by removing funding barriers to them accessing accommodation (see paragraph 7 in the background for further details)


b. A variation under which the charges payable thereunder shall be increased in accordance with the mechanism set out in the call-off contract in order to meet inflationary increases to staffing and other costs directly associated with the delivery of support.


2. Approve the following variations to the council’s call-off contract with GreenSquareAccord Limited for the provision of Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) under Lot 1 of the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Framework Agreement (entered into on 1st August 2018):


a. A variation under which the provider shall provide, with effect from 1st July 2023 until 30th June 2025, the services of additional specialist domestic abuse workers who shall work closely with victims of domestic abuse and professionals within the Registered Housing Provider sector; and


b. A variation under which the provider shall provide, with effect from 1st July 2023 until 30th June 2025, additional management and administration support services in relation to all DLUHC funded activity.


3. Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery to:


a. Conduct a competitive procurement process in respect of a new trauma recovery/counselling support services contract for adult victims of domestic  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


A435 Cheltenham to Bishops Cleeve Cycle Spine – Contract Procurement pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Additional documents:



Cllr David Gray, Environment and Planning, sought Cabinet approval to undertake a competitive procurement process for the supply of highway construction works and to award such contracts to the preferred tenderers.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning) to:


1. Conduct a competitive procurement process in respect of one or more contracts for the supply of highway works in relation to the A435 Cheltenham to Bishops Cleeve Cycle Track


2. Award such contracts to the preferred tenderer(s);



13.1    Cllr David Gray, Environment and Planning, sought Cabinet approval to undertake a competitive procurement process for the supply of highway construction works and to award such contracts to the preferred tenderers.


13.2    Members noted the Council’s commitment to deliver a 26-mile Cycle Spine running from Bishops Cleeve in the North to Stroud in the South. The County Council was committed to tackling climate change and creating a Greener Gloucestershire.


13.3    The report related to the next section of the cycle spine to be delivered and would provide sustainable travel infrastructure between Cheltenham and Bishops Cleeve. This was an important element of the overall scheme and the funding for the scheme was secured from the Department for Transport Active Travel Fund, S106 Developer Contributions, DfT Block Grant Funding and Internal Borrowing, up to a total of £14.769 million.




Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning) to:


1. Conduct a competitive procurement process in respect of one or more contracts for the supply of highway works in relation to the A435 Cheltenham to Bishops Cleeve Cycle Track


2. Award such contracts to the preferred tenderer(s);



Gloucestershire Cycle Spine: Gloucester City Centre – Contract Procurement pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Cllr David Gray, Environment and Planning, sought Cabinet approval to undertake a series of competitive procurement processes for the supply of highway construction works and to award such contracts to the preferred tenderers.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and planning) to:


1. Conduct a series of competitive procurement processes in respect of contracts for the supply of highway works in relation to the Gloucestershire Cycle Spine: Gloucester City Centre (the “Scheme”).


2. Award such contracts to the preferred tenderers.


14.1    Cllr David Gray, Environment and Planning, sought Cabinet approval to undertake a series of competitive procurement processes for the supply of highway construction works and to award such contracts to the preferred tenderers.


14.2    Members noted the link to the previous item and recognised the importance of the Gloucester element of the scheme. The report related to the next section of the cycle spine to be delivered and would provide sustainable travel infrastructure across Gloucester City Centre. The total funding for the scheme was secured from the Department for Transport amounting to £7,920,000.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and planning) to:


1. Conduct a series of competitive procurement processes in respect of contracts for the supply of highway works in relation to the Gloucestershire Cycle Spine: Gloucester City Centre (the “Scheme”).


2. Award such contracts to the preferred tenderers.



Transport Business Case development 2023/24: M5 Junction 9/A46 (Ashchurch) transport scheme & Mass rapid Transit transport scheme pdf icon PDF 281 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr David Gray, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, sought Cabinet approval for the delegation of authority to the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure under the existing Professional Services Contract to continue work towards delivering the M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme.

In addition approval was sought to spend, at risk, on delivering the Outline Business Case (OBC) for M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme and approval for the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure under the existing Professional Services Contract, to continue work towards delivering the Mass Rapid Transit Strategic Outline Case (SOC), for which we already have funding.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate  authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet member for Environment and Planning to procure:


1. the continuation of development work (OBC delivery) on the M5 junction 9/A46 (Ashchurch) transport scheme under our Professional Services contract, to undertake a non-statutory public consultation concerning options for transport scheme development, and to submit the SOC and OBC to the Department for Transport once complete.


2. professional services, under the Professional Services Contract, to continue work towards delivering the Mass Rapid Transit Strategic Outline Case (SOC), for which we already have funding, acquired from successful application to Strategic Economic Development Fund (SEDF).


15.1    Cllr David Gray, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, sought Cabinet approval for the delegation of authority to the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure under the existing Professional Services Contract to continue work towards delivering the M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme.


15.2    In addition approval was sought to spend, at risk, on delivering the Outline Business Case (OBC) for M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme and approval for the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure under the existing Professional Services Contract, to continue work towards delivering the Mass Rapid Transit Strategic Outline Case (SOC), for which there was already funding in place.


15.3    The M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme was a proposal to upgrade the M5 Junction 9 near Tewkesbury and re-route the section of the A46 which currently passed through Ashchurch to the east of the M5 (between M5 Junction 9 and Teddington Hands roundabout).


15.4    The Mass Rapid Transit recommendations sought to support the decarbonisation of the transport network in Gloucestershire by providing a regular convenient means for travel. The purpose of the Mass Rapid Transit business case process was to explore all of the options that would allow to support the decarbonisation targets.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate  authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet member for Environment and Planning to procure:


1. the continuation of development work (OBC delivery) on the M5 junction 9/A46 (Ashchurch) transport scheme under our Professional Services contract, to undertake a non-statutory public consultation concerning options for transport scheme development, and to submit the SOC and OBC to the Department for Transport once complete.


2. professional services, under the Professional Services Contract, to continue work towards delivering the Mass Rapid Transit Strategic Outline Case (SOC), for which we already have funding, acquired from successful application to Strategic Economic Development Fund (SEDF).



Procurement of new vans for Gloucestershire Industrial Services (GIS) pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery, sought Cabinet approval for the phased procurement of new, greener, vans for Gloucestershire Industrial Services (GIS) to support vulnerable people living at home.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Infrastructure, in consultation with Director of Operations for Adult Social Care and the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery to:


1. Conduct a mini-competition processes under Lot 2 of the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Vehicle Purchase RM6244 Framework Agreement in respect of a call-off contract for the supply of 10 electric 3.5t Box Vans to meet the immediate business requirements (phase 1).


2. Award such call-off contracts to any preferred tenderer(s) as required.


3. Carry out a study of charging capacity, vehicle utilisation, demand and requirements and report back to a future Cabinet meeting with proposals and recommendations for the replacement of the rest of the GIS fleet as part of a phase 2 approach.


16.1    Cllr Kathy Williams, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery, sought Cabinet approval for the phased procurement of new, greener, vans for Gloucestershire Industrial Services (GIS) to support vulnerable people living at home.


16.2    This report was relating to 10 new electric 3.5tonne vans (EV’s) for Gloucestershire Industrial Services (GIS) as part of a phased approach to replace up to 20 new electric vans. The GIS workforce used 3.5tonne vehicles to deliver, collect, maintain, and adapt medical and telecare equipment to support people in their homes. The GIS fleet was ageing, cost more to maintain, were more polluting than modern vehicles and were coming to the end of their useful life.


16.3    Corporate Fleet Unit (CFU) were changing the way the Council replaced the fleet; no longer replacing vehicles on a like for like basis but instead buying greener vehicles that would reduce the council's greenhouse gas emissions and help achieve the targets in the Climate Change Strategy.


16.4    CFU would carry out a study of charging capacity, vehicle utilisation, demand and requirements at GIS and report back to a future Cabinet meeting with proposals and recommendations for the replacement of the rest of the GIS fleet as part of a phase 2 approach.


16.5    £678,805 of capital funding was secured in the 2021/22 budget, and this was sufficient to cover the procurement of phase 1 vehicles. Learnings from and cost of phase 1 would inform the approach needed for phase 2. The vehicles would be procured using the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Vehicle Purchase RM6060 Framework


16.6    Funding for electric charging infrastructure at GIS was not covered by the paper and was through the council’s approved budgets for EV infrastructure and Climate Action Fund. New vehicles would be purchased taking into account whole life cost considerations to ensure they were best value for money, the most fit for purpose vehicle, while adhering to Gloucestershire ULEV and climate change strategy.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Infrastructure, in consultation with Director of Operations for Adult Social Care and the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Delivery to:


1. Conduct a mini-competition processes under Lot 2 of the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Vehicle Purchase RM6244 Framework Agreement in respect of a call-off contract for the supply of 10 electric 3.5t Box Vans to meet the immediate business requirements (phase 1).


2. Award such call-off contracts to any preferred tenderer(s) as required.


3. Carry out a study of charging capacity, vehicle utilisation, demand and requirements and report back to a future Cabinet meeting with proposals and recommendations for the replacement of the rest of the GIS fleet as part of a phase 2 approach.



Schedule of Proposed Disposals (part exempt) pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Please note: this report contains both exempt and non-exempt



To discuss the exempt information detailed in the appendices to the published report, consideration must first be given to whether the public and press should be excluded from the meeting b passing the following resolution:-

In accordance with Regulation 4 (2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, consideration must be given to confirm whether members of the public and press should be excluded from the meeting for this item of business because it is likely that, if present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 A to the Act, and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.

Additional documents:


Cllr Lynden Stowe, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and

Change, sought Cabinet approval for the proposed Schedule of Disposals in order to meet capital receipts targets.


Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Approve that those sites described in Appendix A (Exempt) which have previously been declared surplus by Cabinet in September 2022 and not yet disposed of, continue to be declared surplus to requirements.


2. Approve the sites listed on the proposed Schedule of Disposals Appendix B (Exempt) surplus to the Council’s land and property requirements.


3. Delegate authority to the Assistant Director – Asset Management and Property Services to dispose of these sites in consultation with the Deputy Leader/Cabinet Member for Finance and Change and Deputy Chief Executive/Executive Director for Corporate Resources.


17.1    Cllr Lynden Stowe, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and

Change, sought Cabinet approval for the proposed Schedule of Disposals in order to meet capital receipts targets.


17.2    Prior to the discussion, members were advised that, should Cabinet wish to discuss the contents of the exempt information reported at Appendix A of the report, consideration would need to be given as to whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.


Cabinet agreed to consider this item without having to refer to the exempt information.



17.4    It was explained that Asset Management and Property Services were working towards a four year capital receipt target of £47 million covering the period April 2021 to March 2025. For 2021/22, AMPS achieved £6.539 million in capital receipts.


17.5    Capital receipts received and sales agreed to date for 2022/23 currently totalled £7.581 million.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




1. Approve that those sites described in Appendix A (Exempt) which have previously been declared surplus by Cabinet in September 2022 and not yet disposed of, continue to be declared surplus to requirements.


2. Approve the sites listed on the proposed Schedule of Disposals Appendix B (Exempt) surplus to the Council’s land and property requirements.


3. Delegate authority to the Assistant Director – Asset Management and Property Services to dispose of these sites in consultation with the Deputy Leader/Cabinet Member for Finance and Change and Deputy Chief Executive/Executive Director for Corporate Resources.