13 School Admission Arrangements for 2025/26 Academic Year PDF 489 KB
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Cllr Philip Robinson sought Cabinet approval to determine the School Admissions Arrangements for 2025 - 26, including:
The Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes for all schools and
The Admission Arrangements for Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools
The Protocol for pupil admittance over Published Admission Number (PAN) for Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools and Service Personnel.
Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and
That Cabinet approves the School Co-ordination and Admission Arrangements as set out in the documents referred to below:
Appendix 1 - The Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for 2025 for all Primary/Infant/Junior/Secondary Schools and Academies
Appendix 2 - The Admissions Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary/Infant/Junior Schools and Secondary School for 2025
Appendix 3 - Protocol for pupil admittance over published admission number for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2025
Appendix 4 - School Admissions guidance for children of UK service personnel and crown servants for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools
Appendix 5 Results of the Consultation
13.1 Cllr Philip Robinson sought Cabinet approval to determine the School Admissions Arrangements for 2025 - 26, including the Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes for all schools and Academies, the Admission Arrangements for Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools and the Protocol for pupil admittance over Published Admission Number (PAN) for Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools and Service Personnel.
13.2 School admissions were an important part of the Council’s work; there needed to be a transparent, consistent system that parents and carers could have confidence in. The Government regulates admissions through its statutory School Admissions Code 2021.
13.3 The Council had to determine the admission arrangements for entry to community and voluntary controlled schools in the following academic year, every year. The 2025 admission arrangements were almost unchanged from previous years.
13.4 The Council must also prepare a co-ordinated admissions scheme for all maintained schools and academies so that parents only need to apply once – this included applications for infant/ primary schools for the reception year, transfer from infant to junior school and secondary schools at Year 7. This did not apply for In Year applications.
13.5 The process was required to go out to full consultation every seven years and that had been done. The feedback had been positive with a recognition that this was a fair and transparent process.
Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and
That Cabinet approves the School Co-ordination and Admission Arrangements as set out in the documents referred to below:
Appendix 1 - The Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for 2025 for all Primary/Infant/Junior/Secondary Schools and Academies
Appendix 2 - The Admissions Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary/Infant/Junior Schools and Secondary School for 2025
Appendix 3 - Protocol for pupil admittance over published admission number for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2025
Appendix 4 - School Admissions guidance for children of UK service personnel and crown servants for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools
Appendix 5 Results of the Consultation