8 Ofsted Inspection of Gloucestershire Children’s Services and Improvement Plan PDF 124 KB
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Cllr Stephen Davies sought Cabinet approval for the Improvement Plan developed in response to the inspection of GCC Children’s Services (published 1st April 2022), prior to its submission to Ofsted.
Having considered all of the information, cabinet noted the report and
Cllr Stephen Davies sought Cabinet approval for the Improvement Plan developed in response to the inspection of GCC Children’s Services (published 1st April 2022), prior to its submission to Ofsted.
Gloucestershire’s Children’s Services were subject to inspection by Ofsted between 7th and 18th February 2022. Ofsted judged the overall effectiveness of services as ‘Requires improvement to be good’ with the judgements on key aspects of performance set out within the body of the report. All elements were judged as ‘Requires improvement to be good’ – acknowledging that considerable improvement had been achieved but that more was required to deliver consistently good services.
The next stage of the improvement journey would be to consolidate the progress to date as the basis for progressing from an overall position of ‘Requires Improvement’ to that of being consistently good. The Council was required to submit an improvement plan to Ofsted by 15th July, a copy of which was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.
The improvement plan would seek to address the 5 recommendations made by Ofsted, along with the wider range of issues necessary to deliver consistently good services for children and families. Progress against the plan would continue to be monitored by an Improvement Board, comprising of key partner and stakeholder representatives.
The Leader commented that significant progress had been made over the previous four years and the report demonstrated improvement but there was some way to go. He thanked the staff and senior leaders and the Cabinet Member for their dedication and commitment. He thanked former councillors Cllr Boyles and Cllr L Williams for their work at a difficult time.
Having considered all of the information, cabinet noted the report and