7 Local Welfare Provision 2022-2024 Contract Extension PDF 140 KB
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Cllr Tim Harman, on behalf of Cllr Stephen Davies, sought Cabinet approval to exercise an option to extend the term of the council’s existing Gloucestershire Welfare Support contract for a period of 2 years (2022/23 & 2023/24), following the expiry of its initial 3 year term.
Having considered all of the information. Cabinet noted the report and
Approve the exercise of a 2 year extension option (commencing 01/04/2022) under a contract with Auriga Services Ltd for the provision of Local Welfare Support services in respect of the Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme for eligible adults, families and young people that was awarded pursuant to a decision by Cabinet dated 18/07/2018.
Cllr Tim Harman, on behalf of Cllr Stephen Davies, sought Cabinet approval to exercise an option to extend the term of the council’s existing Gloucestershire Welfare Support contract for a period of 2 years (2022/23 & 2023/24), following the expiry of its initial 3 year term. He outlined the background within the report and the options that had been available. Option one to continue with the contract had been put forward.
Applications to the Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme could broadly be categorised into two:
· Crisis awards: awards which helped alleviate extreme pressure on the health/safety of an individual or family
· Care awards: awards that helped people moving back into the community to settle i.e. Care leavers, homeless individuals
Having considered all of the information. Cabinet noted the report and
Approve the exercise of a 2 year extension option (commencing 01/04/2022) under a contract with Auriga Services Ltd for the provision of Local Welfare Support services in respect of the Gloucestershire Welfare Support Scheme for eligible adults, families and young people that was awarded pursuant to a decision by Cabinet dated 18/07/2018.