Issue - meetings

M5 Junction 10 Improvement Scheme; Capital budget approval, recruitment resource allocation, delivery and construction

Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 M5 Junction 10 Improvement Scheme; Capital budget approval, recruitment resource allocation, delivery and construction pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To consider proposals, (including budget proposals), relating to the M5 Motorway (Junction 10) Improvement Scheme.

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Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, sought approval of proposals relating to delivery of the M5 Motorway (Junction 10) Improvement Scheme.


Having considered all of the information, including known proposals, alternative options and reasons for recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,




Delegate authority to the Lead Commissioner, Highway Authority, (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning), to:


  1. Authorise an increase of £220M to the Highways Capital Budget, pending approval from the Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF);


  1. Recruit a dedicated project management team to the GCC Major Projects Team;


  1. Conduct competitive procurement processes in respect all necessary contracts required by Gloucestershire County Council for the supply of construction contracts relating to each phase of the Scheme;


  1. Award such contracts to the successful tenderers.


Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, outlined the strategic importance of the M5 Motorway (Junction 10) Improvement Scheme to overcoming challenges to the county’s vision for economic growth. Particular emphasis was placed on the benefits to housing development and creating job opportunities.


Cllr Moor referred to the business case submission to Homes England, (via the Housing Infrastructure Fund), in March 2019, seeking funding for this, (plus several other important schemes), as investment in making extensive improvements to the county.


Cllr Moor explained that the M5 (Junction 10) improvement scheme would increase, accelerate and enhance housing delivery in the Joint Core Strategy area plus support the economic growth of Gloucestershire. The proposed scheme would provide greater capacity for securing planning permission for 8,000 houses at West Cheltenham, (in addition to supporting proposals relating to the recently successful Garden Village bid for Cheltenham), and assist in delivering the Cyber Central Project.


Pending approval of funding by the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF), Cllr Moor proposed an increase to the Highways Capital budget; the recruitment of a dedicated project management team; and the procurement of the necessary contract agreement.


Drawing attention to the Due Regard Statement for the decision, Cllr Moor informed members that cabinet approval would avoid the scheme being further impeded should funding from the HIF not be granted within the required timelines. A funding announcement was anticipated by the end of the year.


Leader of the Council, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, emphasised the importance of the scheme to Gloucestershire, describing the investment as ‘key to the growth plans of Gloucestershire’.  Referring to the recent announcement about the creation of a Western Gateway, the Leader confirmed that the council would continue to work with Homes England to unlock the economic prosperity of the county. Cabinet members spoke in support of the proposals, stating that the benefits of the investment extended much wider than the improvement to Junction 10 of the Motorway.


Having considered all of the information, including known proposals, alternative options and reasons for recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,




Delegate authority to the Lead Commissioner, Highway Authority, (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning), to:


  1. Authorise an increase of £220M to the Highways Capital Budget, pending approval from the Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF);


  1. Recruit a dedicated project management team to the GCC Major Projects Team;


  1. Conduct competitive procurement processes in respect all necessary contracts required by Gloucestershire County Council for the supply of construction contracts relating to each phase of the Scheme;


  1. Award such contracts to the successful tenderers.