Policy and Budget Framework - Medium Term Financial Strategy
The report before members included the budget report and recommendations, Medium Term Financial Strategy, budget consultation report, scrutiny budget report, and Equality Impact Assessment.
The Chief Executive explained the procedure for this item, which would be the same process as used for the Council Strategy, except that a recorded vote would be proposed by the Chairman, and seconded by the Vice-Chairman, at each stage of the debate.
The Chairman therefore proposed that under procedure rule 23.1 the following part of procedure rule 12.5 be suspended for the duration of the Council Strategy debate:
‘Only one amendment may be moved and discussed at any one time. No further amendment may be moved until the amendment under discussion has been dealt with.’
The Vice-Chairman seconded the motion and, on being put to the vote, the motion was supported.
Conservative Group
Cllr Stowe and Cllr Hawthorne presented the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 26 January 2022.
Cllr Stowe explained that the recommendation detailed in the report had since been updated because of changes in grant funding. Thanking members for their involvement in the budget scrutiny process, he stated his view that the budget proposals were the most positive for a generation based on the most positive statement from government for a generation. He stated that the budget formed the basis for investing in today, as well as investing in building back better for tomorrow.
Cllr Stowe explained that they would be asking taxpayers to pay an extra 1.99 percent, plus an extra 1 percent that was ringfenced for adult social care, but that this remained one of the lowest county council taxes in the Country.
Emphasising that the most vulnerable people in the County would always be the top priority, Cllr Stowe highlighted the extra £14million in this year’s budget for Children’s Services and £9million for Adults Social Care and for those living with disabilities. An extra £2million would be pumped into Community Safety to ensure that the County’s firefighters were equipped and trained to the highest standards; an extra £2.7 million would go towards highways maintenance; and £1million would go towards combatting climate change. Additionally, Highways Local had been firmly embedded within the budget.
Continuing to the capital programme, it was iterated that a further £100million would be invested into roads; £150million into new schools and refurbishments; and £20million into cycle routes. It was also noted that the general reserve position of just short of £22million was considered to be at the appropriate level.
Members were informed that the public had indicated its support for the proposed budget, as evidenced by the results of the public consultation.
Cllr Hawthorne, in seconding the proposed budget recommendations, endorsed the budget that would deliver for Gloucestershire and build back better over the coming 12 months.
Liberal Democrat Group
Proposal |
One off or ongoing? |
2022/23 Cost £000s |
Revenue or Capital
Funded from |
1 |
Reserve to fund shovel-ready 20mph schemes in 22/23 |
One off |
450 |
Capital |
£100k from cancelling council chamber upgrades + £350k from ... view the full minutes text for item 57 |
7 Policy and Budget Framework - Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Council Strategy PDF 222 KB
Additional documents:
The report before members included the budget recommendations, Medium Term Financial Strategy, budget consultation report, scrutiny budget report, Council Strategy and due regard statement.
The Chief Executive explained the procedure that would be followed at the meeting. First, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Leader of the Council, and Cllr Lynden Stowe, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, would be asked to present the recommendations from the Cabinet.
Second, in order to reach a position where a substantive motion could be debated, the other political groups would be invited to propose amendments to the budget but there would be no debate at that stage. This would be a departure from the normal procedure where only one amendment could be moved and discussed at any one time.
Once the amendments had been presented, the Chairman would call for an adjournment to provide an opportunity for the Group Leaders to reach a common position.
After the adjournment, the Leader of the Council would advise members of those areas where it had been possible to reach agreement. Any amendments which had not been accepted or withdrawn would then be presented by the groups, debated and voted upon.
Thereafter all members would have an opportunity to debate the budget in line with the normal rules of debate. At the end of the debate, the Leader of the Council would have the right of reply.
Finally, a recorded vote would be proposed by the Chairman, and seconded by the Vice Chairman, at each stage of the debate.
The Chairman therefore proposed that under procedure rune 23.1 the following part of procedure rule 12.5 be suspended for the duration of the budget debate:
‘Only one amendment may be moved and discussed at any one time. No further amendment may be moved until the amendment under discussion has been dealt with.’
The Vice-chairman seconded the motion and, on being put to the vote, the motion was supported.
Conservative Group
Cllr Mark Hawthorne, the Leader of the Council, and Cllr Lynden Stowe, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, presented the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 27 January 2021.
The Leader of the Council informed the meeting that in addition to the proposals agreed on 27 January 2021 the Conservative Group were also submitting three amendments: -
Proposal |
Repeating or one-off? |
2021/22 Cost £000s |
Funded from |
1 |
Highways |
Highways Local - £10k per Councillor |
one off |
£530 |
Rates Retention Reserve / additional Council Tax(CT) / National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) |
2 |
Economy |
£60k to support Nuclear South West Fusion bid at Berkeley/Oldbury |
one off |
£60 |
Rates Retention Reserve / additional CT / NNDR |
3 |
Economy |
£100k to develop Apprenticeship clearing house with GFirstLEP |
one off |
£100 |
Rates Retention Reserve / additional CT / NNDR |
The Leader of the Council discussed the impact of Covid-19, and stated that the time to remember those lost to Covid-19 was not yet, but that they would be remembered. What was needed now was to focus on the recovery. He paid tribute to all those ... view the full minutes text for item 7
Policy and Budget Framework - Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Council Strategy
The report before members included the budget recommendations, Medium Term Financial Strategy, budget consultation report, scrutiny budget report and due regard statement.
The Chief Executive explained the procedure that would be followed at the meeting. First, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Leader of the Council, and Cllr Lynden Stowe, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, would be asked to present the recommendations from the Cabinet.
Second, in order to reach a position where a substantive motion could be debated, the other political groups would be invited to propose amendments to the budget but there would be no debate at that stage. This would be a departure from the normal procedure where only one amendment could be moved and discussed at any one time. The Chairman therefore proposed that under procedure rule 23.1 the following part of procedure rule 12.5 be suspended for the duration of the budget debate:
‘Only one amendment may be moved and discussed at any one time. No further amendment may be moved until the amendment under discussion has been dealt with.’
The Vice-chairman seconded the motion and, on being put to the vote, the motion was supported.
Once the amendments had been presented, the Chairman would call for an adjournment to provide an opportunity for the Group Leaders to reach a common position.
After the adjournment, the Leader of the Council would advise members of those areas where it had been possible to reach agreement. Any amendments which had not been accepted or withdrawn would then be presented by the groups, debated and voted upon.
Thereafter all members would have an opportunity to debate the budget in line with the normal rules of debate. At the end of the debate, the Leader of the Council would have the right of reply.
Finally, a recorded vote would be proposed by the Chairman on the substantive motion, seconded by the Vice-chairman.
Conservative Group
Cllr Mark Hawthorne, the Leader of the Council, and Cllr Lynden Stowe, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, presented the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 29 January 2020.
Cllr Hawthorne explained that the budget delivered a 7.1% increase in investment in frontline services. He highlighted the additional investment in Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, climate change, Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, supporting homeless people, infrastructure and highways. He thanked Cllr Richard Boyles, Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years, and Chris Spencer, Director of Children’s Services, for leading the improvement work in Children’s Services. The budget provided an extra £12.9 million (14.7%) for the improvement plan.
He said that he was particularly pleased that Gloucestershire had been able to accommodate 300 Syrian refugees, more than any other county in the South West.
He noted that the Council was showing its commitment to climate change through investment in public transport, cycle routes, schools and electric charging points. He said that this was before the Council received any of the £5 billion recently announced by the Government for buses and cycling.
Cllr Stowe reminded members ... view the full minutes text for item 7
Policy and Budget Framework - Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Council Strategy
The report before members included the Budget recommendations, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Council Strategy, Budget consultation report, Scrutiny Budget report and Due Regard Statement.
The Chief Executive explained the procedure that would be followed at the meeting for setting the budget. First, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Leader of the Council, and Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, would be asked to present the budget recommendations from the Cabinet.
Second, in order to reach a position where a substantive motion could be debated, the other political groups would be invited to propose amendments to the budget but there would be no debate at that stage. This would be a departure from the normal procedure where only one amendment could be moved and discussed at any one time. The Chairman therefore proposed that under procedure rule 23.1 the following part of procedure rule 12.5 be suspended for the duration of the budget debate:
‘Only one amendment may be moved and discussed at any one time. No further amendment may be moved until the amendment under discussion has been dealt with.’
The Vice-chairman seconded the motion and, on being put to the vote, the motion was supported.
Once the amendments had been presented, the Chairman would call for an adjournment to provide an opportunity for the Group Leaders to reach a common position.
After the adjournment, the Leader of the Council would advise members of those areas where it had been possible to reach agreement. Any amendments which had not been accepted or withdrawn would then be presented by the groups, debated and voted upon.
Thereafter all members would have an opportunity to debate the Budget in line with the normal rules of debate. At the end of the debate, the Leader of the Council would have the right of reply.
Finally, a recorded vote would be proposed from the Chairman on the substantive motion, seconded by the Vice-chairman.
Conservative Group
Cllr Mark Hawthorne, the Leader of the Council, and Cllr Ray Theodoulou, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, presented the recommendation from the Cabinet meeting held on 30 January 2019.
Cllr Hawthorne advised that the Council continued to invest in services to support the most vulnerable people in local communities but at the same time was investing in ‘place leadership’ including Vision 2050. The Budget would result in more money for both Children’s Services and Adult Social Care. He thanked the leadership team and staff in Children’s Services for all work as part of the Council’s improvement journey. He said that a permanent Social Worker Academy was being created to help the Council to ‘grow its own staff’ so there was less resilience on agency social workers. Referring to people with complex needs, he stated that the Council could no longer rely on external providers and would be setting up its own dedicated ‘step-down’ facility within the next 12 months.
He noted that the Council was now in Year 2 of the £150 million investment programme in Gloucestershire’s roads. ... view the full minutes text for item 7
Policy and Budget Framework - Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Council Strategy
The report before members included the Budget recommendations, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Council Strategy, Budget consultation report, Scrutiny Budget report and Due Regard Statement.
The Chief Executive explained the procedure that would be followed at the meeting for setting the budget. First, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Leader of the Council, and Cllr Ray Theodoulou, Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, would be asked to present the budget recommendations from the Cabinet.
Second, in order to reach a position where a substantive motion could be debated, the other political groups would be invited to propose amendments to the budget but there would be no debate at that stage. This would be a departure from the normal procedure where only one amendment could be moved and discussed at any one time. The Chairman therefore proposed that under procedure rule 23.1 the following part of procedure rule 12.5 be suspended for the duration of the budget debate:
‘Only one amendment may be moved and discussed at any one time. No further amendment may be moved until the amendment under discussion has been dealt with.’
The Vice-chairman seconded the motion and, on being put to the vote, the motion was supported.
Once the amendments had been presented, the Chairman would call for an adjournment to provide an opportunity for the Group Leaders to reach a common position.
After the adjournment, the Leader of the Council would advise members of those areas where it had been possible to reach agreement. Any amendments which had not been accepted or withdrawn would then be presented by the groups, debated and voted upon.
Thereafter all members would have an opportunity to debate the budget in line with the normal rules of debate. At the end of the debate, the Leader of the Council would have the right of reply.
Finally, a recorded vote would be proposed from the Chairman on the substantive motion, seconded by the Vice-chairman.
Conservative Group
Cllr Mark Hawthorne, the Leader of the Council, and Cllr Ray Theodoulou, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change, presented the recommendation from the Cabinet meeting held on 31 January 2018.
Cllr Hawthorne recognised that the financial position was challenging with reductions in grant funding at the same time that demand for services was increasing. He said that the extra income from Business Rates and additional grant funding announced by the Government in the final settlement was helping to protect the Social Care budgets. He publicly thanked members and officers for the work they had undertaken to put the building blocks in place to improve Children’s Services. He believed that there had been great strides but he recognised that there was a way to go in terms of improving social work practice and ensuring that there was a consistent approach across the county. The Children’s budget was being increased by 28% to allow the improvement process to continue.
Referring to the Council’s commitment on roads, he stated that £150 million would be invested over five years to keep the county ... view the full minutes text for item 7