To note the responses to the draft consultation and proposed changes before making recommendations to Council on the publication of the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018-2032), for submission to the Secretary of State.
Please refer to the link below to view the detailed Minerals Local Plan Document:-
Additional documents:
Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure, presented the responses to the draft consultation and proposed changes to the detailed Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018-2032) for recommendation to Council and submission to the Secretary of State.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
RESOLVED to recommend that the Council:-
a) Note the consideration given to the consultation representations made to the draft Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) and the proposed changes to the plan. (Details of the representations made, the responses provided and proposed changes have been made available separately and can be review via the relevant County Council web pages accessed from: -
b) Approve the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) (attached at Appendix 1);
c) Authorise the Commissioning Director: Communities & Infrastructure in consultation with Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure to make minor amendments to the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) (attached at Appendix 1) and any accompanying documents prior to its publication in accordance with the requirements set out under regulations 19 of the Town and Country Planning (England) (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;
d) Authorise the Commissioning Director: Communities & Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure to publish for inspection the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) in accordance with the requirements set out under regulations 19 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (England) (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;
e) Authorise the Commissioning Director: Communities & Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure to receive any representations made to the published Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032), to make any minor corrections and clarifications as necessary, and decide whether to submit the plan to the Secretary of State for independent examination;
f) Authorise the Commissioning Director: Communities & Infrastructure in consultation with Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure to submit the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) and supporting information to the Secretary of State in accordance with the requirements set out under regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (England) (Local Planning) Regulations 2012;
g) Authorise the Commissioning Director: Communities & Infrastructure to make all necessary arrangements and preparations for the independent examination for the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) including: - the appointment of a Programme Officer; the undertaking and / or commissioning of other work as necessary to prepare for and participate at the public examination; and the appointment of officers and other commissioned experts to prepare and submit evidence to the independent examination and where necessary, appear at any hearing sessions to represent the County Council; and
h) Authorise the Commissioning Director: Communities & Infrastructure in consultation with Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure to make any changes to the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire 2018 – 2032 and supporting information as guided ... view the full decision text for item 6
Cllr Nigel Moor, Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure, presented the responses to the draft public consultation and details of changes to the detailed Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018-2032) for recommendation to Council and submission to the Secretary of State.
As the Minerals Planning Authority for Gloucestershire, the County Council has a statutory duty to prepare a minerals local development plan for the county. When adopted, the plan provides the policy framework for making decisions on planning applications for mineral development, including extraction, on-site infrastructure and processing plant. The current minerals local plan was last adopted in 2003.
Cllr Moor explained how vital it was to have an up to date plan. He advised that a draft plan had undergone public consultation in 2016, for which there had been several subsequent revisions, including the removal of a local policy on oil and gas extraction. The proposed plan identified 7 possible sites for aggregate work in the Forest of Dean and Cotswold Districts.
Referencing the work of the cross party cabinet panel established in 2017, Cllr Moor confirmed that, with no active licensed areas proposed for Gloucestershire, there was no requirement to provide a local policy framework to cover proposals for oil and gas exploration in Gloucestershire at this time.
Should this position change and the need arise to consider the impact of onshore licensing arrangements in the future, the matter would be addressed by a partial review of the Minerals Local Plan to cover proposals for oil and gas development. Cllr Moor said that, although this was not expected, the council would be ready, should the situation arise.
Cllr Moor commended the work of officers and in responding to issues when they arose. Cllr Moor proposed that the draft minerals local plan be considered for approval by full council, (at the February council meeting), and submitted to the Secretary of State later in the year. Following examination by an Independent Inspector, it was anticipated the plan would be adopted in 2019.
The estimated costs of the examination, (£150k), would be covered by the Minerals and Local Waste Plan Reserve, for which an amount had been set aside for this purpose.
Having considered all of the information, including known proposals and the reasons for the recommendations, Cabinet noted the report and,
RESOLVED to recommend that the Council:-
a) Note the consideration given to the consultation representations made to the draft Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) and the proposed changes to the plan. (Details of the representations made, the responses provided and proposed changes have been made available separately and can be review via the relevant County Council web pages accessed from: -
b) Approve the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) (attached at Appendix 1);
c) Authorise the Commissioning Director: Communities & Infrastructure in consultation with Cabinet Member for Fire, Planning and Infrastructure to make minor amendments to the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018 – 2032) (attached at Appendix 1) and any accompanying ... view the full minutes text for item 6