Decision details

Transport Business Case development 2023/24: M5 Junction 9/A46 (Ashchurch) transport scheme & Mass rapid Transit transport scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To obtain approval for the delegation of authority to the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure under the existing Professional Services Contract to continue work towards delivering the M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme.


To obtain approval to spend, at risk, on delivering the Outline Business Case (OBC) for M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme.


To obtain approval for the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure under the existing Professional Services Contract, to continue work towards delivering the Mass Rapid Transit Strategic Outline Case (SOC), for which we already have funding.




Cllr David Gray, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning, sought Cabinet approval for the delegation of authority to the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure under the existing Professional Services Contract to continue work towards delivering the M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme.

In addition approval was sought to spend, at risk, on delivering the Outline Business Case (OBC) for M5 Junction 9 and A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme and approval for the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Infrastructure under the existing Professional Services Contract, to continue work towards delivering the Mass Rapid Transit Strategic Outline Case (SOC), for which we already have funding.



Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and




Delegate  authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet member for Environment and Planning to procure:


1. the continuation of development work (OBC delivery) on the M5 junction 9/A46 (Ashchurch) transport scheme under our Professional Services contract, to undertake a non-statutory public consultation concerning options for transport scheme development, and to submit the SOC and OBC to the Department for Transport once complete.


2. professional services, under the Professional Services Contract, to continue work towards delivering the Mass Rapid Transit Strategic Outline Case (SOC), for which we already have funding, acquired from successful application to Strategic Economic Development Fund (SEDF).

Report author: Cabinet Member - Environment, Economy and Planning

Publication date: 29/03/2023

Date of decision: 29/03/2023

Decided at meeting: 29/03/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 06/04/2023

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