Decision details

Insurance Contracts Procurement

Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member - Transformation and Change

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Council’s main insurance contracts expire on the 23rd June 2023. Authority is sought to re-tender the contracts for 5 years (3 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years)


In coming to this decision I have given due and full regard to the requirements of the public sector equality duty contained in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (“the Act”) by reference to the law itself.


Having fully considered all the available information, I have decided to reject the alternative options and take the recommended decision to:


Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change to:


1.    Conduct a competitive procurement process under Crown Commercial Services (RM6138 Insurance Services 3 DPS) in respect of an insurance contract or (as appropriate) contracts divided into the following 11 lots for the purpose of replacing the council’s existing contracts of insurance:

a)    Property Insurance

b)    Liability Insurance

c)    Motor Insurance

d)    Engineering Inspection/Insurance

e)    Computer Insurance

f)     Marine Insurance

g)    School Legal Expenses

h)    School Travel Insurance

i)     Fidelity Guarantee Insurance

j)     Travel & Personal Accident Insurance

k)    Terrorism Insurance

Such lots may be awarded to the same tenderer under a single contract or awarded to a number of separate tenderers under not more than eleven separate contracts, whose term(s) shall continue for an initial period of 3 years and include an option to extend such term(s) for a further period of not more than 2 years.


2.    Award such contract(s) to the preferred tenderer(s) and


3.    Determine whether to exercise the option to extend the term of such contract(s) for a further period of not more than 2 years on the expiry of the initial 3 year term


For the reasons set out in the report.


Publication date: 23/03/2023

Date of decision: 23/03/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023

Accompanying Documents: