Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval to conduct a competitive
procurement process for a new multi-provider agreement for the
supply of residential and nursing care services for individuals
with an assessed health or social care need including older people
and people with a disability, autism, a mental health condition
and/or complex physical health conditions.
Cllr Carole Allaway Martin sought Cabinet approval to conduct a competitive procurement process for a new multi-provider agreement for the supply of residential and nursing care services for individuals with an assessed health or social care need including older people and people with a disability, autism, a mental health condition and/or complex physical health conditions.
Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and
Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Adult Social
Care, Wellbeing and Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet
Member for Adult Social Care Commissioning, to:
Conduct an appropriate form of competitive procurement process (to
be determined by the said Executive Director) under which the
council shall procure the following residential and nursing care
services for individuals with an assessed health or social care
need including older people and people with a disability, autism, a
mental health condition and/or complex physical health
a) older people residential care
b) older people residential care (complex and dementia)
c) older people nursing / Continuing Health Care (CHC)
d) learning disabilities
e) physical disabilities and sensory impairments
f) mental health and autism
g) forensic services
h) short-term placements / respite (all client groups)
The proposed contracting arrangements in respect of such services
shall continue for a period of up to 8 years (the start date and
duration of such period to be determined by the said Executive
Director); and
2. To award, subject to the financial restrictions set out in the Resourcing Implications section of this report below, as many contracts as may be required by the council for the provision of such residential and nursing care services and to exercise any extension options thereunder provided that the aggregate term of such contracting arrangements does not exceed 8 years.
Report author: Cabinet Member - Adult Social Care Commissioning
Publication date: 24/07/2024
Date of decision: 24/07/2024
Decided at meeting: 24/07/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 01/08/2024
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