Date of meeting: | 27 May 2005 |
Document type: | Minutes |
Committee: | Safety and Licensing Panel |
Attendees: | Gary Phipps P Albert Cook P Mike Skinner P Brian Large P Robert Vines P Anthony Lynch P* |
Title: | Minutes |
Abstract (plain text version of the report)
MINUTES of a meeting of the Regulatory Board, Safety and Licensing
Panel, held on Thursday 27th May 2004, at Shire Hall,
Sybil Bruce A Gary Phipps P
Albert Cook P Mike Skinner P
Brian Large P Robert Vines P
Anthony Lynch P*
P= Present, A = Apologies\Absence, S = Substitute, * =
Also present were Mr Gareth Bolam, Applicant, Mr Martyn Simes,
Health and Safety Executive, Mr Brian Heaney, Head of Risk and
Planning – Fire and Rescue Service and Mrs Bridgette Boucher,
Mrs Dawn Evans and Mrs Linda Love, Legal and Democratic
1. CHAIRPERSON – Councillor Lynch was appointed as
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 1st July 2003 be approved
as a correct record.
3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Apologies for absence were
received from Cllr Bruce.
4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS – No public questions were
5. MEMBERS QUESTIONS – No members questions were
The Chairperson explained the procedure for the meeting. The Panel
received the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services
and a paper explaining the remit of the Panel (copy attached to
signed copy of the minutes). The Chairperson confirmed that the
Panel had a site visit prior to the meeting.
It was confirmed that the maximum amount of explosives of hazard
type 4 which would be allowed under the licence to be stored would
be 12000kg.
Mr Bolam explained that MSA Fireworks was a wholesaler of category
3 fireworks. The company supplied to a limited customer base. The
fireworks were packaged and imported directly from a sole
manufacturer in China. All products complied with BS.7114:PART
2:1998. The HSE had undertaken a site visit. The company were
proposing to widen the entrance to the site, build a suitable road
to the storage area and build suitable bases to hold three storage
containers. The facility would conform to HSE recommendations. An
existing pond would provide access to water in cases of emergency.
Specialist hauliers would be responsible for transfer of the
product to the site. The product would immediately be transferred
to the storage containers. There would be no access to the site
after 5pm.
Members raised a number of questions concerning fire
It was explained that the fireworks would burn themselves out
within the containers. Based on UN classification of explosives, if
the fireworks were set off they would project 54 metres. The
nearest farmhouse was 95 metres away.
It was explained by the applicant that use of the site would be
over a three week period but it was noted that if the licence was
approved it would be a continual licence with permitted unlimited
use of the site.
The HSE would be responsible for enforcing the conditions of the
The Police had been consulted on security at the site and were
content for the licence to be granted provided certain conditions
that they had recommended were met.
An agent was employed in China to ensure the safe packing and
quality of the fireworks.
The HSE stated that although unpacking of the lorry would take
place in the yard and not on the proposed licence site, as long as
the transfer to the licence site was immediate the yard would not
form part of the licence site.
The applicant was still awaiting a work methods statement from a
consultant. The panel was concerned that they would not see a copy
of the statement prior to considering assent. The HSE would ensure
the statement was adhered to once the operations were in
The Panel was informed that the entrance gate to the site would be
The Panel felt that appropriate storage should be provided for
identified damaged stock.
Cllr Phipps stated that although he knew the owner of the land on
which the site was located this would not affect his consideration
of the decision.
Messrs Bolam, Simes and Heaney left the meeting whilst the Panel
considered their decision.
It was confirmed that the Panel could either assent, assent with
conditions or dissent. The HSE would make the final decision on
granting the licence and would decide whether to attach any of the
conditions that were recommended by the Panel.
The Panel was still concerned about the storage of damaged stock
and the lack of a works method statement.
Messrs Bolam, Simes and Heaney rejoined the meeting to answer
further questions.
It was explained by Mr Simes and confirmed by Bridgette Boucher
that it would not be possible to have a condition that the Panel
consider the work method statement prior to giving assent. Mr Bolam
was prepared to supply a copy of the statement to the Fire and
Rescue Service and HSE for information as soon as it was
The Panel was reminded that is was their responsibility only to
inform the HSE of any local issues that could affect the
Messrs Bolam, Simes and Heaney left the meeting whilst the Panel
again considered their decision.
The Panel felt minded to assent with the condition that a 2 metre
separation gap between each container be made and that an
additional appropriate storage container be provided to store
damaged stock. The Panel would also request that a copy of the
statement to the Fire and Rescue Service and HSE for information as
soon as it was available.
All parties returned to the meeting and were informed of the
THAT assent be given to an application for the establishment of an
explosives magazine at Bury Court Farm, Redmarley, Gloucestershire
with 2 conditions – A 2 metre gap between containers and the
provision of a separate container for damaged fireworks. (wording
to be prepared and agreed by the Panel and attached to the signed
copy of the minutes).
Meeting ended 4pm